01 August, 2024

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Black Alabama Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges
August 1, 2024

□ [“Female Olympic Boxer Forfeits Fight In Tears After 46 Seconds of Being Pummeled by a Man"]

She signed up for this, you can hit her in the face as hard as you want as long as you self-identify as a woman for the time being.  That may be why she self-identified as a woman in the first place.  What's good for those who self-identify as a goose is good for those who were born as a gander.  It's not like you can point to some mythical "biology" to prove your case.

The fight's not even that big a deal.  They start, she makes a vague attempt like a sissy and then he responds like a real woman-with-a-penis should.  He hits her once and she realizes that she has no chance, so she quits.  What a sissy.  She's even whining that she'd never taken a punch like that before.  It's the Olympics, what did you expect, girly?

And "It was unjust"?  WTF?  You signed up for the same deal he did.  He was able to punch you in your ugly face like a real woman should.  And maybe it's just a coincidence, but today is also the starting date of those same rules in Title IX sports, so if you want to beat up more women, just self-identify as female.  That's how Democrats want it.

Two more women accuse Neil Gaiman of sexual assault and abuse
August 1, 2024

□ [“Flashback:  Biden Brags That Kamala Harris is the ‘Pinnacle’ of DEI Policies"]

The left is running into even more contradiction of their own pretend-values.  If it's racist to say Harris was hired for DEI, then why do they ignore Joe Biden's racism?  Just like they ignore everything else from him, but you get my point.

"The values of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) are literally the core strengths of America.  That’s why I’m proud to have the most diverse administration in history that taps into the full talents of our country. And it starts at the top with the Vice President."  Biden said that and the left applauded the racism.  Oh, but it's different when *they* do it.

They're just going to be faced with more of these direct quotes from the last few years.  That's one reason they're looking forward to A.I. generated videos, so they can say everything is fake.  They might be trying to include that "multiverse" nonsense.  There's the made-up genders, the made-up POTUS/Veep.  That's why they promote DEI, which is just the most modern version of socialism.

You can see this contradiction with the way they oppose Harris being called a DEI hire.  If DEI is such a great thing, she would be the best example, they should be promoting it everywhere.  Support DEI and you too can have the same outcome as Harris, being installed in power with no need for elections.  Oh wait...
Appeals Court Denies Trump Bid to Toss Unconstitutional Gag Order in ‘Hush Money’ Case – Trump Still Gagged
August 1, 2024

□ [“DNC Compliance Manager Admits Jill Biden Misuses Donor Funds, 'Just Take It Out of the General DNC Account'"]

Another O'Keefe video.  As usual, I assume this won't go anywhere, but it could shine a light on how our elites use and misuse our money however they want.  Everybody around Jill Biden would follow her example, it's not like they have to pay for anything.  The lower ranks would see the pattern and eventually that would get to the people who actually write laws about spending money and how much to take from those who produce it.

Then there's all the people they pay out to.  I'm thinking of international organizations and other laundering assets, Ukraine and the Clinton Foundation are obvious examples.  In theory, this could be providing evidence for some sort of law enforcement.  The Biden clan could be the examples to the rest of their ilk.

So could this be a signal of what will come next?  Is it a distraction?  As unlikely as it seems, I can't drop the theory that the Biden clan was always being deliberately set up as the obvious evil to be fought back and whatever they're built on will burned down as well.  He does have fifty years of experience and connections with virtually everyone else on their side.  But then, I also wonder if it's a secret cult of demon-worshippers and he's being set-up as a literal human sacrifice.

Kamala Harris Calls Herself “President” in Eulogy at Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s Funeral
August 1, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Ignores Questions After Reading Brief Statement From Her Binder"]

I'm trying to remember, there was some big funeral about a decade ago that leftist elites ranted about the enemy, i.e. the rest of us.  That's obviously been forgotten by this point, but it made a lot of noise at the time, and it's what they're still doing.  At least to leftist subordinates, death sells.

There's the female elitist who never has to bother with any real work, as we see with Harris.  She self-identifies as POTUS and doesn't even need an election.  She hasn't taken any questions from the media since Biden was purged and the military is expected to salute her.  But Trump is supposed to be the dictator?  So there's that.

There's also the notion that the elites have manufactured their own public figures, who have never had to deal with anything resembling real life.  I am developing the theory that there really is a class of people, national if not international, who were born and raised on elite camps until they were finally ready to be installed into high-ranking positions.

Then there's the notion - which as far as I know, I made up entirely by myself - that it is part of a demon-worshipping cult, where literal human sacrifice is the goal.  They could be sending her around, or Biden, like a martyr, honored by the public as they're sent to the altar and chained on the altar.  It seems unbelievable but they do need to promote this in front of billions of people with mass media.

Hillary Clinton Turns Sheila Jackson Lee’s Funeral Into Campaign Event For Kamala Harris
August 1, 2024

□ [“'How Dare We Speak Merry Christmas!' Kamala Harris Scolded Americans for Celebrating Christmas While Illegal Aliens Were Denied Amnesty"]

It's a clip from 2017.  I know our rulers expect their subordinates to ignore all of this, but I think they'll realize soon that there aren't as many as they thought.  Very few of the 90 zillion votes for Biden cared who was listed as veep and the last few years haven't made things any better.  Trump pointed out that she suddenly decided she was black and now we get clips of her saying nothing whatsoever about being black because that wouldn't help her.  She was pretending to be Indian.  Skin colors, how do they work?

It's entirely a rumor, but there are claims that Democrats are starting to have "buyer's remorse" for being stuck with this product that, remember, they never actually voted for.  The whole primary process was a complete waste for anyone who truly believed what Joe Biden was saying a few weeks ago, that he wasn't quitting no matter what.

She only tried to run for POTUS once in her life and quit before the primaries even started.  Even at the time, I assumed that's why she was picked as Biden's lower half.  It was just a show that she would at least try to do something and the throne would be set up for her to wait in until it was her time to shine.  And here we are now.

But she's never had to do anything or display any ability.  At best, she might be able to say she obeys orders, as with California laws to keep blacks in jail longer than their sentences, but how does that stand up against BRICS or get any bills through Congress?  We'll see how many Democrats will obey without question, but a lot of them are stuck with a lemon.

Pope Francis Tells Pro-LGBT Conference He Will Be ‘Spiritually with All of You United in Prayer’
August 1, 2024

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