15 August, 2024

If I could get a moment of your time here... I've run out of toilet paper.

11-Year-Old Venezuela Migrant Arrested in NYC for Robbery
August 15, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Approves New Plan for Trump’s Outdoor Rallies – Surrounding Trump with Bulletproof Glass"]

This just sounds like a set-up.  Their last attempt didn't work so they need to try again and this time, keep him trapped in one place until the mysterious assassin succeeds for a change.  If nothing else, they can blame it on global warming.

This comes how just as the SS reveals how low their standards are and how uninterested they are in the work they're being paid for.  In a recent rally in North Carolina, a SS member vanished from her job, moments before Trump arrived.  No one knew where she went or why.  Turns out she went off to breastfeed her baby.  Whom she had brought to work.  She did not ask permission to leave or even inform her supervisors.

There is clearly a strain of SS who want Trump dead.  They need to get around the strain that doesn't.  Then there are those DEI hires.  They may not actively want Trump dead, but that's much more likely to happen if these incompetents are assigned to Trump's detail instead of someone else's.  So whoever makes that decision is clearly on the 'kill Trump' side.  They made sure to give the shooter a clear shot and nobody's being punished for that.

There is definitely internal conflict going on at these highest levels.  I'd really have to think that the Secret Service has planned and prepared for such things happening, but that doesn't really give us any clue what they're doing or who's winning.  This is definitely part of the WWIII going on.

Five People, Including a Personal Assistant and Two Doctors, Arrested in Connection With Matthew Perry's Overdose Death
August 15, 2024

Alarming Surge in Violence Against Border Patrol Agents in El Paso
August 14, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris to Give Speech Blaming Grocery Stores and Corporations for High Food Prices"]

To the extent there's any real content, it's standard leftism going back at least as far as the Soviet Union.  It's the company's fault for obeying the laws so the government needs more laws to control them.  They never consider that the companies already struggle to stay in business and will just quit if the rulers impose more power.

Of course the rulers are all invested in megacorporations who get special perks, so they never even notice.  But everybody else does.  This will increase poverty and, in the case of grocery stores, starvation.  But again, the people in charge will have nothing to do with that.  It's always other people's fault.

I always think of Marx' analogy of his ideal socialism being where a man can wake up one day and decide to be a carpenter and do that, then wake up the next day and decide to be a brain surgeon and do that, and then the next day will be an airplane pilot, if he feels like going to work that day.  Marx and his successors always ignore what actual work entails, which is why they always avoid doing any.  It's the serfs who have to work every day for their daily allowance of gruel.

Ability and skill requires a long time to develop and even more to put to professional use.  You can't do that if you're spending all day whining about people richer than you.  At least people with ability know how much time they had to spend on it and recognize what they couldn't spend time on because of that.  It's why they tend to respect other people with talent, which is where free trade comes in to play.  Our rulers are about to send every company run by men with ability out of business and we'll be left only with those run by leftists.

14-Year-Old Alabama High School Football Player Collapses and Dies During Practice
August 14, 2024

□ [“Kamala and Joe Hold Rally in Corner of Prince George’s County Community College Gym"]

I guess she had to bring in Biden for help bringing in a few of the twenty zillion people who voted for him four years ago.  Makes you wonder how many in the vicinity were thrilled at the possibility of catching a glimpse of *the* Joe Biden!!!  But then they realized they'd have to put up with Harris too, so they stayed home.

But they have to pretend they get along when Harris isn't on her knees.  By that I mean looking up at the great man in charge of this administration.  For the left, the visual appearance is all that matters.  They're not allowed to ask Harris any questions, they just have to be quiet and listen to whatever comes out of her mouth.  And Biden's there too.

□ [“Biden Instructs Audience to 'Beat the Hell' Out of Republicans"]

'They have a knife, we have an F-35.'  I haven't paid much attention, but there's something going on in the background between their camps.  Whoever's in charge of Harris is trying to avoid blame for the economy, despite the years of video clips of Harris saying she's thrilled by the suffering this economy is causing.  They want to use her to impose full communism, with them staying rich, so they need all the tyranny they can get.  Therefore, Harris was never part of Biden's economy and wants to fix it.

Meanwhile, to the extent he remembers any of this, Biden is probably still pissed off and everything being stolen from him.  Harris has always claimed she was a major part of his economy.  He might be planning some sort of revenge, probably at the convention next week, but it's almost guaranteed to fail.

I really try to avoid any sympathetic viewpoint for Biden but he does serve as an example of 'what the government gives you, it can take away.'  He's not capable of realizing that, but the rest of us could see it for what it is.  Biden's just not the sort of man who can accept his, what do you call it, impotence.

Mysterious Black Ring Spotted in Sky Over Southeastern Virginia
August 15, 2024

□ [“Chicago Police Expect 100,000 Pro-Palestinian Protesters at DNC"]

They already hit a Harris/Walz event on Wednesday - not sure either of those two were actually there - and are not really looking like a threat, but they could be.  Trump's Secret Service agents would probably ignore this, but Democrats want actual protection from any potential threats.

To a large extent, it looks like a parasite within another parasite, although you can make the argument either way on which one is sucking off of the other.  The depressing part is that they're all going to vote Democrat anyway.  Maybe most of them will be too stupid or lazy to actually vote, but that's what election theft is for.  So it's just showing off that the US must be destroyed and Israel too.

The people in charge do need to figure out how to contradict themselves and ignore their own laws.  Illinois has recently removed the need for 'cash bailouts' for most crimes, so these protestors won't be detainable.  They need a reason to detain them anyway.  Then there's the question of what the rest of Chicago is going to think about all this being imposed on them.  It's even possible other cities will have similar protests, burning things down for the 'team.'  Next week will probably be a disaster for everybody but Harris.

Ilhan Omar Goes on Unhinged Victory Rant – Claims Her Primary Opponent Is Allied with “Literal Nazis”
August 14, 2024

Palm Beach Mayor Threatens to Shut Down Mar-a-Lago Estate
August 15, 2024

□ [“Anti-Trump Pollster Tells CNN Trump is Winning Over Union Workers Like No Republican in Decades"]

The boss won't like that, he'll fire these lower-class workers for disobedience.  They're supposed to obey orders and pay the boss his salary.  That's why he gets to speak for them, so they don't have to.  Just go to work, peasants.

I can't think of any real precedent for what's going on these days.  Back when unions were a big deal, a job was something you started when you were young and kept doing for the rest of your life.  That's why even early union supporters opposed them in government or teachers.  It's the leftist virus that spread them around further, and that all lies on shoulders of the working class.

Will this mean anything?  Not just for the stolen elections, but in the long run, if there's any actual resistance to our rulers.  CNN must certainly be worried about it, if they publicly admitted this as a danger to the masters.  The union leaders (might) be having the same problems, they're tied to the workers too and there's a lot more of them.

“Like, I Have White Guy Tacos” – Walz and Harris Release Racist, Cringey Youtube Video
August 15, 2024

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