30 August, 2024

If there's a bright center of the galaxy, this post is the most interesting part.

Kamala Harris Uses Fake Accent During Visit to Black-Owned Café in Savannah, Georgia
August 30, 2024

□ [“First American-Sent F-16 Fighter Jet Destroyed in Ukraine – Kiev Source Suggests Plane Was Struck by Friendly Fire From Patriot Air Defense System"]

So Americans are capable of shooting down their own planes.  That's good to know.  Or are we supposed to assume that Ukrainians had been trained to fire Patriots by the US, just as the pilot learned to fly an F-16?  Sounds like either the US is really bad at teaching or Ukrainians are really bad at learning.

They're all going for the 'easy win' brought by getting some new machine that will handle everything.  That ignores the requirements for the men who pilot or fire weapons, the men who maintain that equipment, the men who provide and transport supplies for maintenance and crew, the men who plan strategy and tactics for whoever is planning the mission.  War is not something that happens between the rulers, it requires a full nation on each side.

Ukraine isn't handling that, nor are Ukraine's allies.  Nor are the 'new world order' elites and their globalist servants.  You need full control and understanding of the military, the economy, the requirements for production of material, the willpower to hold on and stay focused on the task-at-hand.  Then there's the morale needed to maintain everyone involved at every level.

Joe Biden couldn't handle that, he's already said Americans with guns are pointless, "if they wanna take on the government if we get out of line, guess what?  They need F-15s!  They don't need a rifle!" and he's the one who gave Ukraine this death."  Now replaced by Kamala Harris, he was the icon of the leftists who claimed they know what a war is or the requirements of a nation to fight one.

We see this in Ukraine and Palestine, we see this with blacks and white leftists who claim they're at 'war with the white man.'  There's the "war on drugs", the "war on terror" and the "war on poverty," none of who actually get anywhere because they're not even capable of holding themselves up to the fight.  You can fight a nation without being at war, but this isn't it.

“X” Banned in Brazil — Supreme Court Justice Orders Nationwide Censorship of the Platform
August 30, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Falls Apart at Savannah, Georgia Campaign Event"]

“He even called for termination of the United States supreme, the c— the supreme land of our nation – the United States Constitution!”

And this is what she does when she's just following a teleprompter.  How do you think she responds to calls at three in the morning?  Nobody wants to hear this, that's why they had to bus in people from Atlanta - 250 miles away - just to pretend she has real fans who wanted to see her.

The media is having trouble spinning her.  It doesn't sound like her big interview worked that well.  18 minutes taken out of at least twice that much footage.  They try asking Democrats to explain how she can support and oppose fracking at the same time, they can't do it.  They ask dark-skinned non-males who say they want a leader that acts like a real man, not a giggling girl.

No idea how much work her staff and Walz had to do just to get her this far and the more work they did, the worse that looks, given what they had to start with.  Some of CNN's questions might be considered challenging, but Harris and Walz avoided answering them.

Can't remember where I saw the comment, but she's not running as a candidate, she's running as the "system" trying to rule us.  There's basically no personality, no actual achievements, just a tool to be used when needed against the people.  This is the anti-nationality these people really represent.

Thinking about it, this could explain the leftist obsession with Trump.  He's an individual so they pay attention what he says.  What Harris says isn't even noticed by her supporters, even when it contradicts what she's said before about policies they want to vote for.

Arizona Wells Fargo Employee Died at Her Desk – Staff Didn’t Notice Until Four Days Later!
August 30, 2024

□ [“Foot Locker Flees New York’s Taxes, Relocates Headquarters to Business-Friendly Florida"]
□ [“Dollar General Suffers Worst Day on Record, CEO Warns Poor Consumers Are Running Out of Money"]

Our leftist masters provide a never-ending example of how they're the problem with the economy.  They want control of things, not actually running them.  Poor people buy shoes and go to Dollar General, and there's a lot more of them than there are the rich people in charge of us, but they'll just have to suffer because here's the government.

They never actually start a business or figure out how it works, they see business as the enemy.  They always run out of businesses before they run out of enemies.  And by extension, every employee, every customer, every associate, all of whom have their own lives.  This further destroys the economy and far more lives than would have ended if the government just didn't get involved.

And that's just part of what a nation requires.  Obviously there's far more to nationality than local businesses (or national businesses) but they are a cornerstone in what the people see and deal with every day.  They're part of our lives yet it's different for everybody, and our rulers want that all erased.

On Eve of Crucial Election, Germany to Deport Afghan Nationals for the First Time Since 2021 ‘Taliban Takeover’
August 30, 2024

□ [“Star Wars Actress Amandla Stenberg Blames ‘Bigotry’ of Conservatives For Cancellation of The Acolyte"]

Is it her gender, skin color or just being paid a lot of money by leftists that makes her so generic?  She says nothing of value and obviously doesn't have a real job.  Nor does she have any reason to worry about getting one, because no one will hire her again for this nonsense.  She admits that she "lives in a bubble of her own reality" which is a pointlessly-complicated way of saying she ignores anything she doesn't like and isn't going to learn better.

Meanwhile lower-class Hollywood employees are being fired in large numbers because the companies aren't bringing in any money.  Good thing they had those strikes last year.  People pointed out at the time this was a bad idea, but they just went with it anyway.  Now they have to "learn to code."

One thing Hollywood has yet to learn is that people aren't going to pay for this crap.  Movies get a certain respect because they used to be an "event," going to the theater as close to opening night as possible.  But now you can watch youtube commentary on your cellphone which is much cheaper and more interesting than the movie ticket would be, even without the cost of pop corn and soda.  Or you could watch the movie itself with the same phone and often for no extra cost beyond the monthly bill.

The further away you get from the 'theater' experience, the less interesting it gets.  Once upon a time, tv was a very big deal.  We brought it into our homes, but there were only three channels (with some local exceptions.)  If you wanted to watch something on tv, millions of other people were watching the same thing because there were no other options, not even reruns.  Cable made that mostly irrelevant and the internet finished the job.  Now companies are going broke trying to get in on streaming.

And all of that has combined to destroy the decades-old franchises, never mind the *woke* propaganda.  It's stupid to spend that much money for something nobody wants to watch and pretending to be a meaningful IP product, but that's what they've reduced themselves to, and they don't even realize that.

Toronto’s First Black Female Police Superintendent Demoted After Cheating to Get Black Officers Promoted
August 30, 2024

□ [“Hamas Terror Leader Calls for Suicide Attacks on Israel"]

It's been ten months, why haven't they tried this already?  For that matter, has anybody else noticed that they haven't been suicide bombing much for the last decade or so?  I've always wondered if that was one effect of having the US military present for so long, being able to kill them before they exploded as well as teaching the sensible Muslims that there were better options, like killing the enemy without killing yourself.

So I think this means the people in charge of Hamas are desperate.  Not enough to do it themselves, but that's natural.  It might damage Israel a bit, but it's probably intended to get publicity across the Muslim world.  But then, how do they bring in the explosives they intend to use?  Israel would have cameras, drones and computer scanners all over, they would know where this is supposed to happen and by whom.

And these people are supported by leftists and the *woke.*  That's as good a reason as any why they have never bothered to form a nation in thousands of years, with all the religion and economic contact around them.  And none of their supporters mind this, it's all Israel's fault.

Secret Service Failed to Prevent Juvenile from Illegally Entering Mar-a-Lago Compound Last December
August 30, 2024

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