11 September, 2024

Pray to the Lord or you'll be the prey.

British PM Scraps Winter Fuel Payments for 10 Million Pensioners While Freeing 1,700 Dangerous Prisoners
September 11, 2024

□ [“Ukrainian Defenses in Donetsk Nearing Breaking Point; Disrupted Logistics, Lack of Equipment and Manpower"]

Is the end near?  Or is this 'fake news'?  Are all the troops just sitting around and playing on their cellphones?  Welcome to the Third World War, where we have no idea what's really going on.

I still think Russia is just playing with Ukraine, they could have finished this off two years ago if that was all they wanted.  It's also helping them weaking western militaries for the next fight.  But there is a reasonable question of how China wants this to work.  It's becoming clear that they're the ones handling this war and limiting how much needs to go kinetic, and Russia would be just as much of a target as everyone else.  Possibly more, Russia's a next-door neighbor.

Anyway, with everything else that seems to be following a schedule, I've been wondering when and how this part of the war is expected to end.  Does Ukraine even have any males left that are between the ages of 15 and 50?  Those are kind of important if you want to keep a country going, no matter how many wars the media says you win.

So it makes sense why they had to cancel elections.  Not just for those in charge to keep giving themselves pay raises, but if you had people fill out paper ballots saying whether or not Russia should get Donetsk and end the war, what would Ukraine vote?  Of course Donetsk has already voted to leave Ukraine and the elected Ukraine prime minister was ignored in 2014, so we're seeing precedents for how this would work out.

CNN’s Dana Bash Says Police Reports of Migrants Eating People’s Pets is a ‘Racist Meme’
September 11, 2024

□ [“Production Paused On Amazon Drama Good Omens From Neil Gaiman"]

Gaiman's career seems to have ended.  Considering what Hollywood gets up to, and that he's been there for quite a while now, this comes off as something really big being hidden, because otherwise it wouldn't be that big a deal.  So what are they trying to hide?  He's up to seven accusations by now.

Disney has also paused a movie version of one of his books, although Disney's having its own problems so that can't entirely be blamed on Gaiman.  At least if this was actually being covered like normal celebrity affairs.  As far as I know, there is a Sandman tv show, and it hasn't been cancelled.  [Looking it up, the show ran in 2022, sorta adapting the first three collections.  Presumably Season of Mists will be next but they haven't gotten around to that yet.]

Several months ago, Gaiman hired a PR firm.  Interesting timing, since none of this had come out yet and his career had done fine until then.  He also suddenly gets diagnosed with autism.  That's not common for a guy in his 60s.  All of his publishers still remain silent on the issue, like they just want to keep ignoring it as they've always done.

Gaiman himself supported the "me too" movement, why don't they have to live up to their own standards?  It's the silence that makes it look like it was always a cover so they could get away with whatever they wanted.  And if the accusations against Gaiman are true, but that's all they were, it comes across as pathetic.  Rich, famous, old, white guy, and this is what he does to get off?  Banging hot chicks isn't even an option?

And although it's not something I would have thought of myself, there is the adultery aspect.  Gaiman's wikipedia page has been changed to specify that he "had an open marriage" rather than the present tense.  I assume that was included as an ad to fangirls looking for some action, but every little hint or bit of news just keeps driving it home that none of this would have happened if Gaiman had not cheated on his wife.  Or his second wife.  Sure, the two of you agree on an "open marriage" but every chick you bring in gets a vote too.

Or you could just go with the 'all women are liars' argument.  Or at least the ones Neil Gaiman is attracted to.

DOJ Immigration Attorney:  Biden Has Authority to End Illegal Immigration, Democrat Megadonors Control Agenda
September 11, 2024

□ [“CNBC Goes Off on ABC Debate Moderators For Failure to Press Kamala Harris on Her Far-Left Economic Promises"]

Didn't pay much attention to last night's debate and it doesn't sound like it was a big deal.  At least not in-and-of itself.  Haven't heard anything about Trump or Harris being great or horrible.  About all I have heard is that Harris was able to tell the standard leftist rhetoric and lies and was completely supported by Disney/ABC moderators.

They're even being attacked by a rival network, a division of NBC.  If there's any affect from the debate - and I'm mostly speculating because I've seen very little commentary worth reading - it's that Harris basically showed how empty she was.  She can't pretend to be the new guy when she's been there for almost as long as Trump was, and we remember things being much better under Trump.  She could fix the problems now if she really wanted to do that, yet she doesn't.

Apparently she even claimed to own a gun, which, um, no, she doesn't.  It's too easy to find footage of her saying she wants to ban guns to believe she's ever even held one in real life, much less purchased and trained with one.  It's obviously a lie, which means everything else she said last night was probably a lie, and ABC went out of their way to defend her lies because they were attacking Trump.

So if there's anything that came from this - and again, I'm just guessing - it would be that a lot more people realized how empty she is.  There's nothing you'd see in a leader and everything you'd see as someone to keep the hell away from in every aspect of life.

The Corrupt DOJ Has Charged Just 35 Illegal Aliens With Voting Over The Past Two Decades
September 11, 2024

□ [“Mike Johnson Withdraws Government Funding Bill/SAVE Act Just Hours Before Scheduled Vote"]

We go through this one or twice a year.  Despite the law requiring government to pass a budget every year, they've been getting by on these funding bills since 1997.  There's a lot of rhetoric thrown around and eventually Republicans cave in.

I haven't followed anything about the SAVE Act, other than it's a way to *theoretically* prevent election fraud.  Trump is definitely supporting it, although I still don't have a clue how it got attached to this funding bill, so now we're threatened with government shutdown if this doesn't pass.  And eventually Republicans will cave in.

Just shut it down.  Get it out of the way.  Productive men will work things out and leftists can be left on their own.  They're the ones who claim to know everything, and the people in charge are extremely wealthy, so they can show off how their dozens of genders and energy conservation and vaccines work.  They can even handle all the illegal immigrants, who will probably do a better job of organizing and production than the children they aborted.

Nancy Pelosi probably has more authority in the House than this guy.  The new fiscal year will start on schedule in a few weeks and Republicans will have done nothing to help the voters.  That's the way it's going to be until we've gone on strike.

□ [“Europe’s Economic Suicide"]

The European Commission finally got around to wondering why their economy was so bad.  So they appointed the former head of the European Central Bank to investigate.  He determined that it was their high energy prices. (which they've boasted about and the US rulers wants to copy.)

How about that!  Electricity and natural gas are far more expensive than they should be.  At least they got oil from Russia, but *someone* blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, and the sanctions against Russia prevent more fuel from coming in that would help lower prices.  Turns out that if energy is very expensive, running a business is very expensive, and you can't do it well when it costs that much.  Who knew?

At least the invaders come from countries where they don't have a reliable source of energy.  It's the Third World, they're used to it.  Europeans, not so much, but that's about to change.  Except for the EU leaders and similar elites, it will change for the worse.  Whether they admit it or not, this is what the EU has always striven for.  Meanwhile Russia is still there.

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