31 January, 2021

I'm picking up bad vibrations. She must be punished.

□ [“Dr. Fauci Backtracks on Wearing Multiple Face Masks After Pushing It Just One Week Ago"]

I haven't been paying much attention but I've heard a bit about this.  Is this outright insanity?  A virus isn't stopped a mask in the first place, it's just imposing power over subordinates for the sake of it, but a second mask?  The guy who pointed out that masks don't do anything has completely changed his mind to demanding everyone wear two and has now reversed himself again.

And the left pretends to believe in science.  I've been suspecting for a while that this is what the left's been going for, splattering their insanity across all concepts, science, race, sex, etc.  I'm trying to figure out how they've gotten so far because this is ridiculous.

□ [“Wikipedia Does Damage Control: Locks Page of Never-Trumper Caught Grooming Underage Boys"]

As we can see here.  As near as I can tell, sex with children always seems to be either the main goal or the way to approach their main goal.  Hollywood has been all about that, marriage has been destroyed and here they're going for this.  If you pretend that everybody can self-identify as whatever they want, there's nothing to stop you from fucking them.

□ [“Democrats Furious When Anti-Trump Maxine Waters Quote Is Turned On Them"]

It's all outward.  No knowledge or interest of how horrible it is if a Democrat urges violence, it's only bad when the enemy quotes the Democrat.  No thought about it, no wondering how one made the mistake, much less questioning why one is so easy to manipulate by people urging violence.

Maybe it's that there's an internal line of thought that's part of being an individual and leftists either ignore it or defy it as much as humanly possible.  Their side can kill blacks as much as they want but that doesn't matter, the other side is "racist."  They're told fascism is bad and they'll obey without question or contradiction.

Obviously the individual human can't be erased so they need a system that does it as much as possible while taking advantage of what individuals do.  I definitely think that's one of the major points God is making.  The individual is too complicated for anyone to comprehend, trying to rule them requires force and even that requires obedient individuals to impose that force.  The group is easier to comprehend and lets you ignore each individual that makes it up.

I can't say if there really is anything to the concept of 'group' or not.  It's quite possible that it's only the combination of individuals and everything that comes from it is from those individuals.  I do think that if there's any legitimate aspect of the 'group' it's not as relevant as the individuals.  The person pointing out that the individuals can be replaced never seems to include themselves in that category.

But the individual has to think for themselves.  I definitely suspect it's the main reason for the difference between men and women.  Non-men are all trying to gang up on this and most actual men will do anything for pussy.  There are women who see this and don't want any part, but the rest?  Not a chance.  And that's how kids are being trained by leftists in government who only think in 'group' terms except when it applies to them because they're special.

30 January, 2021

You take the bad, you take the worse, you take 'em both and that's all you get. Accept the facts.

Cloris Leachman died a couple days ago.  Although she's probably best known as Frau Blücher [neiighhhh] and other than that as Phyllis on Mary Tyler Moore and her own spin-off, I knew her best as her replacement for Charlotte Rae on The Facts of Life.  In hindsight, there wasn't really any point to that but then, the girls were adults by then and why were they still together in the first place?

Anyway, I started off looking up a few of Rae's best-known classic scenes from movies and other tv shows - no point watching Leachman, amiright? - and obviously I was going to get back to that tv show.  I liked it as a kid but there's still the standard excuse, I was just a kid.  I'm still not sure why on earth I would have any desire to actually see any of it again.

But I looked up a few clips on youtube.  The theme song is just magnificent, so that's definitely a plus.  Most of the clips on youtube are short but I could not stop myself from enjoying them.  Then I discovered I actually have some full episodes saved in my computer files.  Where the hell did I get them?  What was I doing in late-July 2014 where I had access to them?  But I have eleven episodes from across the series run.  And why did I choose these episodes?

And yet it works.  The clips were certainly entertaining and I generally recognized most of them.  If anybody used to watch the series and remembers anything from it, it's probably the 'paint fight' and I definitely enjoyed that.  They were acting in the sense that they were following a script but otherwise it's just girls being girls and it was fun.  Then Mrs. G. comes in and catches them...

So far I've only watched one episode, it was an hour-long season finally that was mostly flashbacks to earlier episodes, but I couldn't resist.  The humor is as good as I've seen from tv in the last few decades anyway and the characters had decent stories.  Mrs. Garrett will generally save the day from whatever the current problem is and the stories are focused on them in school.  It's pretty simple and doesn't live up to any high hopes but little else is needed.

The first season didn't work well, there were just too many girls involved to give any of them much storytime and tv wasn't into building on large casts, particularly in sitcoms.  For the second season, they dropped most of the cast and put the rest in a situation where they basically had to be around each other.  I've always wondered why they added Jo instead of just keeping one of the previous cast like Cindy but this was clearly the right way to go.

Blair and Jo were definitely the main characters in the foursome, most episodes were about either or both of them.  Lisa Whelchel was clearly the best actress of the group (not counting Charlotte Rae) and Nancy McKeon just came out as great by being different from the others.  They weren't that different in later seasons but were still based on the great characterization of the early years.

Natalie and Tootie were more supporting cast although they were certainly capable of handling mainplots or subplots regularly together or apart.  It makes the foursome work, they can't all be stars and two of them are based on fighting over the top role so the other two were what held the group together.  The straight man is always a crucial role in comedy just to give the humor something to work with and the audience isn't even giving them credit for it.  Mindy Cohn and Kim Fields certainly filled those roles.  Tootie was a little off just because she was so much younger than the others but in a few years that didn't show.

The show was produced by Embassy Television, which was founded by Norman Lear and, looking it up, from The Jeffersons to Married With Children, seems to have been responsible for a lot of shows I watched when I was younger.  I should look that up, did any other studio come close to that success?  I certainly watched a lot of television when I was younger but it wasn't like I filled up all my free time with it.

I doubt I'll watch all of the episodes I have, much less try to find any more, but it is nice to see something that's genuinely enjoyable again.  One thing I do notice was that it could go in very different directions at times.  I don't have a copy of the episode where someone is trying to sway Tootie into childporn but that's definitely something that other tv shows wouldn't have touched.  I do have - and will probably wind up watching - an episode that's just weird fantasy from Natalie at a truck stop.  Where did that one even come from?  I remember none of it but I've always remembered it exists.

I also have the episode with the "pillow fight" which only comes in second to the "paint fight," it's safe to assume I'll watch that too.  This is what goes on in my life.  And that's a fact...  😢

Nah, see, nosy nazis know "no si"

I was also thinking about the Night of the Long Knives in addition to the Reichstag Fire.  Obviously there needed to be a purge as soon as possible.  There would be leftists who didn't obey and others would seek their own way to power which would turn against those who ruled.  Something would need to be done about them as soon as possible.

