21 August, 2024

The Manly blog post for Manly spambots!

European Union Insists Venezuela Must Have Electoral Transparency to be Accepted
August 19, 2024

Ukraine Launches Massive Kamikaze Drone Attack on Moscow Thanks to US and NATO Deep Pockets
August 21, 2024

□ [“Department of Energy Official Calls For 'Queering Nuclear Weapons'"]

That's not English.  These people feel like they can make up whatever they want and nobody will stop them.  They're right about that last part, but this is an example of how they distort language to whatever their latest obsessions are.  We see this with the use of terms like "assault weapon" even though those don't exist.  There's also the way "genocide" apparently means running low on food, which is what Israel is accused of doing.  Soon they'll ask the nuclear weapon what gender it self-identifies as.

One thing that would be helpful going on strike is a way to distinguish between people who use words properly and, well, everyone else.  Children have an excuse, they don't know any better, but everyone else is either power-hungry enough to think they can distort language at their whim or deluded enough to support that.  We'll need a way to distinguish between people who go along with it for convenience and living a quiet life and those who don't.

Top of my head, could we work out a catchphrase that includes a word distortion which is obvious, but would leave leftists complacent?  That way sensible people could as 'what?' and let the speaker know that there's another like-minded person.  Not sure how this could go further, but we're going to need code words sooner rather than later.  We're facing tyrants like this who will put people in jail for their use of words.

German Gestapo Sends YouTuber “Shlomo Finkelstein” to Prison for Criticizing Islam
August 21, 2024

□ [“Feds Admit That the Biden-Harris Miracle Economy Is Actually Terrible; 818,000 Jobs are 'Lost'"]

They knew about it the whole time, they just needed to lie about it to the public.  They had to wait until after Biden had won the nomination saying that he wasn't going to quit the election, they waited until they had a chance to shoot Trump.  They waited until all the delegate votes for Biden were given to someone nobody voted for.  And then they get around to admitting they lied about how well the economy was doing.

But they must be telling the truth about the wars that weren't happening before they took over.  And the virus and vaccines that we'll all die from if we don't take.  They burn all this fossil fuel to travel around saying it destroys the earth, how could they lie???

The creation of all these jobs is what kept us out of a recession, remember?  Wait, that means that we're in a recession and they lied about it.  Wonder how many votes that's going to cost them in November.  Might be even more than they lost in the last election.

They knew they were doing this all along.  So did some of us, that's why they pushed a new trend, terms like "misinformation" and "disinformation."  It's also why Europe is jailing people for what they say.  But Europeans can't have guns, and the people in charge of us say they'll never ban guns, and they'd never lie about that.

Nancy Pelosi Interrupted by Anti-Israel Wackos During Late Night Love Fest with Stephen Colbert
August 21, 2024

□ [“Ukraine Bans Ukraine Orthodox Church"]

It was founded in 988, but now the government wants it banned.  We know why leftists would do this, but where are all the so-called right wing Ukraine supporters?  Are they totally in favor of banning a thousand year old church because there's no way they could be missing anything?  Why do I get the impression they're probably busy promoting Kamala Harris, that's how right-wing they are.

Well, it makes sense you don't hear them complain about the lack of elections in Ukraine either.  They're not even complaining that Ukrainian law applies to those in charge too, they're just ignoring it.  Church and State can both be ignored as long as you get what you want from that nation.  They could apply that here too.

Once again, we know why leftists are doing this, so what are the RINOs excuse?  They could at least say that they've lost interest, but they're not even doing that.  We're sending in US troops, having lost Afghanistan, the Red Sea and been chased out of Niger, but they think we're ready to take down a nuclear power?  And its allies, China, Iran, etc.  But at least we have Joe Biden as Commander-in-Chief.

Multi-Millionaire Michelle Obama Tells DNC Her Parents Were ‘Suspicious of Folks Who Took More Than They Needed’
August 20, 2024

“I’m Not Familiar with That” – Commerce Secretary Fact-Checked on Live TV About BLS Report of 818,000 Jobs Vanished
August 21, 2024

□ [“Black DNC Speaker:  'We Got 70 Days to Act Right, After 70 Days, We Can Go Back to Acting Crazy'"]

This convention does seem to be failing.  The tv ratings are low and it's just looking like more and more leftists are getting embarrassed.  Any Democrat who worries about their upcoming election has decided to skip this event.  Democrats and blacks in Chicago are complaining about it.  They're being described as a party of elites, walling themselves off from the peons.  Pete Buttigieg was even asked on tv why they get to protect themselves and not Chicago citizens.

I just can't stop seeing the possibility that this was a plan to show everybody the evil demon-worshippers who rule us.  It's also possible they've already won and will get "population reduction" on schedule.  That said, they do have some worries.  They're already starting to turn against Biden, now that they're finally permitted to point out his problems.  They haven't yet explained why they kept it hidden for so long, but that will come.

They're going to turn on each other.  It's natural for leftism anyway, but everything is getting worse and they aren't the most trustworthy people anyway.  They've been willing to blackmail each other in secret for a long time, but the chain is only as strong as the weakest link.  Who's going to break first?

Barack Obama Makes Trashy Joke About Donald Trump’s Penis During DNC Speech
August 21, 2024

□ [“Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Won't Oppose Trump's Motion to Delay Sentencing Until After the Election"]

Something seems to have changed about Trump's legal issues.  I'm sure they're all still going on, but there's been no news.  I think the last we heard was when the judge delayed his sentencing a few months ago and now it's possible it will be delayed again.

There's still a worry that the judge will insist on it this time.  Either he won't because he's going along with the rest of the party who does realize at some level that this is a fraud.  Or he might not because he wants to stand out.  I suspect the former, but maybe we'll live long enough to find out.

Even weirder, maybe they know they'll lose and this will just be an excuse to harass Trump in office.  Anyway, that seems foolish and childish but it's unfortunately believable that they'd take this seriously.  Just imagine what they'd have done with Monica Lewinsky if Clinton had been a Republican.

Google Agrees $110 Million Deal to Fund Local Newsrooms – Plans to Push Leftist News Agenda
August 21, 2024

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