06 September, 2024

My life has been spent building towards this blog post. Oh God, how depressing!

Listen, Betty, don't start up with your quotes from "Airplane" shit again.20240905

Every County in Arizona Sued to Make Them to Remove All Illegal Aliens from Voter Rolls as Law Requires
September 6, 2024

□ [“Trump’s New York ‘Hush Money’ Sentencing Delayed Until After Election"]

This is the one where one of Trump's employees decided to pay a porn star out of his own pocket to stay silent and eventually got around to telling Trump about it.  Somehow that influence the 2016 election.  Not sure how but we don't have to understand, we just obey.

Kamala Harris gives a lot of money to this judge's daughter, in violation of New York State Judicial Code of Conduct § 100.3(E)(1)(d)(iii), but as we know, the laws don't apply to some people.  I've wondered if one part of Trump's attacking our rulers has been to show off how the elites can get away with anything.  Ever since Bill Clinton, we know that they support sexual assault, they pay money to keep people silent and keep their family members around to bring in a lot money, with some going to the "big guy."  Back when Trump was a Democrat, that was fine.

The prosecutor, Bragg, agreed to this, which is one of the reasons this just looks like a set-up of some sort.  Two years ago, as District Attorney, he dropped this same case because he didn't think it would go anywhere.  So why did he even bother here?  It can't be publicity because things like this don't help and I'd have to check, but this isn't the first delay of sentencing in this case.

Biden Begins Shouting Out of Nowhere During Speech in Ann Arbor, Michigan
September 6, 2024

□ [“Longtime Democrat Announces Support for Trump:  'Do it For You, Your Children and Grandchildren'"]

Just an anecdote, she seems to be some sort of celebrity on social media, if that's a real thing.  But there have been an increasing number of these lately.  The mob demands obedience and that itself starts pushing some people away.  If they speak up, they get pushed out even harder, which accelerates their escape from leftism.  Even if they don't speak up, they are watching others and find they have to think for themselves.

She's probably fairly typical, a lifelong leftist, a Bernie supporter who thought he was ripped off by Hillary.  She didn't like the "deplorables" comment either.  It's just a bad idea to decide half the country you want to be in charge of is inferior, but it's obviously what the left has been doing for a long time.  Hillary just made it public.  And she found the Trump supporters much nicer and civilized than the Trump opponents.

This probably is happening to a lot of people around the country.  I'm coming to the theory that leftism is simply the refusal to think, which is why I specified that those who aren't speaking up have no other options except thought.  I'm not sure the actual distinction of 'reason vs. emotion' is accurate, but it's close enough.  People actually think for themselves and those who don't just dismiss the whole idea.  They don't even come up with distinct ways of not-thinking, it's all the same.

We can see that going on for decades.  It's a 'chicken or the egg' example, but it runs along with the degradation of the family.  Marriage and reproduction were supposed to be something special, 'til death do us part.  Your children were your responsibility and you were expected to raise them to be decent adults.  Now that's gone, they're expected to be ruled by emotion because of teachers and media and government, one generation after another.

But the ability to think is still there in each one of them.  At some point, they realize that thinking is the only way to get out of whatever messes they find themselves in, like the leftist tyranny that demands war and "population reduction."  They're not after Trump, they're after us, and those in charge have gotten away with not having to think for their entire lives.

PBS Convention Coverage:  72% of RNC Coverage Was negative, 88% of DNC Coverage was Positive
September 6, 2024

□ [“Harris Campaign Spokesman Tells CNN ‘We Don’t Have Time’ to Talk About What Happened Over the Last Few Years"]

They're just doubling down on the mindless.  Any rational person would recognize that the last few years are *supposed* to be great because of Biden and his mistress, but they want to ignore that.  Just drop it out of the conversation and pretend Trump has ruined everything.  It's like they're one step away from saying they're going to punch us all in the face if we don't obey them now.

And they're doing this to promote someone who doesn't talk.  You had more time a month and a half ago when Biden was kicked out and Harris was installed.  But instead there's nothing, now you "don't have time."  Of all the years we can remember, the last few are the most memorable and those are the ones someone who self-identifies as Veep wants to ignore.

