22 August, 2024

If you can read this, give me a cookie.

□ [“TikTok Influencers Pressure Kamala Harris To Support Hamas"]

This article is about how, as soon as Biden quit, these people rushed to get Harris to support Israel's destruction.  More than she already had.  For all that she and Biden had supported Hamas, they still supported Israel's right to exist.  No idea if they really meant that or it was just a way to get Jewish donations, but it wasn't enough.

From there the conflict grows.  The non-white female DEI promoter needs the votes of Hamas supporters and, even to leftists, the contradiction becomes obvious.  If it didn't, the pro-philistine movement would just get louder.  Harris is supporting Israel's existence simply by not bending more to Hamas and its supporters more than she already has.

They're very angry about this, attacking other Harris supporters who just want a non-male, non-white DEI appointee to push gay rights and abortion.  They really don't like blacks who don't comply with everything, but blacks respond that they'd complied with everything and it's never enough.  If these pro-Muslim supporters really want this non-white drunken lesbian elected, they need to give a little.  Otherwise they're just hurting her chances.

Well slap my face and call me "Curly," when was the last time you heard leftists of any skin-color taking that position about anything?  They probably hate Israel as much Hamas does, but unlike the pro-philistinians, they have other problems in their lives that government needs to fix right now and whining about Israel doesn't do anything to help.

It's working against their own interests to attack Harris and fellow Democrats, but that's all they know how to do.  That's what Hamas is there for.  It's why Hamas wins elections in Palestine, or they would if any elections are permitted.  Fatah can't allow any elections because Hamas would win and everybody knows it.  Hamas could at least permit elections in Gaza but they won't, and nobody cares.

Before Hamas was in charge, that's also how Yasser Arafat worked.  He had been running things since the 1960s and that was barely twenty years since Israel was established, which the philistines unanimously opposed.  All these decades of support and what has it gotten them?  Nothing!

And that's why they're still doing it.  That's why they've gotten the left on board as much as possible, except that the leftist elites know they'll lose everything if they really go through with it.  That's what the so-called land of 'Palestine' has always been about and that's why they have never been and can never be a nation.

And that's why they hate the Jews.  This is where they came from but have always been distinct from the other people there.  The Jews are capable of doing something useful, as individuals or as a group.  Palestinians can't even go to other Muslim countries that support them, because they've done this before and needed to be permanently banned.  They sure as hell can't run their own nation.

We'll never know the truth, and I know very little about any of the theories, but I've been wondering how close this region was to other relevant Biblical locations, such as Sodom and Gomorrah.  We already know they were right next to Egypt which did not have the most moral of leaders.  I could even speculate on far-away Babel and Persia, but the point is that these were the sort of societies that existed when God created Adam and Eve to get a lesson started through the generations.

I think leftism has more in common with an injury or disease inflicted on people who turn away from God, so the similarity to the philistines may only be coincidental, but they are the example which the left always turns back to until they are defeated again.  And even some Harris supporters may be realizing that.

Bill Clinton Lies to DNC Crowd That Joe Biden ‘Voluntarily’ Gave Up Power
August 21, 2024

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona’s Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote
August 22, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Agents Placed on Leave After Trump Assassination Attempt"]

It's been clear for quite a while that Trump was supposed to be assassinated and inside sources were involved.  We can see that with the way Democrats desperately want to ignore it and this is the closest there's been to any actual punishment for any federal employees who helped it to happen.  Now there is a convincing argument to be made that Trump was involved in the conspiracy in some way, but I'm not going into that right now, at least not directly.

There's just obvious questions like 'why did the people trying to prevent assassination leave such a clear shot for a shooter who nobody bothered to notice the whole time?'  This was intentional, but we don't know the who or why, so I might as well toss in a conspiracy theory I just invented.

There's been 60 years of theories about the JFK assassination being set-up, although they seem to have dwindled along with people who were alive at the time.  Safe to assume that every President goes to look that up as soon as they take office, and probably anybody else who would have access.  So whether Trump was involved in the decision-making or not, could this assassination attempt be set-up the same way, with clues that the people who handled this would recognize?  That would include people who were involved (or their descendants) in the JFK assassination.  Federal documents were supposed to be released over the last year or so, but Joe Biden denied that.  Wonder why?

Furthermore, I wonder if this what's involved with the Mar-a-Lago raid.  Once again, people who would hide JFK assassination info could see clues that others would miss. Those could be the files he'd removed the classification status so they can't arrest him, which means they can't punish him, but they also want it to stay hidden.  And the agents involved in the raid itself would know what they'd seen.

