24 August, 2024

My 5.56 self-identifies as 7.62.

There are western troops now on the front lines in Ukraine, even Beau Biden.  I hope he's safe.20240824

University of Tampa Student Training Scenario Has Student Feeling “Threatened” By MAGA Roommate
August 24, 2024

□ [“Disney CEO Reportedly 'Exhausted & Overwhelmed' After Multiple Box Office Flops"]

This story came out a year ago but for some reason it's getting attention now, along with news that Bob Iger is looking to retire.  It's interesting because we've been hearing the same thing about Kathleen Kennedy for the last week or two, and she's only a bit younger than Iger.  They've both led their respective parts of the studio to failure and going further is war against each other.  Someone has to go for the other one to continue the delusion that they know what they're doing.

They're old, so this must be constantly on their minds.  All those years striving for wealth and power and this is where they've wound up.  There's also been rumors for the last week or two that Kennedy is totally a figurehead, which is believable but might also be falsehoods spread by those who want her gone, up to and including Iger.  For convenience sake, I'll assume she wouldn't be where she is now without a strong work ethic [or at least her wealthy husband.]

But they're old!  They're taking up space that younger people could be occupying.  But what really stuck out for me is this is basically what we've been seeing from Nancy Pelosi for the last month or two and she's over a decade older than they are.  And what has she been doing for the last few months?  Trying to convince people that Joe Biden was strong and healthy.

If it could happen to Joe, it could happen to them too.  And let's not forget that they're all in California, where Dianne Feinstein spent decades as a major figure.  It takes a lot of effort just to stay old and in power and you reach an age where that's just too much work to bother with.  Sports fans see this with athletes getting older and still having to compete against the youngsters.

To an extent, I'm not that interested in how these individuals are facing those challenges, I have to face them too.  But all these people I mentioned are elites and if there's really a cult to seize leftist power across the world, they're all part of it.  But the chain is only as strong as the weakest link, so we might be looking at one or more of them ready to snap, especially after how they turned on Biden.

“Arab-Looking” Man Shouts "Allahu Akbar," Stabs 9 and Kills 3 at German Diversity Festival - ISIS Claims Responsibility
August 24, 2024

□ [“Trump Announces Presidential Commission on Assassination Attempts – All JFK Files Will Be Released"]

That's fine.  I'm not a JFK buff but it would be nice to finally put all this out.  He's not just going for this assassination, he would include others, although the attempt on him is the only one named.  So we'll see how that goes.

I'm of the opinion that we need a lot more classified information declassified, and hopefully Trump would do that, although it's not clear.  He will have to explain why he didn't do that previously.  I know there are methods that classification is done, otherwise he could just spout off whatever he decides to declassify today.  Which, again, I'd be fine with, but that's not how it's done.  What he should do is explain how it is done.

But it'll be interesting to see Democrats' response to this.  My guess is it will mostly be ignoring it or just whining that he could have done it four years ago (and I would agree with that.)  What they can't do is point out that whoever's in the White House these days could do it right now but has decided it must remain hidden from Americans.

So that's another problem Democrats will face.  How do you defend keeping the JFK assassination secret because revealing it might help Trump?  That's why I assume they'll mostly ignore it.

I checked on Democratic Underground and they were discussing it.  Mostly it was the expected anti-Trump rhetoric, but more than a few were interested and arguing that there's no reason it should still be secret.  How long until Harris says she promises to release it and then face the fact that she could demand it now, *if* she actually had a real position in the White House.

Black Chicago Pastor Blasts ‘Defund the Police’ Dems for Spending $75M to Protect Themselves at DNC ‘We Get Nothing’
August 24, 2024

□ [“'It Is Huge, It Is Everything' – CNN’s Erin Burnett Reacts to RFK Jr.’s Endorsement of Trump"]

It might just be a leftist bimbo babbling whatever she's paid for, but I'm starting to wonder if winning over RFK Jr. and whatever fans he has is actually a strike against the media.  The Kennedys were a big deal back when mass media was started, and tv networks would have established their policies and traditions which they still follow, like pay attention to the Kennedys.

□ [“Daily Show Host Jon Stewart Gives Major Takedown of DNC's Hypocritical Scams"]

Talk show hosts are doing the same, they're actually daring to criticize the Democratic Party, although we assume they'll still fire any employee who doesn't vote for Biden Harris.  It's been several years and they're finally getting around to saying something, what's changed?  Other than the economy?