If I recall, Mao had to do something similar although I may be misremembering, I know he managed to get the younger generation to start purging people after he'd been ruling for a couple decades.  Russia had nothing in the way of trustworthy media so we know nothing about it happening there until Stalin took over.  And there have been reports of Antifa leaders being arrested although too skeptical for me to have reported on them.  Hitler actually stands out because he actually won an election, he had to convince people to vote for him.  The others, not so much.

Nothing comes to mind on a current version of the Beer Hall Putsch but I'll see where that thinking goes.

Being jealous of the people who slept through History...

I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking of the Reichstag Fire as a precedent for leftist behavior.  It's still unknown what exactly happened.  The Nazis definitely blamed political opponents and used it as an excuse to increase their own power just as Democrats are doing.  That said, Russia had been spending as much money as possible to fund revolutions all around the world and everyone had expected Germany to be the first communist nation so they'd have definitely been working on that.

"These sub-humans do not understand how the people stand at our side.  In their mouse-holes, out of which they now want to come, of course they hear nothing of the cheering of the masses"
 - Hitler, discussing the fire with Rudolf Diels

I definitely think we need to investigate how fascists actually split from communists, since they did start as communists.  I've always suspected that it was basically one difference, that fascists recognized a nation had to be ruled as a nation whereas communists insist that nations will vanish and they'll rule the entire world as a natural conclusion.  So there's one sane element in an otherwise insane viewpoint and that's really all there is.  It does extend to how the rulership works, private businesses are allowed to exist as long as they obey whereas communists believe everything should be owned by the government which will magically vanish for utopia.  But where I'm currently curious is how this was started.

Hitler was a fanboy of Mussolini.  Mussolini started out a total communist until he actually had to be in charge of something.  I'll have to look up the specifics but I think it was The Great War that did it, a lot of leftists went straight for the war and I've always seen the military as being where the right and left sides effectively reach their highest points in a good way but to do that they need to accept and understand battle, not to mention the chain-of-command.

[Yes, Mussolini started out with standard neutrality but quickly saw the benefit of supporting the war.  Many communists did, many did not and they started fighting each other]

So World War I basically came from this aspect of human existence, Russia, Italy and Germany came out of that and there's most of the 20th Century.  I'm not remotely surprised that the left is all about how horrible Nazis were despite communist rule being just as deadly if not more.  Stalin killed a lot more Russians than Hitler did, Mao killed around 40 million Chinese in a few years but they were easy to replace and their followers still don't allow criticism.  The rulers get to keep their power and palaces without election for the rest of their lives.

I think a large part of humanity are more opposed to people very slightly different from themselves than they are to people who are much different.  Individuals can focus on things to be done in their own lives, these people can't and won't until reality gets too far in their way.  The benefit of Western Civilization [USA ← England ← Western Europe ← Rome ← Greece ← Babylonia ← Egypt ← Sumer] allows them to stick with that insanity far more than anyone in history.  It's one reason I always cite the changes made by WWI as making it impossible to comprehend existence before then.  The richest and most-powerful rulers didn't even wipe their ass with toilet paper at an indoor flushable toilet.  If you don't know the difference, go without that for a few weeks and see the result.  And don't pass time on the internet when you're taking a shit, even if you're curious about what Western Civilization has given you that previous centuries didn't have.

I have to wonder if we're now in the 'latter days' where all of this is being combined by those who want to rule us.

29 January, 2021

You can't always get what you want, what you need, what you deserve but if you try sometimes, you just might find it gets much worse...

Senate Judiciary Chairman Says Gun Control Is ‘Top Priority’
January 28, 2021

Not sure what I have to say today.  Still working on the "History project," that's about it.  Days just keep going by with no progress or improvement.  I'm sure it's not just me.

Still trying to work out how individuality is basically what the left opposes.  It's freedom from government, not requiring everything to go through the leader's requirements, that much we know.  But is it belief in leadership, identifying as a group, lack of willingness to decide for oneself, some or all or none of these?

I've been sitting here for a couple hours trying to figure out what else to say.  I'll just post it now.

28 January, 2021

Hope is not approved by the government, that's why people no longer have any.

It occurred to me last night that we should probably expect a fake bombing or assassination attempt soon, something like that to impose the left's complete control.  It would get them a perfect excuse to flat-out drop Congress from the equation and the Democrats would totally support it.

If they can't impeach Trump - and I still assume they will regardless of what the Constitution says - they'll need to get to 'show trials' as soon as possible to make up for it.  After all, they're following in Stalin and Mao's footsteps.

□ [“Dictator Biden Signs Two Executive Orders to Restore Obama’s Failed 'Affordable Care Act' – Refuses to Answer Questions From Reporters"]

Funny how no one ask Congress to do anything.  Maybe that's what the questions he wouldn't answer were.  So now we're back to Obamacare, forcing you to pay companies for products you don't want or you'll be punished.

There's something going on in the stock market but I don't pay much attention to that, I just want to make the reference of something happening, it's called "GameStop."  Don't worry, rich people are asking for government bailouts.

The push to make DC a state is still going on.  Obviously Texas could split into multiple states but they'd all vote for Republicans so Democrats would oppose it.  So could other states.  At least they have the option, the Constitution specifically states that Washington DC is a district, not a state, there to hold the federal government and nothing else.

Oh wait, who cares what the Constitution says?  Our totalitarian rulers sure don't and they're the only ones who matter.

I'm assuming books like 1984, Animal Farm, Atlas Shrugged and similar works are coming back.  Well, until they're banned anyway.  But they spent a few generations describing the totalitarianism we're facing now.  I know I've been thinking of them more often.  Since my memory problems didn't remind me of details of the Russian 'show trials,' I had to go through memory that still remains of the similar scene in Animal Farm.  Haven't looked it up yet for specifics, but that's an example.

Antifa Riot at Portland ICE Facility Overnight, Throw Mortar Explosives at Federal Police Officers
January 28, 2021

27 January, 2021

The Constitution is "past-tense"

□ [“Schumer Wants Biden To Declare ‘Climate Emergency’"]

They're not wasting any time to get to tyranny.

“‘He can do many, many things under the emergency powers … that he could do without legislation.”

This cannot continue for long.  I'm beginning to suspect China has been behind it all because who else could be so open about dictatorship.  Democrats could have been doing it for years if they could think of it.  We're still under a National Emergency declared by Obama for a virus that no one does anything about, he could have done it then.  They could have urged Trump to declare emergency powers, he didn't need those sissies in Congress.

“You can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.”
- Biden, October 15, 2020

And he's already issued a few dozen executive orders.  He obviously didn't have a clue what he was talking about and it suggests he doesn't have a clue what he's doing now, he'd just following orders.  "I've got a pen and I've got a phone" as the saying goes.

