17 August, 2024

Today's horiscope: If today is your birthday, you'll get a new virus from a loved one. But the government will charge you taxes for it.

You're telling me you built Hal 9000... out of a DeLorean?20240816

Peruvian Illegal Alien in Buffalo, NY Arrested for 23 Murders – Had Been Caught and Released at the Border Thanks to Open Border Policies
August 16, 2024

Rite Aid Closes All Stores in Two States, Leaving Tens of Thousands Scrambling for Essential Medications
August 17, 2024

□ [“'Kamunism' Goes Viral as Kamala Harris Promotes Economy-Crashing Price Controls"]

Well that's a good name for it.  Back in 2019, when she was pretending to run for POTUS, she said the government would just seize control of drug companies and their patents, it's not like that desire is limited to one industry, nobody who supported her then would think that way.  Their only interest is in whether or not she can go through with it, which she couldn't back then.

□ [“Kamala Harris Holds NC Rally in Cracker Box with Maybe 250 People"]

And this is how many people actually showed up to her big speech.  These are the people who admire her and want to hear what she'll do to the economy.  Everybody else had something better to do with their time.  Or maybe they were worried that there would be a shooter and you know how bad the Secret Service is at these things.

To anybody with the slightest clue about reality, this would be a big sign that this just isn't going to work.  Nobody wants anything to do with Harris, she's not going to win an election without massive obvious fraud and no competent person is going to comply with this textbook communist tyranny.

And yet again, if she really believed in this, she could be doing it now.  Or she could have done it a year ago.  She doesn't even notice this and nobody asks her about it, demonstrating that she's just a mindless figurehead.  Hillary Clinton could come off better as someone who did something to earn her status, fer cryin...

So this is why the 'new world order' needs the wars going on and the illegals invading the southern border and the WHO having authority over anything they declare a "pandemic."  There's no chance of Harris bringing about the "population reduction" that her side aspires to, so they need some back-up plans ready to go.

Televised MSNBC Gen-Z Focus Group Goes Horribly Wrong, Voters Slam Biden-Harris Economy
August 17, 2024

□ [“Chicago Businesses Boarding Up Storefronts in Expectation of Democrat National Convention"]

No hope, no benefits, they just bring destruction and leftism.  They don't need the convention under the best of circumstances and those are long gone.  Biden won the nomination, then they didn't need a group vote to change that, so what's the point of a convention?  Drugs, orgies, private deals that they don't want to do online?

And mass violence against their neighbors who aren't as rich, that's an extra bonus.  When the police support your oppressors and you're not allowed to defend yourself, this is the result.  Have to wonder if this is all a major form of demon-worship, sacrificing your citizens to whatever your witch cult worships.

It's also part of what makes a city.  I've never been able to really think about how that works, but it's about grouping together a very large number of people, each and every one of them having their own individual aspects.  Then you've included economics, transport, and everything else that expands life.  Leftism can't exist outside a city, life is too difficult and there's no one who will be suckered by it.

And Chicago's one of the biggest cities in the world.  Leftism has reached, or thinks it's reached, its victory, so this could be very bad for everyone involved.  Most people there probably don't want that, but it's city life.

3 California 7-Elevens Robbed Within 20 Minutes After Newsom Signs Anti-Smash-and-Grab Law
August 17, 2024

□ [“Teachers Are Quitting in Large Numbers as Unruly Thug Teens Push Them to the Breaking Point"]

My first reaction is that this is probably deliberate.  The rulers want to get rid of the human teachers and replace them with A.I.  The kids can't read anyway or do math, they aren't good for anything else, so why not?  Government employees would be able to claim this prevents child molesting by teachers, while leaving them open to more obvious human trafficking, which all helps keep them away from their parents and destroy the family.

It's also just a result of the invasion and crime going on.  It's tearing down everything else, might as well hit schools too.  This probably also connects with the expanse of human trafficking.  Amazing how nobody in charge has any objection to any of these problems.

I'm sure they're trying to install A.I. as much as possible anyway, and I'm also sure that they want it to be *woke.*  There's no way to know what the results are going to be, and it's clear that a lot of people don't want to find out.  We saw this a few decades ago when the internet was still referred to in the future-tense before it became present-tense.

So this is another example of how leftism eats itself.  They took over the teachers, they destroyed education, learning and the next generation.  Government-approved A.I. can now make them obsolete so they have to escape, at least if they're smart enough to go.  But even then, what will they do for a living?  If you're good enough to do something, you get that job.  If not, you teach, and look at what they've been teaching for decades.