It's probably not just RFK Jr, he's probably more of a symbol of the problem.  The economy, the tyranny, the wars, they've been going on for years and now the rulers effected a coup against their own nominee to replace him with someone nobody voted for.  If this was exactly what they built towards over the last four years, what would they be doing different?

So Trump is clearly working on appealing to a wider audience than either party has in a long time, if ever.  He is going for what unites us rather than divides.  Blacks in Chicago are complaining about the crime, and the hypocrisy of Democrats who have their own guards while billionaires are up there saying others have too much money.  Michelle Obama says it's suspicious to take more than you need, and owns three mansions.  The pantsuit she was wearing costs $2800 and her shoes were another $1000.  There are people who can't spend a thousand dollars on one full set of clothes, including makeup and hair.

Anyway, this is just speculation, no evidence, but it does look like a lot of leftists are finally getting worn out.  They're all old and tired and we haven't even gotten to the actual kinetic part of the war yet.  This is what they've put us through so nobody's going to work to save them when it finally falls apart, and some of them are now publicly realizing that.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Hospitalized for Six Days with West Nile Virus, Now Recovering at Home
August 24, 2024

□ [“Batman is Cooked!  All DC Comics Outsold by Transformers in May 2024?!"]

It is speculative.  The stores don't totally rely on Diamond Distributors anymore (which is a good thing) so that means they only get participating stores from around the world sharing their sales info.  Marvel and/or DC (I forget which) aren't giving up their actual sales figures anyway but this is obviously very bad.

Marvel and DC also keep rebooting the comics too, trying to get in on the 'new #1' trend and using multiple covers which I really thought would have died by now.  They keep relaunching the franchises and when that fails, relaunch them again.  There's the *woke* activism, but there's also no making comics for the sake of making comics.

Another problem is how they're covered loses by the megacompanies that own them now.  DC has long been unprofitable but Warner Bros. used it to maintain their trademarks.  There's also the way comics are just test material for movies.  At least an individual title made by one or two people would be something they wanted to do, but they need to reboot X-Men to fit in to the upcoming Marvel Movies, so telling a fun story is irrelevant.

The cost of comics also makes it fail.  I haven't been to a store in years so I don't know what they cost now, but for 20+ pages, there's a limit to what people will pay in this economy.  Maybe there should be a focus on something that isn't decades old corporate-owned men in tights who punch people to solve problems.  I keep saying this, but I'd trade every X-Super-Bat-Spider-Avengers title for a black-and-white monthly title about two kids and talking dog.

German Warship Sails Up Thames River Blasting 'Star Wars' Darth Vader Theme. WTF?
August 24, 2024

□ [“This Is About to Get Ugly"]

They will continue to pretend otherwise, and resort to tyranny in the near-future, but Democrats are starting to face their actual problems.  The balloon is getting ready to burst.  The convention didn't have any real impact, especially since they had nothing to promote except the results of the coup.  Harris is basically out of her honeymoon phase and won't say anything worthwhile.  And everything keeps getting worse.

Even the media is (slightly) turning against them, asking questions like how can Democrats have run the White House for 12 of the last 16 years but everything is Trump's fault?  They could answer that Trump is competent and Democrats aren't, but that's not a good look either.  They side with invaders and made-up genders instead of actual Americans, but the right wing is the problem?  They're Americans too, or did you forget that?

This is why we are in Civil War 2.0, our rulers imposed that on us.  They are a direct descendent of all the liberal viruses of the last century, or even longer, given how Democrats have always had control of blacks.  Haven't heard "black lives matter" for a while, have we?

Still don't know if we'll even make it to November, but we need to go on strike and be ready to fight back, because as Trump said years ago, they're not after him.  They're after us.  The more I look at it, the more it seems like all the lines of history have tied together to impose their tyranny on us, building on every previous attempt.  Both world wars, the cold war, Marxism, the French Revolution, everything going back to the Magna Carta, which England itself is now willing to ignore.

It's going to be big and it's going to be horrific.  A lot of people are going to suffer from this, even more than have already been suffering.  But those who can accept reality have a better chance than our deluded rulers.  Don't see a better way to put it, this is why we're here.

Telegram CEO Arrested by French Authorities for Refusing to Follow Censorship Laws
August 24, 2024

Public School Students Left Without Bus Service as Massachusetts Funds Buses for Illegals
August 24, 2024

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