□ [“Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Banning the Term 'China Virus'"]

Funny how Trump didn't ban speech during his first week.  Democrats do and that's why they're in charge.  Technically the order only applies to the federal government at the moment, but where does the left allow anything outside of government command?

□ [“Sen. Tom Carper Introduces Washington DC Admission Act to Make Nation’s Capital its 51st State"]

And this is just such an example.  DC is 68 square miles in size and produces nothing except taxes on others, there's no point to this except to add Democrats to Congress.  I expect this to pass through without hesitation.  That's what the power-hungry do, it's where their interest goes.  I wouldn't be surprised if they rename it in the process.  Probably "Obama" but possibly something else.

How long until they get back to having their supporters shoot Republican Senators the way Bernie did.  He gave the same orders Trump did and Trump gets blamed, it's only fair.

Cloris Leachman, actress, age 94
January 26, 2021

26 January, 2021

How many Syrians did Biden kill today? How many more can we kill tomorrow?

□ [“Sen. Patrick Leahy, who will preside over Trump impeachment trial, taken to hospital"]

I'm not sure if this is just his age - the guy's 80 years old and has been in the Senate since just after Nixon left office - or if there's more of a conspiracy.  His son followed LTC Miller as my battalion commander.  Just worth noting.

□ [“Democratic Party Of Oregon Refuses To Condemn Antifa Terrorists After They Destroy Party HQ, Try To Blame Republicans Instead"]
□ [“CNN Describes Antifa Violence in Seattle, Portland As 'Protesters' For 'Racial Justice'"]

As with all totalitarian societies, there's no way to know how many people actually believe this and how many are just pretending.  It's long been noted that totalitarians force people to assert things they don't actually believe, as much for its own sake as for anything else and obviously the left needs to insist that burning down black-owned businesses is totally fine with them, but a faked invasion of Congress is horrible and everybody needs to be punished for their allies.

That's what's so mind-boggling about this, how fast we suddenly turned into a society where people are filled with self-doubt, not knowing what they can safely say even when it's the truth.  I think that's keeping a lot of people off-edge.

□ [“Supercut of Democrats Calling For Political Violence"]

The elite get to say what they want, it's everybody else who must be prevented from speaking.  That's why they have men with guns obeying them, they won't let anyone else have that.

About the only thing I can hope is that time moves fast these days that their rule will start falling apart very quickly.  Even then it'll still leave China as the dominant force in the world as they've intended for thousands of years, but it would be something.  Alas, the failure of the left on everyone else is probably something that will stay for a long time and only grow in power.  Why would anything else go right?

After Pledging to Reopen Schools, Joe Biden Endorses Chicago Teachers Union’s Illegal Strike
January 25, 2021

24 January, 2021

Yeah, we're starting to miss that 2020 already. It was so much better than this.

Democrats are ready to destroy the country and set up every future election for them.

□ [“D

emocrats introduce their first bill in the House: H.R.1 - Nationwide mail-in voting, banning restrictions on ballot harvesting, banning voter ID, criminal voters,DC, Statehood roadwork, it's all in here"]

It'll pass without a problem, this is what they've always wanted.  Biden has already signed well over a dozen Executive orders to further that destruction.

□ [“Amazon Fights Against Mail-In Voting in Union Decision to Preserve ‘Vote Fidelity’"]

By an amazing coincidence, Biden-supporting large corporations do not want what they are eager to force upon others.  They're not peons after all.  They support the purge that's begun.  Soon we'll come the gulags.

“Release Them All, Immediately” – Joe Biden Orders ICE Agents to Release All Illegal Aliens in Custody
January 23, 2021

Ute Indian Tribe Lashes Out at Biden Admin For Restricting Federal Energy Development, “Direct Attack on Our Economy and Sovereignty”
January 23, 2021

“Insulting”- Labor Unions That Endorsed Biden Now Lashing Out At Him - Tell them to learn to code
January 23, 2021

Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated
January 23, 2021

Data Expert: 200,000 Pennsylvania Ballots Were Modified After Election – A Sampling of 100,000 Arizona Ballots Show ‘Material Amount’ Aren’t Even Real People
January 23, 2021

"A friend in need is a friend in deed?"  Does that mean they have to be in need before they help you?  Or is the word "indeed" and it means they aren't actually your friends unless they're in need?
January 24, 2021

Anyone ever notice that we never see Batman hosting "Saturday Night Live"? Coincidence?

Many years ago, I was part of a discussion about comic book creators rights on Rick Veitch's Comicon.com message board.  Honestly, I was one of the few people contributing.  I had no professional experience, what was the excuse of the other pros on the site?

Anyway, I still think about this stuff and I've finally decided to try putting down my viewpoint.  I wasn't a professional but I did make comics, over a thousand pages worth before I finally gave up.  Nobody in their right mind would pay me to draw or letter a comic but I could write and layout a page very well.  I could give my finished work to an artist/letter and tell them to remake this and do a better job than I did.  To this day, I assume that if I ever have enough money to spare, I'll look for an artist and do exactly that.

So I was coming from the perspective of someone who knows the concept of making comics from start-to-finish and starting with the position of all rights belong to the individual who makes them.  Which is a given, it's only when more people get involved that the issue comes up.

For instance, what rights would I be taking from the artist?  If a third person is involved to do the lettering or inking, what rights do they keep and what rights can be purchased?  Then there's the possibility of an outside company getting involved with all of us, what are they paying for and what do we keep?

For one thing, I was always very consistent on maintaining the defense of creators rights to run from an individual creator to a major company-owned work, i.e. Marvel and DC.  I don't think it's workable to break up the medium professionally and in addition, there's simply the nature of history where most of the examples we have to go from come from those companies.  There's simply too much knowledge of Stan Lee/Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko to simply ignore it, then there's including Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman or whoever.  'Such-and-such an attempt failed, we can examine it and try to figure out what it failed or we can decide to always avoid that attempt' but this requires acknowledging what happened.

There's a lot of areas where I don't have a clue how to work out some of the elements I'm bringing up, but I think I am identifying elements that need to be worked out.  Start with the concept of individually-created comics and work out what needs to be changed as the creators become a pair, a group, a company or employees.

We simply don't have that sort of history to work with if the companies aren't included.  Just moving on to the 'pair,' we can look at Dave Sim/Gerhard on Cerebus, Kevin Eastman/Peter Laird on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wendy and Richard Pini on Elfquest or, allowing company-published creator-owned books, Reed Waller and Kate Worley on Omaha the Cat Dance and we have four very different examples which can't form any consistent standards that can be followed.  Sim created and published Cerebus for about a decade before hiring Gerhard to draw backgrounds and eventually made him a co-partner.  Eastman/Laird started TMNT together with both of them doing everything.  Wendy wrote and drew Elfquest, her husband ran the company.  I've never read it but as far as I know, he did contribute to the story during dinner conversations and such but obviously didn't write and draw.  Waller wrote and drew the first issue of Omaha, had no idea for the second issue and his girlfriend came up with a few ideas.  Then a few more ideas and eventually she was just writing a script for each issue.