He's been specifically asked about how voters aren't responding well to the last three and a half-years and that's what they can't talk about.  They can't even point to what Harris was doing all those years, and what public statements she made, because then they'd have to justify that to voters.  This is not how democracy works, or republics, and you're just giving more people justification to not accept the results.  You could be preventing that, but you "don't have time."

It's just going to drive more people away.  This is where decision-making ability is evident, or its complete absence from any of these people.  But that's what they need to avoid.  Only those who live their lives on emotion don't see a problem with that and even some of those people must be getting very scared.  And you expect a DEI candidate to fix anything?

You could get 99% of a fair vote and that wouldn't be enough to beat those who think.  Guess what, you can't even get that far.  Election theft isn't going to be enough, the only hope you have is that your foreign allies have actually done some thinking and planned for what's going to happen next.

Several Women Accuse Brazil Human Rights Minister of Sexual Harassment, Including Another Cabinet Minister
September 6, 2024

□ [“Governor Newsom Vetoes Bill For Illegal Aliens to Buy Homes with Zero Down Payment, 0% Interest"]

I get the impression that Aunt Nancy told him to set-up a blatant leftist law that he can veto to make him look good.  He can't get in on this election, Harris is already installed, so if she loses, that's it.  But her rich nephew can say he was totally not-leftist in 2028 and point to this as an example.  Probably not much else to point to, but it's more than Harris can do.

□ [“Anti-Trump Billionaire Mark Cuban Criticizes Kamala Harris Tax Plan Then Awkwardly Tries to Walk it Back"]

This is the same sort of thing, although Newsom obviously knows how to promote himself to the public.  No idea why Cuban is a billionaire but you'd think that means some sort of sensibility but here he is, disagreeing with Harris and then realizing that means he actually disagrees with her, which he can't do.  Most people don't have billions of dollars to use as a cushion if they fall down, what's his excuse?

These are elites realizing that they need to change direction if they want to maintain power.  They need to maintain power or they'll be caught by the resistance for all their stolen elections and everything else that's coming out.  Some of them can also see how they depend on their servants just to get through a day, at least those with any connection to reality.  That's one of the things that helped Trump, he has always been rich and famous but he always came off as having a clue how the working class live, even without having to do it himself.

It is starting to look like they aren't going to win two months from now, even if they claim they do.  Something big is ready to happen, not even counting the election, and the elites get a better view of that than the rest of us.  It's another reason why some leftists are actually starting to wake up.

The Socialist International Endorses Kamala Harris for the 2024 Presidential Elections
September 6, 2024

News is coming out from Disney that they've got even more problems with their streaming service.  The info comes from emails that were either hacked or leaked.  Probably the latter, someone on the inside who was tired of this ongoing disaster.  It seems that the streaming service averaged a little over $5 per customer per month as revenue.

That's not profit, that's including the money they get from advertisers, and that's not even counting for all the massive expenses for their shows on the streaming service.  It's damaged their franchises, damaged their cable channel and just makes the company look bad, all for virtually no money coming in.

If the members of the board owned any Disney stock, they'd be angry for the chairman lying to them to get re-elected.  But those who do own stock probably aren't happy to finally learn about this.  The only thing worse would be if they actually knew about it and were in favor of destroying this company.  That's probably not the case and now that they've gotten rid of their customers, there's nothing to go back to.

Just a guess, but I think those in charge really believed this would work.  They hoped the latest Star Wars show would be loved for the lesbian space witches.  The Marvel franchise was probably used because they thought the characters were automatically popular no matter what and would also include their propaganda for a fictional multiverse.  They built everything on an illusion and are finally realizing that.  They should just buy Warner Bros. so they could show what Wile E. Coyote would do in this situation.

New Zealand Triples Tourist Prices to Enter the Country – Rome to Charge for Access to Famed Trevi Fountain
September 6, 2024

Release of Kamala Harris’s Prerecorded Radio Interview Delayed Due to “Technical Issues”
September 6, 2024

National Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Trump
September 6, 2024

August Jobs Report Shows ‘Absolutely Stunning’ Decline for Americans, Opposite for Foreign-Born
September 6, 2024

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