29 August, 2024

It looks like I took the wrong blog link at Albuquerque

Mr. Kamala Harris Tries to Start “USA” Chant – Audience Stops As Soon as He Does
August 29, 2024

□ [“Harris Camp Fumes After ABC Rejects Kamala’s Last-Minute Changes to Presidential Debate Rules"]

I assume they're just looking for an excuse to drop out entirely.  She's gotten this far staying behind closed doors except in very structured controlled environments.  CNN just released a clip of their upcoming interview with her and her guardian, the interview is 18 minutes long.  It took them hours to put together 18 minutes worth of usable footage.  There's no way she can last 90 minutes with Trump.

Females and elites like to make last-minute changes to show off their position.  I assume that's why Trump was fine with going along with ABC and the established rules.  Otherwise he'd have probably been fine with the microphones not being muted, but they agreed to this change so he'll stick with it.  What's she going to do, cry like a girl?  Maybe she will, for sympathy votes.

I still want Trump to stick with short, simple answers and let her to all the talking.  Just let her be ditzy, showing people how little they want someone like that in charge.  She's campaigning against laws and politicians she supported, the ones who made us so miserable, just give her enough time to show that off.

Brazil Expected to Block X Social Media Platform Any Moment – Starlink Accounts in the Country Seized
August 29, 2024

□ [“Sylvester Stallone Supports New Movie Exposing Child Trafficking"]

And yet I don't believe him.  He wanted to ban guns in February 2013, you'd need those to keep people from trafficking your children.  I don't know how conservative Sly ever was, but he strikes me as, at best, a RINO.  He wouldn't get very far in Hollywood if he wasn't liberal enough for them, starting his career off in porn and Woody Allen movies.

I'm basically skeptical of any celebrity who's suddenly offended now by what they've been working with all these years.  Given Stallone's decades of fame and wealth, he's been around enough to know what they're up to, but he waited until he's in his late-70s to be offended.  I've thought for a long time that whatever Hollywood right-wingers there are have been set-up as puppets to infiltrate and pervert actual conservative groups, and Sly would be an example of that.  I'll just say I don't trust him, or the movie's producer, Vivek Ramaswamy.  

If any Hollywood celebrities were really opposed to child molesting and trafficking, they could start putting everything they know out in public right now.  They know what's going on in private and their status would be helpful to publicize this.  Yet somehow they stay right where they are and remain silent.

‘Bone-Chilling’: Data Expert Says Covid Shots Triggered Explosive Surge in Kidney Failures
August 29, 2024

□ [“DOJ Panics, Threatens Lawsuit as Wisconsin Towns Ditch Electronic Voting Machines For Hand Count"]

If there's any chance to hope we can avoid the upcoming stolen elections, it's if enough people are willing to keep track of the actual vote counts, *and* are permitted to do so by our rulers.  Without that, they're going to fake as many votes as they want, but the rest of us won't believe them.

I still think of March 7, 2010, when Iraq had elections.  Everybody who voted had a purple marker on their finger as proof that they'd voted and couldn't do it again.  I was in Iraq at the time and it was nice to see that the basics were there.  Don't remember how those elections themselves turned out, but there are fundamental requirements and our rulers are ditching them at lightspeed.

□ [“California Senate Passes Law Banning Voter I.D. in Local Elections, So Illegals Can Vote"]

It's like they think everybody else is a 'bot and they intend to control the programming.  Or else they really think voting is worthless and they're proving it to the masses.  I don't see how anything other than chaos can be the result, but that itself is probably part of the plan.  This just a bad bad idea.

You don't invade a place and decide you're fairly allowed to vote.  The city/state/country existed before you and didn't need you in the first place.  Nothing about this can work, and our rulers presumably know that.  That's why they're doing this.

I assume their overall goal is a world government - run by them, of course - and to do that, they need to destroy the US.  So all the elites around the world are supporting these rulers and ignoring what voters actually want.  Only they know best, and they don't need elections.

Pope Francis Sides With Open-Border Globalists, Condemns Those Who ‘Repel’ Migrants as a ‘Grave Sin’
August 28, 2024

Vermont Health Department to Replace Terms ‘Son’ and ‘Daughter’ in Schools with ‘Gender-Neutral’ Terms
August 29, 2024

□ [“George W. Bush Is Contemplating an Endorsement of Kamala Harris"]

Just a rumor, no evidence.  Even if it were true, I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish.  Nobody is sitting around unclear of which side they're on and waiting for GWB to speak out.  A bunch of his officials made a point of endorsing Harris a little while ago, which shows the RINO nature of the uniparty.  I worry about Trump doing that too and especially his appointees.

That said, I still don't see much point in the conspiracy theories of the last 23 years for 9/11, Afghanistan or Iraq.  You want to argue that better decisions could have been made?  Ok, fine.  You want to argue that it was all some massive conspiracy, you're going to need evidence of whoever you self-identify as being responsible actually sat down and thought about how to take over multiple planes all at once and decided the targets.

As for GWB himself, I don't expect much better from him at this point, and certainly not from the RINOs in his administration.  It's really becoming clear that, at best, they were "controlled opposition" and more likely, were all in on the leftist infiltration of right-wing organizations, which had started long before anyway.  If he were running now, he'd be promoting made-up genders and mandatory poison-vaccines.

But based on his personal image - which is nonexistent since leaving office, as it should be - I doubt he'll actually go through with the endorsement.  Unless it's about blowing leftist minds up, which would be funny.

Police Raid and Arrest 11-Year-Old Child For Attending Recent Anti-Immigration Protest
August 29, 2024

CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America
August 29, 2024

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