Then you can add partnerships where the artist draws a bunch of pictures and the writer just adds dialogue afterward, or the writer writes a script and the artist changes whatever he wants.  Then there's the idea that I actually get an artist to redo my comics.  He can't really qualify as co-creator for work that I did many years ago but what rights does he have?  They're my characters but he'd obviously have to add something to their design, so how does that work out?

These are examples of why I think needing to include the companies is obvious, there's just far more examples to look at of what can be done and what might be done.  We can work out the individual as 'plot,' 'script,' 'pencils,' 'inks,' 'letters,' 'colors' and work out how the positions can be spread to multiple people while 'company/editor/owner' can be added.  I can understand the argument that at a certain level, no-one can give-up or sell 100% of their rights to their work but I think that's just foreshadowing where someone desperately wants to do exactly that.  We're trying to prevent future problems as much as we can.  The business can't exist without such concepts, like it or not, so I think the best way is to simplify them and make them universal as much as possible.  'These are the rights you're giving up, this is the minimum required to pay for them.'

I could see a universal requirement that someone who sells all their rights has an option to come back in five or ten years.  They certainly wouldn't be given any ownership from whoever they're making the deal with but making a bad decision to sell everything for a chunk of money or just to get away is probably something that can be reversed down the line.  As I said, I don't have much in the way of solid answers for how things should be done, I'm just trying to identify what needs to be done as simply as possible.

For instance, Dave Sim made a suggestion at some point in the discussion, something along the lines of paying the artist a vast amount of money compared to the writer and keeping that pay-rate going for the first several printings of the finished work.  I totally agree that the artist should be paid far more, any viewpoint I have would just be a suggestion here or there, but I totally disagreed on however many printings he had said it should last.

It's closer to a quibble than major disagreement, I think it should be done this way, Dave thinks it should be done a different way.  I'm just using the numbers as an example, people actually in the business would probably change them, but I would say start off with the artist getting 99% of the profit, the writer gets 1%.  On the second printing, the artist gets 90%, the writer gets 10%.  On the third printing, they either split 50-50 or the writer gets enough of a percentage to make up for the first two printings.

My stance is that the writer should start getting more from the second printing onward.  We can quibble about how much for each printing, but my stance is that at some point, the work needs to be 50-50 profit.  Ok, fine, you might disagree on percentages, but that's a place to start.  But then we have to figure out what will change if a co-artist comes in, or a letterer or colorist.  How does that change percentages?  It's not unheard of for an artist to come up with story ideas, how does that effect the writer's percentage?  Then there's the possible addition of a publisher or ownership of the characters.

That's an obvious problem of the comics medium, everyone's going to disagree on stuff like this so how is it possible to come up with commonly-agreed solutions?  Well, we still haven't, but anyway, that's an example of what I mean.  There will be people who say the inker is just an employee and others who say he's part of the team and deserves an equal share.  At least the companies have had to think through that far, that's why they've been so opposed for so long.

23 January, 2021

Please believe me, "The Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show" is not for children!!!

Chatted with my Dad today and one of the topics was the first Rocky movie.  Not something normal to talk about but there it is.  As always, he brought up something most people would never even consider, that he always thought the most unrealistic part of the movie was just that Rocky and Apollo could have a match in the first place.  The Boxing Commission would never permit the champ to set up an actual fight with a complete nobody.

You can say as I did that at least it makes sense for the story, but that's part of ignoring reality like movies do.  Apollo can't keep his career if he wastes time doing that and injuries happen even to successful boxers.  Unless he knocks the opponent out immediately, he's going to get hurt and that is going to limit the matches where he gets paid lots of money and has lots of fans.  It's also going to look like a set-up if he faces people he can beat so easily.  That's simply not how to become the champ.

The closest thing to realism would be if got into a fight somewhere in a coincidental meeting but even there too much would get in the way.  There's no way Rocky and Apollo could meet in a bar, Rocky wouldn't be allowed into any places Apollo would go and Apollo would have a lot of guards if he even considered going to a common place.  However unlikely, it's theoretically possible that they could run into each other and be ready to fight, but even at worst, Apollo's guards or manager would just offer Rocky a few hundred bucks to get out now and Rocky would probably take that.

This is more thought than we put into the discussion but still, when did my Dad ever think about boxing?

Larry King, TV talk-show host, age 87
January 23, 2021

□ [“Taiwan records 13 incursions by Chinese air force in single day"]

The wars are back.  I have a different view than most people of our military actions in the 21st century but I certainly didn't object to Trump halting our enemies without needing to start a war.  Of course they supported Biden and have a lot of catch-up to do.

Just pointing out that of my four deployments to Iraq/Middle East, only one of them had massive amounts of protestors pretending to oppose the deployment and that was under a different POTUS than the other three.  There are a couple of other relevant details - such as I don't name the country we went to on my last deployment, not that it was Top Secret, just that there were no protestors so they must not find it relevant - but after all these years, there's been no explanation of why we're sending troops to Syria.  Congress sure hasn't declared war which is supposed to be how these things are done.

□ [“Buyer’s Remorse:  New Mexico’s Leaders Say Biden Energy Bans Will Devastate State’s Economy"]

I have a few more headlines about leftists suddenly seeing a problem with POTUS-Installed, but I'm not sure I'll post them at the moment.  It was obvious he'd start raising taxes and shutting down businesses immediately, it's not like he needs Congress for that.  He's got his mansions under a hidden name, he gets a share of the money other countries give his son, he's fine, he just actively opposes other people being fine.  If that happened, the left would have no one to complain about would need to get real jobs.

And these people were stupid enough to go along with it.  If there's an upside to the stolen election, it's that now people get to see how the left really behaves and compare it to the actual benefits Trump brought.  The left will definitely over-extend themselves, the problem is how much misery they're going to cause.

22 January, 2021

When the band plays "Hail to the Chief," they point the cannon at you

□ [“The Washington Post Tried To Memory-Hole Kamala Harris' Bad Joke About Inmates Begging for Food and Water"]

The bright side, if this qualifies as a bright side, is now we get to see how leftists actually enjoy treating people when they know they can get away with it.  Ok, the media will censor itself automatically, but there's a chance to see it anyway.

The party that owned slaves, the party that practiced segregation, the party that said the civil rights movement would keep blacks where they were for 200 years, they've always been into "identity politics."  Your skin color is what matters and that's how Democrats win elections, it always has been.

