19 September, 2024

If you can read this, this is what you're reading. Wow! Mind! Totally! Blown! Well, slightly dented, it wasn't that impressive.

Serbian Judo Champion Is Suspended for 5 Months for Making the Sign of the Cross at Paris Olympics
September 19, 2024

□ [“Former NYC Covid Czar Talks About Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife Hosted During Lockdown"]

Yes, that is what he says, he was admitting the orgies he had and his wife held when they were punishing others for being too close.  He had to "blow off stress" because of how hard his job was, and apparently couldn't find a way that would follow the rules he imposes on others.  How often do the elites need to show that they ignore their own rules?

He also adds that one of the great things about his job was forcing other people to do what he wanted.  That was why they had to be vaccinated because he would make everyone's lives so miserable if they weren't.  That's the kind of guy you'd expect to be in charge and ignore his own rules.  Best of all, those close to him can get a secret deal that no one else has access to, because "equality."

This may be explain, at least partially, why the left has been raging so much since the virus came out.  High ranking leftist were able to do this, and they probably did have the drug-filled orgies, making these plans against the peons.  They could plan election theft and totalitarianism because nobody else was permitted to be around them.

This video appears to be one of those set-ups where he's talking to a hot chick and doesn't notice she's filming this.  Obviously he doesn't need to stick with his wife, but we'll see how this works out for him.  Who attended those orgies with him, anybody famous?  Anybody else who had these events during the lockdowns?  Sounds like this will either become known soon or he will die of "suddenly" very quickly.

European Parliament Finally Recognizes Edmundo González as “Legitimate” Elected Venezuelan President
September 19, 2024

□ [“FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana"]

Rahal was a racing champion, Lanigan is some sort of "entrepreneur," and Letterman grew old and boring on tv long before he ended his show.  This is a racing team, they've had a decent amount of success in races even I've heard of.  I know nothing about the sport so I have no clue if it's about the car, the driver or the team that keeps them both functioning.  But that's what they did.

So what's this about?  There are no details, the feds just told everybody to drop what they're doing and leave.  So whatever they were looking for would stay in the building, or they'd be able to track it.  Given the connections to Hollywood and professional sports, it may have been about finding more links to others.  It's another example of the FBI looking like it's actually doing something relevant.

That said, we need to at least consider that they're doing the opposite.  Doing this would expand the *woke* agenda and probably won't do much damage to the peons, but could be it be about a purge?  I'll cite Letterman as the most convenient example because I've heard of him, but maybe he found himself on the wrong team and the rulers want to eliminate people like that before they crush the masses.

Newsom Threatens Elon Musk with Legal Action For Sharing Kamala Harris A.I. Meme
September 19, 2024

□ [“Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’"]

Suddenly she's against "population reduction"?  And yet she's out giving people even more reasons to vote for Trump, like there wasn't enough already.  It's very strange how these people who know the elections will be stolen are going out with this idiotic rhetoric.  Trump had four years to do this, why didn't he do it then?

They never answer that, just as they never explain why Harris will fix what she hasn't bothered to do for the last four years.  They're just so intent on ignoring reality that this never even occurs to them that anybody can see anything wrong with this.  This is why they want to be 100% surrounded by leftists and are very offended with anything doesn't comply.

It's things like this which give a slight hope that the stolen elections aren't locked in place.  Otherwise there would be no reason to do this.  Most leftists don't want to be out in public, they want to give orders in private.  Notice that there's been very little public attention given to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Bill or Obama, John Kerry and the like.  They want to stay out of the public eye.  The peasants will be told what to do when the time comes.  So why else would Rice be doing this idiocy?

19-Year-Old Iowa "Trans-Identified Female" Arrested for Terrorist Threats to Shoot Up an Elementary School
September 19, 2024

□ [“AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security"]

The stadium did apologize, although I don't know if they returned her hat, bought her a new one or refunded her ticket cost.  They certainly haven't identified the security agent who made this decision.  Can we assume he gets a paid vacation and will be promoted to senior leadership when he comes back?

The obvious choice would be to have every fan show up to every game with a MAGA hat from now own.  That's fine, I wouldn't forbid them to make that decision, not that I, you know, not that I could or anything.  Because I'm a nobody.  Yeah that's right, they have no idea who I am, they'd just ignore me anyway, all according to plan, mwah-hah-hah...  Sorry, where was I?

If I had the say, I'd tell them all to just flat-out skip the sportsgaming or whatever they call it.  Watch it on tv if you really must, but skip going to the game itself.  Empty seats, nobody buying snakes or t-shirts.  They don't want people who would wear a MAGA hat so let them focus on whoever their real audience is.

You'd just waste their time and make them feel bad because they want to ban your MAGA hat but are no longer allowed to.  Be nice to them, let them stay with their own kind and nobody else.

Judge Agrees to Delay Hunter Biden’s Felony Gun Charges Sentencing to December 4
September 19, 2024

□ [“Mohamed Al Fayed Accused by Multiple Female Employees of Rape"]

He died last year so it's a little late, but this sounds like another example of the elites secrets being revealed, the Muslim world in this case.  Fayed was an Egyptian billionaire, he had married a rich Saudi woman from the Khashoggi family.  Fayed spent much of his life in Britain where he infiltrated the economy and linked them to the Middle East.  His son was a movie producer in Hollywood but died in a car crash with Princess Diana.

None of this is an obvious target, but it does illustrate how intertwined the world elites are.  So why would this be coming out now?  We can only guess who they're connected to and what power they have, although now I'll have the Queen song "Khashoggi's Ship" in my head for the rest of the night, and yes, it's a real boat for rich people.  Fayed's movies weren't big he had some big connections through Hollywood.

Probably not that big a deal on our side of the world, but it might be relevant to others.  It's just another example of how WWIII isn't transpiring like the previous two.  At this point we can assume that everything that comes out in public is part of that war and was chosen for a reason.

Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters
September 19, 2024

Biden Claims He “Never Once Spoke” to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Since He Became President – Then Video Surfaces
September 19, 2024

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