14 August, 2024

If you can read this, you are truly wise and guaranteed to succeed in life. Someone as smart as you would never fall for lies.

And if you threw a party and invited everyone you knew, you would see me and ask what the hell I'm doing here.20130813

Texas Attorney General Sues General Motors for Illegally Harvesting and Selling Drivers’ Private Data to Corporate Giants, Including Insurance Companies
August 14, 2024

Explosive EV Failure in Packed Korean Parking Garage Leaves 21 Hospitalized
August 13, 2024

□ [“'Would It Kill You Guys to Have a Press Conference?' – CNN Asks Kamala’s Spox Why She Dodges the Press"]

Yes.  They would all immediately drop dead of horrible diseases if they had a press conference.  It probably comes from China - can someone look into that? - but anyway, they can't take the risk.  It's why Harris had to ditch her press pool because she had some event to go to at Howard University.  If you don't like it, cover someone else.

Girls who think they're sexy enjoy leaving the guys hanging around.  It shows them how special they are and how long the guys will put up with it.  Girls who actually are sexy get some leeway but it won't last forever, they only think it does.  The guys who chased them have either grown up and become men, or they're, well, the leftist media still hanging around.

It's basically just another example of how we won't make it to November and even if we do, the election will be stolen.  A real media would want to earn some respect instead of feeling entitled to it as these guys do.  But they'd get censored if they did that, so Harris doesn't need to give a press conference.

Nation’s Top Hackers at DEF CON Conference Once Again Easily Breach U.S. Voting Machines
August 14, 2024

□ [“Taliban Celebrates Third Anniversary With Huge Military Parade of U.S. Military Equipment"]

Strange how they waited until Trump had been out of office for a year before doing anything, but it's all Trump's fault somehow.  Biden's the one who said the Taliban couldn't take over for a long time and then a week later, they were in charge.  Biden blamed his military leaders for telling him what to say, which isn't how a commander works.  Don't worry, they kept their highly-paid jobs.

The audience in the parade was all male.  For some reason women didn't want to show up.  No clue how many of the men were gay, but no liberal has the slightest interest in *those* people.  That's how much they care, just ask them.  This demonstrates why Islam is superior to the infidel leftism, but at least one side realizes that, and it's the side that didn't have Kamala Harris in the room when the decision was made.

China and Iran sent diplomates to attend.  Gee, it's nice to know that members of BRICS have an interest in Afghanistan, who else would?  When was the last time you heard anybody ask how the transgender movement is in Afghanistan?  Or even make sure abortion is legal.  At least Muslims know that they're destined to rule the world forever, what does the left have to offer?

Biden Claims He “Beat Inflation” and Demands Reporters Say His Policies Are Working
August 14, 2024

□ [“Trump Is Mulling Over Firing Campaign Managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles"]

Reportedly this comes from his veep choice.  This is all brought by people who have worked for Trump and quit, so it's not clear how trustworthy they are.  We're also told that Trump is losing and going nuts because of that.  Partially it's believable and partially not.  It's hard to believe that Trump would still be this naive, but it's Donald Trump, he's always capable of surprising you.

Trump isn't the big worry, it's the RINOs around him that's the real threat.  They're not inspired by him and following the example he sets, they can use his abilities to pursue their own goals which contradict his.  The best we can say is that leftist leaders are having similar problems, but they aren't alpha males like Trump.

□ [“Politico:  Biden Bitter and Angry About Democrat Oligarchs Forcing Him Out of the Race"]

Their internal struggle keeps growing, although it's mostly in secret.  He blames Nancy for the betrayal and Obama for not helping him.  Also interesting to note that he's scheduled to give his speech at the convention on Day One, which is when "ex-presidents" do their speaking.  The guy in charge speaks on the last day.  They're telling everybody he's not in charge and probably has never been.

Even Bernie Sanders just made a rare public appearance, whining about oligarchs keeping him from being POTUS.  He's rich and running things now, that's why he doesn't bother with public statements.  but it's interesting that he's attacking Democrats for sabotage.  Why stand out now?

Ohio Police Officer Charged With Murder for Shooting Woman as She Accelerated Car Into Him
August 14, 2024

□ [“Pro-China World Health Organization Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency"]

Nice timing.  So what tyranny are they going to impose about it?  This may explain why western countries have suddenly started promoting censorship and arresting anybody they don't like.  They've spent the last four years training for this in western countries.  It helped them steal the last presidential election and put them in place to steal the 2022 elections.

Biden already signed over whatever authority he pretended to have to the WHO, so they can give any orders they want and in theory, we're all expected to obey.  I don't think that will really happen, but we won't know how many will go along or what they'll be capable of doing.  This isn't even counting the danger of whatever bioweapons are being used in the process.  Or the illegal immigrant invaders rioting or attacking whatever they're told.

Is it a coincidence that "monkeypox" is mainly transferred through sex between men?  Probably not.  I could see the Muslims nations in BRICS using it, knowing full well that their leftist allies would obey.  We saw this happen before with AIDS, which also stayed with gay men and came from Africa.  It's anecdotal, but I've seen more people recently wearing those stupid masks.  It's going to get dark.

Hundreds of Black Families Forced to Vacate Colorado Apartment Complex After Venezuelan Migrant Gang Takes Over Building
August 13, 2024

Border Agents Told To Turn In Family and Co-Workers Over Questioning 2020 Election
August 14, 2024

□ [“Colin Kaepernick Claims He’s Working on an NFL Return – And a Run at the Olympics"]

Can't he just spend all that money he got several years ago for whatever that *woke* ad was?  He's more famous for not playing football than he ever was in the sport, but for some reason that's not enough for him.  There's a reason racial stereotypes exist, as well as the middle-aged male who wants to relive his football days.

He was pro for six years and that ended eight years ago, but obviously has nobody around him who would point out that (a) this is more success than most football players ever get close to and (b) he gave that up to be *woke* which is so much better than football.  Who does he have around him in his mansions and football practices that isn't willing to be honest about this obvious failure?

He owns mansions, those have big yards, he could just pay a bunch of people to come play football with him.  Is is the sport that matters to him, isn't it?  Or is that less important than the fame and money he used to bring in by being a mediocre athlete?  And yet he could have kept that for at least another season or two (probably, I don't know anything about football) all he had to do was stand up for the anthem of the nation that made this all possible for him.

NYT Can Now Report Hunter Peddles Influence for Overseas Patrons, and the WH Covered It Up
August 14, 2024

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