03 August, 2024

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Riots and Protests in 35 UK Towns and Cities as PM Keir Starmer Announces Police Crackdown
August 3, 2024

□ [“Aerosmith Abruptly Ends Tour and Announces Retirement"]

Well, they made it over 50 years.  Their first album came out in 1973 and the only five members that matter were together in one band in 1971.  But between age and self-abuse, Steven Tyler's voice has fallen apart, and reached the point where it can't be fixed.  Not that there's much to miss at this point, they haven't released an album since 2012 and their last good album was 1997.

But they did have some fun rock'n'roll back when they were a productive band.  And I've always respect how, except for a few years in the 80s, they kept the same five members.  Joey Kramer has basically been kicked out by now for the same reason, he's too old and weak to handle drumming, but that was recent so that's really it.  Joe Perry quit halfway through recording one album, Brad Whitford quit halfway through the next album and both had returned by the album after that.

I am giving some thought to Tyler's time with the Hollywood elite, and his known very-underage girlfriend.  But I'll leave that to the side for the time being.  There are times when you'd rather remember the good things people brought to the world, and Aerosmith was a high-point of popular music for a few decades.  Even know, it seems like "Dream On" is on the radio every time I turn it on.  But sooner or later, the good Lord takes that away.

Vice President of World Boxing Organization Claims Imane Khelif is ‘Biological Male’
August 3, 2024

□ [“Trump Responds to Kamala Being Too Afraid to Debate on September 4"]

Harris has no clue how to appeal to voters and she's not capable of saying anything people want to hear, so her team is trying to keep her away from anything resembling a debate.  Trump knows how to mock elitist whores like her, so they're going to be doing this on the internet for a while.  I assume there will be some event at some point, because Harris' staff will see that they need to at least pretend voters are relevant.

Right now they're arguing about which day and which tv channel.  Harris refuses to go any place where people are allowed to say things she doesn't like, Trump is willing to go to blue cities and states and take bullets.  Under normal circumstances this wouldn't even be a challenge but under normal circumstances, Democrats would need to have a candidate that voters actually pick.

It's like they're all got the delusion that Harris is somehow magically *above* everybody and doesn't need to be around mere mortals.  We already know what happens when she tries, that's why she's so unpopular.  Their laws, media and armed men are about going after us so we can't treat them the same way, which they know they deserve.

If the rulers are going to replace her with someone else, they need to show as soon as possible that she has to go.  Still don't know who they'll install but they obviously don't need a vote.  The convention is coming up and they're still pretending that's important.  It'll be tough to replace Harris if they wait until then, but if she doesn't actually go out and do anything, they have even less excuse than they did to get rid of Biden.

CNN Host Explains Why Black Men Are Likely 'Low Info Voters' for Their Opinion of Kamala Harris
August 3, 2024

□ [“Chelsea Clinton Sets Sights on Ambassadorship Should Kamala Harris Ascend to Presidency"]

She could have filed an application for the job at any point in her adult life, although she might have been hired for a lower-rank to start with.  Oh wait, liberals oppose that.  She's rich and white and in her mid-40s, she came from rich, white parents, she doesn't need to do anything of the sort.  She doesn't even need to make donations the way most ambassadors have to.

In a way, it's understandable.  Bill and Hillary can't keep running the Clinton Foundation forever, at some point they need someone to replace them.  Otherwise it will be the "Clintons" in name only.  Chelsea's not capable of doing anything except getting high-paying positions with little responsibility, so what else are they supposed to do?

Nepotism is a normal part of existence, like it or not, but it's interesting how the left never gets criticized for it.  They're also trying to destroy the family which does more to limit nepotism than anything else.  The word technically includes friends as well as family members, but friendship can break much easier, and then there's just business associates.  The Clintons have stocked everything on Chelsea who has no way to handle it, so the foundation will just become treasure to loot.

U.S. Embassy in Beirut Tells Americans in Lebanon to Get Out on Any Available Flight
August 3, 2024

□ [“Secret Service Admits They Didn't Keep Recordings of Radio Traffic During Trump Assassination Attempt"]

Darn it, there could be clues on what further attempts will be made, or noted flaws in the Secret Service trying to keep away the shooters, but that's all gone forever, exactly the way Trump was supposed to be.  But they did everything they were supposed to do, just take their word for it.  How trustworthy can you get?

I haven't paid much attention to the Senate hearings on the Secret Service because there's no reason to think they'll go anywhere, except as an example of how high-up the tyranny and corruption goes.  They even admit that they had no clue the shooter was armed until the first shot was fired, then it took another 15 seconds to make him stop firing.  And they make a point of reducing SS security for Trump anyway.  The guy now running the agency is the one who personally cut the resources and personnel for Trump's security.

In a way, that shows how they'll get away with it.  It's out there, Congress knows, the public knows and the guy's not going to lose his job, much less face charges.  He even admits that the SS failed because of "lack of imagination."  Well at least they have DEI.

Maduro Parades Out Political Protesters in Prison Garb and Forces Them to Salute for Chavez
August 3, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris’ Husband Doug Emhoff Cheated on First Wife, Got Daughter’s Nanny Pregnant"]

Well we know Harris has absolutely no problems with men cheating on their wives.  But it's interesting timing, since we've been hearing recently about Neil Gaiman and his daughter's nanny.  I'm sure elites commit adultery all the time with nannies, but that such similar events become public at the same time.

And it's also interesting timing in slightly more personal ways.  I sent a message to Dave Sim asking about his thoughts on Gaiman's problems, and he responded.  Didn't go into much since we don't have much in the way of solid information, but he had quite a bit to say about adultery itself, so I'll be giving that some thought.  And another interesting coincidence, if my mother hadn't died a long time ago, today would be my parents' 50th anniversary.

Anyway, I think the most relevant aspect of this is how Harris' lack of interest or respect in marriage is being shown off and, since she's an empty puppet, that also applies to whoever is pulling her strings.  That's more important than Gaiman, Sim or my parents, although we probably all play some role in this, just because we're all part of God's work.

I don't have the slightest clue how adultery could be considered equivalent to murder, but it's still one of the 10 commandments, so it's very important regardless.  I don't chase women for sex or marriage, so it's not relevant to me, but it matters to others, particularly as a society that you don't want to destroy.  Meanwhile we have Harris and all the others.

I assume it's less about politics than it is about being among the elite.  Does anybody think Donald Trump has always been faithful to his wives?  It's believable that the whole point is to defy marriage vows.  Men do it for sex, women do it for status and it would take very little to make them ignore gender or age to pick a sex-partner.  Add drugs and you've got a cult in charge of everything.

Michigan Auto Workers React to UAW’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris: ‘Sheer Lunacy – I’ll Take a Guy That’s Built Things’
August 3, 2024

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