02 August, 2024

Weird, wild stuff...

Louisiana Mayor Charged with R*ping Child Just One Week After Abruptly Resigning
August 2, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Secures Democrat Nomination After Stealing Joe Biden’s Delegates"]

And the left's universal response is that more things should be this simple and easy, at least everything government does.  Near as I can tell, she is sitting in Biden's lap now so she's as close to being official POTUS as he is.  That is to say, they both answer to Obama, but you get my point.  That's how we know the elections are already stolen, they're just a minor formality at this point.

They were even seen in public together today, where Biden gave the game away.  “You’re stuck with me as president for awhile, kid.  There’s no way out.  You got me for at least 90 days or so.”  That's the end of October, so they're not even going to need him for the election theft.

This event was at the return of some hostages, which I have not remotely covered so I have nothing to say about it, and Harris decided to speak without a teleprompter too.  “This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.”  This tells us that the people in charge intend to keep everything going exactly the way it has been, that's what Biden and Harris are installed for.

San Francisco Mayor Orders City Staffers to Offer Homeless Bus Tickets Out of Town
August 2, 2024

□ [“British PM Keir Starmer’s Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens"]

He's not going to do anything to stop the murderers, just people who complain about the murderers.  Governments around the world have decided to ignore the foreign invaders and go after their own native citizens.  This is why he was installed, just another country destroyed from the top down.

It's understandable why they need to ban guns from their citizens.  For that matter, the whole attack may have been faked, just another excuse for the government to seize more power.  And they get to test their facial recognition software to identify the protestors.

And this is going on all across Europe.  Probably tested in China and North Korea, maybe even Iran.  Hell, maybe it's been in place everywhere that has working internet.  Although the worldwide left totally loves this plan, it probably came from China.  The fact that they're installing these puppets shows that they're nearly ready to take complete control.

“Phantom Voters” Registered In Key Swing States Could Cost Trump The 2024 Election
August 2, 2024

□ [“Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe Joins Harris Campaign As Senior Adviser"]

They just keep these high-ranking unelected elites around.  That's unfortunately natural for rulers, but they need to carry out the plan.  It's not just about raking in money and having their kids follow them up in the new aristocracy.  This is the 'new world order' they all serve and destroying the very concept of nations is a requirement for that goal.

□ [“Black Activist Who Said ‘F— the White Women’ Works to ‘Build a Coalition’ for Kamala Harris"]

And they're calling in everybody who has nothing better to do with their lives.  On the one hand, they're all very well-off (or totally rich) and can never think of anything which doesn't serve the revolution.  On the other hand, that's their inherent weakness, that they believe they can handle everything by ignoring the very existence of most things.  It's quite possible these are the unelected government workers/deep state that made it possible to install Biden.

Democrats have faced this before.  The field slaves had been able to run away because they were men, they knew the territory could work for survival.  Those who got to live in the house had no clue where food came from or how it was produced.  These people are the modern versions of that with up-to-date technology.  It's why we need to go on strike so they realize how few of them there are and how little they know about anything but their own elite status.

Second Boxer with Male DNA Brutally Beats a Woman at the Paris Olympics and Wins Bout
August 2, 2024

□ [“Biden Regime Officially Recognizes Gonzalez Victor as Legitimate Winner of Venezuela Election"]

Can anybody think of a better way to make Victor look untrustworthy?  We're at the point where we have to assume everything we hear is a hoax or a lie, especially if our rulers are promoting it.  The point could be to install another puppet, even in ways established by Maduro and Chavez.  It's supposed to look unbelievable because no one's supposed to consider that possibility.

Meanwhile Maduro is announcing that he'll establish detention centers for "re-education" of anyone he doesn't like.  Democrat candidates have said the same thing just a few months ago.  Things like this just come off as 'brother fighting brother' knowing that they'll always unite against anyone outside the family.  And if that wasn't enough, Russia and Cuba have said they side with Maduro and have mercenaries on the ground.

This is why the Monroe Doctrine needed to be thrown away by our masters.  For them, Maduro is probably the least important part of the plan, they'll just keep him around until they have a replacement, assuming they don't already.  They may be the "heavy" once again and Victor might work for them, who knows?

Yes, I know this sounds paranoid and there's no evidence, but it's the sort of thing our rulers have imposed on us.  We don't know what's real and there's no organized resistance movement to determine reality, so all we can work with is what we have right here right now.  That's what civilization was designed to get beyond, and our masters oppose that.

Black Youths Who Brutally Killed Vegas Teen Receive Sweetheart Plea Deal
August 2, 2024

□ [“CNN Shutting Down Entire ‘Opinion’ Section of Their Website"]

Because there's no difference between this and the rest of the news they report or because their reporting has lost enough of the audience that they're out of money?  They say it's about cost-cutting but it just seems to be a natural result of requiring the corporate logo and approval of what is *supposed* to be an individual's thoughts.  That's only going to go one way and it won't interest readers or any kind of audience.

They have corporate funding to promote propaganda, that's basically the only advantage they have anywhere, and it doesn't work if no one wants the propaganda.  They'll avoid it whenever they can.  Yet no one in charge is willing to change that, so the internal damage just gets worse.  On the rare occasions they do allow someone to speak as (supposedly) individuals, they're leftist.  What a coincidence!

I don't get why they ever started this page in the first place, other than pretending they were open-minded.  But if that's the case, what's so expensive about maintaining it?  How much does it actually cost to maintain that pretense?  That's why it looks more like they just want to eliminate dissenting views, which is what CNN is all about.  And the rest of the media looks up to them as an idol.

Oil Giant Chevron Leaves CA After 145 Years, TX Gov. Abbott Invites Them to 'Drill Baby Drill'
August 2, 2024

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