□ [“Oregon Plans to Use Race to Restrict COVID Vaccine Access to Non-Whites"]

Obviously they're going to have to purge the government and military of people who aren't loyal to The Leader.  They're already doing that with the National Guard, undoubtedly the Washington establishment is already underway.

I have noticed a suggestion that the FBI is going after Anitfa, the ones who are already rioting on the West Coast.  If true, I assume they played their part and now leftist leaders want to stop the people they supported all last year.  That won't work out well but it's another trait of leftist rulers.  I'll still be surprised if the purge of their own side starts immediately but it'll happen soon.  The regime wants troops loyal to it, not to the nation.

Parties that actually win elections don't have to behave like this.  Parties that steal elections do.  And that's just the way things go.  We're in a one-party state now, pretending to permit dissenting groups but obviously they don't.  Now that they know how to steal elections, they'll take over the remaining governments in 2022 and 2024.

Large US military convoy enters northeast Syria after Damascus demands immediate withdrawal
January 21, 2021

“This is How Joe Biden’s America Treats Soldiers” – 5,000 Soldiers Moved to Cold Parking Garage with One Bathroom After Protecting Biden Inauguration
January 21, 2021

President Trump Gives Permission for US Troops to Stay at Trump Hotel in Washington DC
January 22, 2021

Hank Aaron, baseball legend, age 86
January 22, 2021

21 January, 2021

He's not the great pretender, he's not even mediocre. He's certainly not doing well.

Biden is already into showing how leftists rule.  He's already banned fracking.  I need to remind myself to fill up my car before the prices start skyrocketing.  He's also ordered women with penises to be re-allowed to kick ass against those sissy women with vaginas.  Those inferior women are slow and weak, they need to learn how women are supposed to behave the way God made them.

□ [“Just like that ... The White House website's contact form now asks for your pronouns 🙃"]

He's also issued a law - the POTUS-pretend doesn't need to go through Congress - requiring everyone to wear a mask on federal property and then didn't wear a mask at the Lincoln Monument.  The law doesn't apply to him after all, even if he literally just signed it.

Of course his media person says it's no big deal.  You see, he was "celebrating" so obviously the virus didn't want to bother him.  It's a very friendly virus.  She did not go on to explain if that would apply to anyone else who disobeys but maybe she'll get around to that.

□ [“'Come On! Give Me a Break, Man!' – Biden Struggles Through Covid Presser, Snubs Reporter And Walks Out - It’s Only His First Full Day in Office"]

They know how the media will react, they'll beg for more.  Not like Trump who just stood there and answered question after question all the time, no wonder they didn't like him.  Youtube has already shut down any comments on Biden videos.  The White House Youtube page only had 320,000 views of his inauguration.  Maybe the dead don't get counted since that's where his votes were.

I don't know if it can be called a "surprise" but I honestly hadn't thought it would start right away, the left is immediately continuing the revolution, confident that now even the government will support them even more than it has been, but the War on Terror is getting restarted.

□ [“Seattle: Antifa Terrorists Riot, Target Amazon Store"]
□ [“Portland Antifa Smashes Out Windows of the Headquarters of the Democrat Party of Oregon"]
□ [“Deadly suicide attack rocks central Baghdad, first in 3 years, kills at least 32, wounded at least 110"]

The article suggests it was ISIS, or at least its surviving members.  Whether or not that's true, I think it's safe to assume they had support from Iran.  So we're back on this again.

I have to wonder how people are communicating these days, knowing that the leftist spies will report any dissent to the government.  It's how fascism and tyranny work.  I've thought for years that once the "Greatest Generation" was gone, the world would fall apart.  They'd earned the right to live in freedom for the rest of their lives, it wouldn't go as well for the rest of us.  We're definitely seeing it now.

GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden - It'll go nowhere but it's an attempt
January 21, 2021

20 January, 2021

NOw is the TiMe You PRESent an IDEa for the Next Term.

How do Trump voters know they voted for him?  Did you see your vote after giving it to the vote counters?  Maybe they changed it into a Biden vote.  Maybe they threw it in the trash.  They did that to a lot of others, particularly in the states that held out reporting for so long.  It's not like Biden set any records for voter turn-out except in those same states.

And by an amazing coincidence Democrats and the media have forbidden any questioning of that.  They could have had that reaction for the last four years but "not my President" was popular then, the same four years they spent attacking people and burning down buildings.

Now we're back to a "President" who will start wars, raise taxes, put blacks in jail, create jobs and make us dependent on foreign oil.

It's safe to assume they've been written for quite awhile and it's unlikely Biden has even read them.  I think it's unlikely he's going to last that long anyway, but they're certainly not going to pay attention to any laws.  Congress has never approved the US involvement in the Paris Climate Accords but Congress is completely irrelevant to the leftists in charge.  And to Biden too.

They want terrorists to have free access and Americans to be undefended.  They've already demonstrated that votes are whatever they decide, the voters are unimportant.

January 20, 2021

January 20, 2021

January 19, 2021

January 20, 2021

I posted this on Facebook eight years ago today.  And we're still here.  But not for long if the left has their way.

19 January, 2021

But we never hear of the Old York Dolls...

Sylvain Sylvain, New York Dolls guitarist, age 69
January 13, 2021

I had not heard about this.  I haven't listened to them much in years, but I was a fan of the New York Dolls.  The real version anyway, I didn't bother to listen to any of the albums Sylvain made with David Johansen a decade or so ago.  Now Johansen is the only one left and the only one who's had any success in pop culture.

They're more known for their influence than any actual popularity.  Their two albums were barely noticed.  Their managers also handled Aerosmith and despite all the attention and media going to the Dolls, Aerosmith was the band that became popular, they had musical talent while the Dolls focused on image.  As what remained of their career was falling apart, they got Malcom Mclaren as a manager and although that quickly failed and the band broke up, it gave him some ideas when he went back to England and formed the Sex Pistols.

And that was basically it.  They had influence on other bands.  I first heard of them on Guns'n'Roses' Spaghetti Incident cover album and I got Sylvain's autograph a few years later when he played a local bar.  Johansen changed his name to Buster Poindexter where he became a one-hit wonder with "Hot Hot Hot."  He also started a little acting, probably best known as the very entertaining Ghost of Christmas Past in Bill Murray's movie Scrooged.  He has also appeared in a Mick Jagger movie, Freejack, not his only time hanging around famous people.  His legs are seen in one of John&Yoko's odd movies.  And looking it up, it seems he appears in a 2015 Bill Murray movie about Christmas, directed by Sofia Coppola.  He also played Toody in a 1994 Car 54, Where Are You Movie which I did hear about at the time and I'm kinda surprised I never saw, but that's probably a good thing.