So this could be a set-up Trump arranged for the government oppressors, dating back to something they wanted to keep secret.  It's why they can't do anything but they need to convince everyone that they can, up to and including assassination.  They've done it before.

This may also have some relevance to RFK Jr. getting some publicity, but I really had no interest in him, so I can't speculate on that.

Democrat Delegate Robbed at Gunpoint in Downtown Chicago
August 22, 2024

Cochise County Police Arrest Man Who Threatened Trump Assassination Today On His Arizona Visit
August 22, 2024

□ [“California Democrats Push Bill For Illegal Aliens to Buy Homes with Zero Down Payment and 0% Interest"]

They're trying to bribe the invaders.  There's wanting to be rescued from your oppressor, there's not carrying what happens, 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss,' then there's declaring the invaders are the new elites.  Why don't they give Californians this sort of deal?

The invaders aren't going to be able to keep up payments on the house, so what's the next step?  Make the houses free, but only to those who had never been in America until two weeks ago?  Or will they put taxpayers on the hook for this?  Or both, I guess that would work.  And they'll expect the federal government to step and pay for this.  And push it on every other state because it works so well here.

I don't pretend to understand real estate, but why would any bank go along with this?  This just seems like a good way to get them to move out of California.  Guess what, that means the state doesn't get their money either.  Neither does anybody stupid enough to stay in California.  Best of all, the invaders will see nothing in California to treasure.  They can burn it all down and move on.

Migrant Who Beat 2 NYPD Officers at a Manhattan Shelter Arrested Again, Already Free Without Bail
August 22, 2024

□ [“Pelosi Accuses Harris of ‘Taking Advantage’ of Biden’s Troubles"]

Nancy's having some problems.  Don't know if there's internal party conflict or if she's just an old woman who feels bad.  She says "many of us" wanted an open election.  She doesn't name anybody else, but that's the way leftist elites are.  You don't need to know who they talk to and make decisions with.

But that young tramp "took advantage" of a weak old man.  "But anybody else could have gotten in."  Is she trying to convince herself or someone else?  Probably the former, but with her decades of experience among the wealthy and powerful, I do assume she's at least trying to go after others too.

Going through what I've written over the last few months, I've noticed how many public Biden defenders up through early July were people we know from the Clintons.  And they were the ones who really didn't want Biden gone, but it's not clear if that was because they know him as well as Nancy or just because Harris obviously won't do as well.  It looks like they were the ones who needed the most convincing.

Otherwise, what is Nancy trying to say?  That she was outsmarted by Kamala Harris?  The Vice President made a move nobody could see coming?  Harris is the only one who came across as less relevant to this administration than Joe Biden, you'd think Nancy would have known that.  Or maybe she's just drunk and babbling like a senile old woman.

Trump Announces Reinstatement of Discharged Military Members Over Unconstitutional Covid Mandate
August 22, 2024

The recent Disney Space Lesbian Witches failure is getting worse.  They're no longer even offering toys to sell, because they weren't selling anyway.  There's rumors that Hollywood in general is finally seeing the problems of being *woke* and although Disney is last in line, they might be doing it too.

Kathleen Kennedy must be desperate.  She insists she wants to leave after a hit, meaning it will be years before she can leave.  Everybody wants to know what blackmail she has on those in charge of Disney because all these years of failure should have ended years ago with her leaving.  Now even Disney head Bob Iger is saying he wants to get out.  Isn't he going to fix things first?

The actresses are also desperate.  They're out of work and has this on their resume, a show so failed that it's going be remembered like the Willow tv show, erased from public record so the company can at least get a tax break.  And all these actresses can do is attack the fans, what incentive is there for anybody to give them a job in the future?  Well, maybe Harvey Weinstein, but you get my point.

8 billion people didn't watch this show and they're all bigots?  Well that's the "power of many."  None of these people even acknowledge that $180 million minimum was wasted on this.  It's fascinating to see such giant franchises be destroyed.

Jeff Bezos Opposes Global Warming, Buys 4th Private Jet for $80 Million
August 22, 2024

Why do we never hear about the girl who cried "wolf"?  Because she's too hot and bothered by it?20240822

CNN Host:  ‘Democrats Have Controlled White House for 12 of Last 16 Years But Everything is Trump’s Fault?’
August 22, 2024

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