04 August, 2024

Daffy Duck just texted me that these people need to get it together

Hacker Group Breaks into Venezuela Communist Party Data Base – Posts Pix of Regime Thugs Responsible for Street Killing
August 4, 2024

□ [“Vatican Shocks World with Statement Over Olympics’ Blasphemous ‘Last Supper’ Mockery"]

They actually opposed it.  A week later.  The Olympics must be getting close to an end by this point and they've finally gotten around to seeing the opening.  That's... so noble.  People will finally know what they're allowed to think about that atrocity.

My first guess is that they knew they'd have to put this message out, but they need to work out the secret code words to let the *right people* know that they didn't mean it, they're all on the same side, against civilization and morality.  Just ignore the rest.  No idea if Francis had anything to do with this although I'm sure his name is on the statement.

Looking it up, he did speak out, that says they will “join the voices raised in recent days."  That's not a moral stance, that's going along with the crowd.  That's how collectivism and tyranny works, you're chained to your subjects.  Notice that he's not going into any specifics, no lesson to be learned, other than the limits to freedom of expression.  A polite atheist could say the same thing, that's how relevant it is.

Secret Service Whistleblower:  Management Wiped All January 6-Related Texts/Emails From His Phone
August 4, 2024

□ [“Iran Announces It Will Attack Any Arab Country that Tries to Intervene in Its Attack on Israel"]

Say whaaa?  This is a very out-of-character thing to say.  It's like the crips saying they'll bust a cap on any crip that tries to stop the drive-by attack on the bloods.  That's not something you need to say to anybody who's already on your side, unless they're not.  This isn't even a sensible warning to just stay out of the line of fire, it's like they've gotten a little GWB in their surah, you're either with us or with the Jews.

Just the fact that they have to say this indicates that something isn't working out according to plan.  They also announce that Israel won't see it's 80th birthday.  That's a little ways off, they just passed their 76th birthday a few months ago, and this is supposed to look threatening?  Watch out, Arabs, or the Persians will straighten you out!

We know Iran has far more influence on its western allies than its Muslim neighbors, but isn't the point supposed to be that we're the irrelevant infidel?  Now it is noted that (reportedly) the US, Britain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE did help Israel shoot down Iran's drone attack in April.  Not sure that's really true but it's at least official, so Iran does have nations to speak out against.

But that itself shouldn't be important, Islam has never really accepted the modern view of nations, although it's in a different way from their leftist allies.  There's Islam and the tribe, but the country itself isn't as relevant, other than to whoever is currently in charge who has to keep the tribes in line.  Now I'm trying to remember who Saddam Hussein had to deal with and keep in line just to maintain power, other than the Kurds.  It's not like dealing with western nations, I know that much.

Months After $20 Minimum Wage Law, California Fast Food Workers Want Another Increase
August 4, 2024

□ [“Lindsey Graham Joint Resolution to ‘Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces’ Against Iran"]

Of course they got a RINO to do it, so the leftists can vote for it and deny any responsibility.  Iran has always been a threat and he's waited until now to do anything about it.  I'm waiting to see him on the front lines, let's just find out if anybody will be listening to him there.

I'm willing to let Israel handle it.  Maybe they'll be lucky and get more genocide than they get with the philistines.  Or maybe Iranians will have had enough and overthrow the mullahs.  As it is, the situation is so serious that even Joe Biden had to be pulled out of retirement and someone actually got ask him a question, could Iran be convinced to de-escalate?  “I hope so.  I don’t know.”  How inspiring.  The people who vote for him must be rushing to join the military.

□ [“UK’s Socialist Labour Gov't Leaders Impose Secret Arms Embargo with Israel"]

At least some western leaders are open about wanting Israel destroyed.  They're also much more willing to take down Brits and defend Muslim invaders, as we see with the riots going on these days.  The Muslims can burn down anything they want, it's the English who will go to jail for defending themselves.

□ [“Muslim Mobs Roam Eleven British Cities with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police"]

This is Muslim territory and as far as they're concerned, you can never go back.  It's like the difference between an infidel and an apostate.  One of them hasn't learned the truth yet and doesn't need to be punished for it, the other knows the truth and rejects.  No Muslim country allows apostates to live, wonder why.

Royal Air Force Unit Drops Nickname After It’s Labeled Offensive to Muslims
August 3, 2024

Hunh?  Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Registers as Ukrainian Agent
August 3, 2024

Pentagon Deploys Additional Jet Squadron, Warships, and USS Carrier Strike Group To Israel
August 4, 2024

□ [“Official Democrat Page Uploads Photo of Kamala Harris With 'Michelle' Signs in Background"]

The woman with the adulterous husband posts a pix that makes sure you're actually looking at 'the other woman.'  Nothing suspicious about that.  Everybody needs to know that they're not stuck with that one...

The obvious immediate response is that they're just planning to kick her out immediately.  That was certainly my first thought, even though there's no way to think they could be that insane to think there's the slightest chance of getting away with it.  There's no need to worry about the rules, but no voters would just be moved along to a third candidate in two months like that, even assuming Michelle had the slightest interest in being the official name on the ballot.

The pic actually comes from the 2008 DNC, which is almost as suspicious.  It's not like they don't have more recent pictures of Harris, they just really want to push who's really in charge.  As always, something about this just makes me think of cult behavior, and not just putting "Michelle" in the pic.  Or maybe it's just so simpleminded, needing to show this off in one of the most obvious ways possible.  They definitely don't need to attract anybody.

□ [“Students Prepping for Even More Pro-Hamas Campus Protests This Fall"]

Another deployment and they're not even in any danger, how nice.  This is another aspect of the war.  There's the riots in Britain but Muslims are safer because the citizens can't have guns.  America is different, so they're going with the college students pretending they're ready to fight for gays or something like that.

They've certainly spent the summer making plans.  I would hope that sane college students - if there are any - are making their own plans, like going for real jobs instead.  Maybe they'll be lucky and they'll have to pay their own tuition.  If there was ever any real benefit to college, it's gone and all that's left is the corpse with these activists hanging around.

We know the colleges themselves will side with this, the only question is there's anyone anywhere on staff who won't go along.  Lower-class workers, especially, should refuse to have anything to do with these thugs.  They don't think and they'll be very useful for the upcoming election theft..

Trump Roasts Old Joe at Rally: “They Did a Coup, He Just Doesn’t Know It”
August 4, 2024

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