So that's the Dolls.  Despite their lack of musical talent, they were very good at making use of what they had and their original songs stand out as fun versions of what would become hard rock.  I'm listening to some songs now and they're still enjoyable, a good mixture of pop, rock and theater.

Leftists always support people who win elections and then shut down future elections. That's what we're in for...

□ [“Biden Inaugural: Two Thousand National Guard Troops in D.C. Sworn in as Special Deputy U.S. Marshals"]

I've run out of hope, but there seems to be some sort of conflict going on with the National Guard.  At this point it's entirely possible that it's just typical tyrant behavior, going after all possible opposition.  I've noted some leftist propaganda in the last few days about how evil and racist and stuff the NG are because only 25% of them voted for Biden.  How do they even know it was that many?  They don't, they're just making it up but that's what they do.

□ [“Biden to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline on First Day, Putting Immediate Dent in Relations With Canada"]
□ [“"Biden’s Secretary of Defense Nominee Says if Confirmed He will 'Rid Our Ranks of Racists and Extremists'"
□ [“Biden Official Tells Honduran Migrant Caravan Don’t Come Now, Migrants Demand Biden Honor His Commitments"]

Kamala Harris finally got around to quitting her Senate spot yesterday.  I assume she was just taking advantage of getting both positions and probably had to fight to get to choose the replacement.

Obviously they're trying to rewrite history to make sure no one is permitted to speak of the election fraud.  All the states changing their laws right before the election and throwing away the votes immediately afterwards?  Nothing suspicious about that, they just didn't bother to include previous elections which is why those votes are still able to be accessed.  Biden's lack of votes everywhere except the regions which shut down, kicked out any Republican observer and suddenly caught up and past Trump?  How totally normal.  It could have been in reverse and no Democrat would be permitted to challenge the results.  That's equality under the law.

□ [“DC AG Shocked At Comparing Capitol Riot to BLM Riots"]

See?  Robbing and killing blacks is fine when you do it for leftist reasons.  It's when you don't do it that you're bad.  At least that's what leftists say.

Never capable of seeing anything wrong with what they're doing, much less their motivations, they always want to impose tyranny on everyone else, even if they wind up in line for the guillotine as well.

I'm not saying America is over but it's entirely possible and it's definitely close.  It might be better to refer to it in the past-tense, or as an ideal to strive for.

I'm still trying to ponder the purpose of individualism in the world.  I've noticed that Adam Smith's "invisible hand" notion came about at roughly the same time as the US and I definitely think there's something there, the interaction of large numbers of individuals in freedom leads to more progress than any alternative.  Some individuals disagree and they want to rule.

The Barbarian hopes — and that is the mark of him, that he can have his cake and eat it too.  He will consume what civilization has slowly produced after generations of selection and effort, but he will not be at pains to replace such goods, nor indeed has he a comprehension of the virtue that has brought them into being. Discipline seems to him irrational, on which account he is ever marveling that civilization, should have offended him with priests and soldiers.... In a word, the Barbarian is discoverable everywhere in this, that he cannot make: that he can befog and destroy but that he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true.

We sit by and watch the barbarian. We tolerate him in the long stretches of peace, we are not afraid. We are tickled by his irreverence; his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creed refreshes us; we laugh. But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond, and on these faces there are no smiles.
- Hilaire Belloc

Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Labels Biden Inauguration a “Large Security Event” – Says No Intel of Insider Threat
January 18, 2021

Chinese-American Socialite Who Rubbed Elbows with Hillary Clinton Jumps to Her Death
January 18, 2021

18 January, 2021

They should do a crossover with Supergirl and call it "X-Rated Vision"

This isn't something that normally happens to me, but I've become interested in a tv series.  Not enough to watch it, I don't have a television and certainly won't pay for whatever internet sites there are that play shows, but I have watched the trailer a few times.  In fact, today I even discovered there was a second trailer which is probably why I'm writing this.

Even more unusual, this is an extension of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  If you have a television, you probably know what I'm referring to, but that's not even the strangest part.  I have never had the slightest interest in the Vision and Scarlet Witch, none, zero, zip, zilch.  Yet I must admit that this show looks fantastic.

Part of it is just the special effects.  I've never seen a tv show with that much visual effect and it looks very good, particularly since they mostly aren't doing things that are seen in the superhero movies.  There is some of that and I assume it's part of the plotline for the next phase of Marvel media, but most of it is done like a sitcom, either parody or straight-forward.  I can recognize a few of the sitcoms they're taking stuff from and I'd probably remember more if I had a memory.  I used to pay attention to that stuff.

It's the sitcom part that interests me the most.  There's no clue what the actual series is about but it sure looks like it would be worth watching in its own sake.  Even the name, WandaVision, is very clever, seemingly made for the 21st Century.  If I find out that it's 90% about reusing stuff from classic sitcoms and adding superpowers, I'll probably wind up buying the first season collection when it comes out.

That doesn't mean much, I had a similar reaction to the trailer for the first Wonder Woman movie.  I've never been remotely interested in her either, but I thought it was very interesting and watched it multiple times.  Then the movie came out and I paid no attention to it, the sequel has come and mostly gone at this point.  But at least the trailer was neat.

So that might be the same thing here.  There's no clue what they're doing or why they got here.  I slightly liked Wanda in the Avengers movies.  She didn't do much but she is one of the most classic Avengers outside of the founding members.  Then again, so is the Vision and he contributed nothing.

They changed his origin to being a computer program based on Tony Stark's childhood butler - obviously Jarvis - then made by Ultron and given one of the six stones.  Roy Thomas had created him as a way to mix together other characters, the Golden Age Vision, the Golden Age Human Torch and Wonder Man.  Apparently Ultron built him too, an example of Marvel keeping the original source material as much as possible.  They don't do it often but just seeing any of it is surprising given the years of superhero movies before this.

Wanda isn't that lucky.  To my knowledge, she's never used the term "Scarlet Witch" in the MCU.  Nothing about her makes any sense.  She's a mutant, the closest there is to a sensible origin, she was born with superpowers.  But that's all.  She has "hex power" which makes no sense and literally means she can do anything the plot requires.  How convenient.  She's also a sorcerous.  I never really understood how she got that in the comics but she did, so she's got even more power that allows her to do anything the plot requires.  And she's married to a robot.  They have kids, depending on what the current continuity is.

The powers that can do anything and marrying a robot are the only things I can see that are being used in this version.  I have to wonder if her father will ever show up, that would probably be worth watching.  Apparently Marvel spent a long time trying to make her a supervillain's daughter and they decided to go with Magneto, probably because she and her brother Pietro first appeared as members of his gang in an early Lee&Kirby X-Men.

I haven' t looked it up to be sure, but I've always suspected that they were the first real change Marvel had made to the superhero genre, they were both bad guys but they weren't really into that.  They owed Magneto a debt, that's why they stuck around.  He was taken away by an alien in on of Kirby's last issues and they were glad to be free, joining the Avengers very shortly after that.  Wanda and Pietro make a much more interesting team than she does with the Vision.