Southern Californians Face Huge Electricity Bills As New “Time of Use” Pricing System Goes Into Effect
August 17, 2024

□ [“‘Black Vote Ain’t for Sale’ Prominent Activist Slams ‘Democrat Plantation’ Tactics"]

Another crack in the wall.  Blacks are supposed to stay where they are and follow orders.  This guy is offered money for a zoom call with Harris but insists that it must be live to "the national Black community."  He says he'll be polite but will ask questions about "miseducation, mass incarceration, police brutality, economic strangulation, gentrification/ migrant crisis, reparations & and the need for a federal anti-Black Hate Crimes Bill."

And this is why black men are now extinct.  He's not about individuals looking at what they're best at and working towards their goal.  He has demands from the masters if they expect him to go along.  It basically tells us he'll be voting for Harris anyway and so will his subordinates, but they won't be happy about it.

Still, there might be other black men who see the problems with this.  A black man Harris falsely convicted of murder and put in jail for 50 years has endorsed Trump.  As far as I know, she's never even acknowledged the mistake, it's just felons supporting felons because she says so.

More internal conflict with those who self-identify as black.  It's definitely part of Civil War 2.0 as brother turns against brother.  Notice how his statement had nothing to do with the transgender movement, abortion or even global warming, all of which are far more important to Democrats than black men are.  But he does say "Black vote ain’t for sale no more," telling us that they were for sale before and showing no proof that this has changed in the slightest.

Former New York Police Officer Who Raped 13-year-old Girl Sentenced to Just 10 Weekends in Prison
August 17, 2024

□ [“Did Federal Prosecutors Suborn Perjury of Jeffrey Epstein?"]

We just passed the fifth anniversary of his suicide and this suddenly comes out?  This is brought to us from one of Epstein's cellmates so it's as trustworthy as anyone else, but the guy's still in prison so it's not like he's up-to-date on current events.  He gave this information in a June interview and immediately after was mysteriously moved to a different prison in the middle of the night and found guilty of murder four days later.  That's one way to keep people quiet permanently.

There's no way to know how much of his story is made up, or exaggerated for effect.  Well, the prison had *working* cameras at the time, so there's some way, but they won't share that info with the rest of us.  Go figure.  But here's what he said:

Epstein came back from a meeting with federal prosecutors and told his cellmate about it.  They would offer him a deal if he gave them info on Trump, and it didn't need to be truthful.  Epstein says he knew Trump but they didn't like each other.  It just needed to be something Trump couldn't disprove.

Epstein was worried, this was the FBI, they work for Trump.  They told him "the FBI's our people, not his people."  The implication, by my understanding, is that the FBI and the people Epstein worked with, had already seceded from the USA.  My guess is that's the 'new world order' and their goal was to take over everything, which they've basically succeeded at by this point.

Of course Epstein had nothing to make up.  He obviously didn't know Trump well enough, anything he could invent would have needed to go through numerous people just to happen.  Then there's the fact that Mar-a-Lago has working cameras, so right there Trump could provide evidence to prove his innocence, which is why the FBI raid hasn't gone anywhere either.

Like everything else these days, it's believable but that doesn't make it true.  What's really bizarre is why this is coming out now, five years later.  It does help confirm my theory that our rulers already self-identify as not being American, so they have no interest in the Constitution or borders or economy except as a weapon to use against the rest of us.

Epstein was definitely someone who helped make that happen.  We see this with how willing federal agents were willing to commit perjury to use against Trump, who's supposedly in charge of them.  This is one reason I want Trump to drop the secrets, just push this all out at once of what the tyrants are doing.  Which may be why I worry that he's actually on their side.  Just get this started.

Biden Orders Taxpayer-Funded Secret Service Protection For Former SS Director Kimberly Cheatle
August 16, 2024

Security Officers Exchange Gunfire with Multiple Active Shooters at Air Force Base in San Antonio
August 17, 2024

□ [“Violent Illegals Form 'Wolfpack Gangs' and Torment Citizens In NYC’s Central Park"]

That's what they're here for.  Those 'migrant shelters' aren't like staying at the YMCA.  Well, not *totally* like staying there.  They're basically the equivalent of military barracks in a 'forward operating base.'  They probably don't get supplies here but they get missions and contact to acquire supplies.

I might be thinking it's more complicated than it is.  This article comes off as gangs forming because it's what these invaders do, but there's no overall plan.  I can believe that, but I'm positive that the higher-ups do have an overall plan here.  Of course they have to get those orders through their low-level thugs, but they have a lot of experience for that.

So I could go either way.  But we're headed towards direct conflict with these invaders.  And not just the gangs.  They wouldn't need as much 'support' as an established army would, but they are getting support, up to and including from the US government, to use against the rest of us.  There's going to be mass death and the sooner it gets started, the more likely that the death will be on their side, not ours.

Britain’s Leftist Government to Treat ‘Extreme Misogyny’ as Form of Terrorism
August 17, 2024

Trust Fund Professional Agitator Gets Misdemeanor Trespassing for Storming and Occupying CU Building
August 17, 2024

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