The two of them even broke boundaries of movie rights, being sold to 20th Century Fox as muties while simultaneously being sold to Disney as classic Avengers.  I've wondered if the two studios decided to split the pair, Pietro's first appearance in whichever X-Men movie it was was very memorable [I've actually seen it which is not common] and he's been used in more since then while obviously Wanda is part of the Disney mob.  As far as I know, the closest there's been to Wanda being in the X-Men movies was as a little sister sitting on Pietro's lap while he watched tv in that first appearance.  Pietro was a much bigger part of Avengers 2 but he died at the end and hasn't come back.  Maybe they'll use him in the tv show.  The Vision was still dead at the end of Avengers 4 but obviously that isn't relevant.

I have to admit, I've found it very odd how Wanda and the Vision have gotten here with so little development from the previous movies.  Looking it up, the 'Jarvis' personality was created back in the first Iron Man movie so they've obviously been planning ahead for this.  Through the Iron Man movies through Avengers 2, he was just a voice.  Then plot reasons came together to create the Vision.  This movie was Wanda's first appearance, she and Pietro had been given powers by Hydra and totally weren't muties.  Except for a brief shot of Wanda looking at the Vision, presumably with attraction but isn't specified, they had nothing to do with each other through the whole movie although they were both on the team at the end.

One plotline of Captain America 3 [I've seen it!] involved trying to figure out what to do with Wanda because the US government wanted to take over but she wasn't American, so the immediate decision was to keep her locked away and it was up to the Vision to distract her so she never notices.  She finally does, bashes the Vision and escapes which leads up to the big superhero fight-scene which was totally worth the price of admission, but Vision wasn't involved in that.  Then in Avengers 3, they're obviously having a hidden relationship in a short scene, then he gets killed by Thanos who takes the final stone.  Wanda briefly appears in Avengers 4 and that's the build-up.

Obviously with that many characters, there was no way to actually develop any of them but come on!  Then again, Jim Shooter always said all the characters were great, it was just up to the writers and artists [and directors, screenwriters, actors, etc.] to work with them.  Here's where they get to prove it, I'd bet Wanda and the Vision had less than an hour of screen time through the entire MCU, now they have to do a half-hour every week.  Then again, even I'm tempted to watch so there may be something to that.

Lives his life like it's a coma and I don't think he wants ta...

Still pondering Guns'n'Roses Axl Rose's lack of productivity.  So I decided to look at how much the Rolling Stones have done.  It obviously wouldn't be fair to compare the two acts and not just because one is full of hard workers, so I've limited it to when the younger band formed, three and a half decades ago.

If you've been paying attention, I've already covered G'n'R's released work, 94 songs total.  That's everything, live covers, "Don't Cry" and "You're Crazy" each count as two songs, backing Alice Cooper on a movie soundtrack, an interview with Axl or Slash on the B-side of a single counts as a song although it's obviously not, the simplest guitar tracks from the re-release of Appetite.  And that gets 94 songs in their entire history.  

The Rolling Stones were basically ready to break up when G'n'R formed in 1985.  They were still able to record Dirty Work, an album of 11 songs but the singles only had album tracks on the B-side.

Three years later, they released Steel Wheels, an album with 12 songs and three B-sides.  This was when they had gotten back together, even getting G'n'R to open for them in a few concerts.  Obviously they had an advantage since they were an established band with a recording contract for several years already.

In 1991, they released a single, "Highwire" which was attached to their live album.  Three years after that, they released Voodoo Lounge, the album I started listening to them at.  I'd heard and liked the singles on the radio before that, but this was my first Stones album and is still my favorite.  I saw them on that tour too.  It had 15 tracks along with four non-album B-sides.  A year later they released a live album which included their cover of "Like a Rolling Stone," a song they still play to this day.  I saw them do it in 2019 and it was awesome.  They also released a live video which had another cover song.

By this point G'n'R had released their last new song with Slash and Duff.  They'd done five of the six albums that exist under the G'n'R name.  69 of the 94 songs they'd ever release had already come out and there would only be fifteen more new songs up through today.  The rest would be live covers or recordings that had already been made by then

The Stones were definitely past their most productive era but at least they occasionally showed up to work.  In 1997, they released Bridges to Babylon, an album with 13 songs and one non-album B-side.  The same year, they did a song with B.B. King on his new album and there was another cover song on a live album.  That's 62 songs so far from a band who didn't need to make music.  Mick and Keith both turned 54 years old in 1997, they must have needed to take a rest.  Charlie's even older, he was born two years before them.  Ronnie is the young guy, he was born in 1947 and only turned 50 that year.

The Rolling Stones celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2002, releasing a greatest hits album that included four new studio tracks.  The following year, they released a live video which included four live covers and the year after that they released a live album which included another two live covers.

Then in 2005, they released A Bigger Bang with 16 new songs.  There were no non-album B-sides but two bonus tracks were included on a special edition which I didn't know existed until just now and I want to buy them.  There was a live video with another cover song and they released a new song for charity as part of the Hurricane Katrina fund.

And with that, they'd released 94 separate songs in less than 20 years, the same number as G'n'R.  Well, not Slash and Duff and whoever else has been part of the band, just the guy in charge.  There are times Axl has appeared on someone else's album.  You can basically count them on one hand but they do exist.  However they're not called "Guns'n'Roses" and he's the guy saying that the name matters so whatcha gonna do?

In 2007, the Stones appeared on an AC-DC live album doing a cover with them.  There was also another live video with five more covers and the following year had a live album with a cover.  101 songs released between G'n'R's formation and the release of Chinese Democracy.  You can complain about the covers but they also had a lot more originals from this era and some like "Jumping Jack Flash" are counted in the list of G'n'R songs.  But Axl's the "ARTISTE"???

In the last decade, the Stones haven't released very many songs, original or covers, but obviously they still beat G'n'R because work is work.  In 2011, they did a song for an Ian Stewart tribute.  Their former keyboard player had died in 1985 without ever knowing G'n'R existed.  In 2012, they had another greatest hits album which added two more songs, one of which you might have heard in Avengers:  Endgame.  In 2016 they released their last album so-far, 12 covers they recorded over a couple days.  They've said for years that a new album is being recorded but there's no sign of that happening, except for the one song released last year, "Living In A Ghost Town."

Right there they've reached 117 songs released during G'n'R's existence, even if you ignore everything they did before that.  Actually it's 119 because in the last several years, they've released two live albums which include one cover each and were recorded in 1994-5, back when Slash and Duff were actively working on the next G'n'R album.

But there's still more.  There are bands who are not like G'n'R who record songs that they don't feel like releasing immediately, but they do eventually let the public hear them.  In the last decade, the Rolling Stones have re-released Exile on Main Street, Some Girls and Goats Head Soup with a total of 24 recorded songs that had never been heard before.  You know, sort of what Axl was promising to do with Chinese Democracy for the last twenty years.  The difference is that the Stones are capable of doing something, G'n'R isn't when Axl is in charge and he's always been in charge.  I have no idea why they didn't release the song "Scarlet" with Jimmy Page on the actual album, maybe he wasn't famous enough.  Who would buy a song with Page on it in 1973?  There's also one with Eric Clapton but I haven't counted it because it's just an alternate take of a song we've already heard.

But it's still not all, another six releases have live versions or demo tracks of 15 more covers done in the 1960s or 1970s.  So if we count this old material that the band had never under any circumstances insisted we'd hear, "soon is the word," that brings the total up to 158 songs.  Not counting their solo work.  Not counting their appearances on other people's albums.  Nothing but the Rolling Stones playing a song we haven't already heard from the Rolling Stones and they were very very rich and famous before a group of drug-users in LA ever met.

To the best of my counting, in the years since 1985 when G'n'R formed, the Stones have released six studio albums, six live albums, six compilation albums and fifteen boxed sets which aren't simply updated versions of previous releases.  Then there's another twenty official bootlegs and thirty-seven video releases, alot of which were flat-out made after 1985.  It is iffy to determine which ones those were, but the sheer effort required maintains the band's legacy far more than anything Axl pretends to do.  Where would the Rolling Stones be today if they had his work ethic?

17 January, 2021

All we are saying is give Rococo Coffee a chance!

□ [“Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City to Be Closed"]

Reportedly we have more National Guard members in Washington DC now than we have in Iraq or Afghanistan.  Apparently there's some "federal emergency" going on.  Can't just send troops from every state according to the governors' orders, they'd have to be federalized to do this.  Who's in charge of the troops when that happens?

Is this this the most complex military operation in history that LTC Miller mentioned?  I doubt it but this is the only hope I have.  There's no reason to have let this gone on for so long or to take so many losses elsewhere.  I can't see any reason to fake this out the way Trump and co. have for months.

They're building a 12-foot fall around the Capitol despite all these years of saying that walls don't protect anybody.

I've been thinking lately about money.  Not for the obvious reasons, but trying to figure out how it was established and eventually becoming capitalism as we know it.  As with "leftism," I'm not a big fan of the term "capitalism" although that's probably also a losing battle to try to change it.  Money is clearly a system for co-existence that maximizes individual rights.  You can spend money on what you choose to spend it on, with exceptions like taxes and Obamacare.

It's a valid question whether it matters where the money comes from and one that I certainly can't answer.  Is government-ordered paper better or worse than using gold and silver?  Are there other options or is this the only way the system works, where people who have more money than most of human existence refuse to give up a penny but demand others give everything?

It's self-evident that without capitalism, we wouldn't have any of the freedom, liberty, technology or anything else we've demonstrated in the last couple centuries which is what the left is trying to destroy.

Joe Biden Holds Inaugural Celebration on YouTube — Only 24K Tune in to His Channel — Trump Holds YouTube Speech at Alamo and Got 804,000 Viewers While He Spoke
January 16, 2021

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Joins NY Gov. Cuomo on “Reopen Economy” Bandwagon
January 16, 2021

He's a rebel and he was never any good.

□ [“Betty White turns 99 Sunday"]

Definitely the closest to a 'founder of television' still around.  I know she was on tv in the 1950s and an adult at the time, records say she had been on earlier but that's effectively where tv started.  Two decades later she was on the Mary Tyler Moore show and is probably the only main cast-member left.  Twenty years after that she played an old woman on Golden Girls and that was thirty years ago.  I'm not sure I've ever seen in her in anything else, but she was certainly a likeable actress.

□ [“Phil Spector: Pop producer jailed for murder dies January 16 at 81"]

Then there's this guy who was basically to rock'n'roll what Betty White was to tv.  More legendary but less likeable.  Near as I can tell, he was the first one to take advantage of a recording studio in and of itself.  Again I'm being too lazy to look up the specific details, but I think he started with an attempt to be part of a singing group but realized very quickly that he'd rather be behind the mixing board and obviously had the hits to justify it.

Spector was obsessed with making all the decisions, very much opposing the audience making any decision on how to listen.  I think it was headphones that he really didn't like, either that or how to arrange the sound on the speakers.  At his best, he made good decisions on this but never mind his ego, he quickly ran out of ability when the recording studio became more complicated than the ones he had pioneered.

There's the downside of expanding technology, keeping track of it is a full-time job, much less using it, much less competing against other producers or musicians who create and record their own songs.  He was cutting the curve in pop music at the time but it's sounded old-fashioned for several decades now.  I'm currently listening to the Ronettes "Baby I Love You" and it's great but noisy.  Even a generic rock band would sound better a decade later.

Then there was his ego which is mind-boggling in its own right.  I'm totally amazed at how he was able to work with the Beatles at all, much less continue with John and George on some solo work.  To this day Paul McCartney has always hated what Phil did to "The Long and Winding Road," although that I can' t agree with that, the official release is awesome and Phil's the one who made that happen.  John's first solo album was extremely basic in music and instruments and I can't imagine how Phil accepted it.  "Instant Karma" was a much more typical sound from him.

After that he was done.  The few people who tried to work with him quickly gave up.  He did inspire Jim Steinman but Phil hated Steinman's work which shows how far away he was from reality.  Very little was heard of him for the next few decades until he shot Lana Clarkson, a minor actress who I know best from her two appearances on Night Court even though looking it up right now, I can't remotely remember what she did.  Apparently one of the two episodes was where Markie Post became a regular character and Selma was gone.  [The previous episode was the last one with Ellen Foley who is best known for this show and for appearance on Jim Steinman works.  Wheels within wheels...]  She was also on an episode of Wings which I know I saw when it was new but remember nothing about anymore.

I'm increasingly suspicious that large conspiracies have been going on in Hollywood since before Betty White was born and I definitely think Phil Spector was involved in them.  He even made a cameo in the 1969 movie Easy Rider which is definitely where Hollywood changed in some aspects.  Of all the things Phil didn't do with his life, he suddenly decided to be filmed playing a drug dealer by two unknown actors?

Ok, the actors weren't completely unknown, one of them had a famous father and both had been in movies before that which even I've seen, not a common thing.  But they weren't remotely major stars.  I'm looking them up now and it's definitely not possible to find a direct path.  You start with one actor and lead to others, other movies, other people and those are just the famous one listed, nothing to do with Phil Spector or any unknown person.  How do you determine a pattern from there?  For example, the third creator of Easy Rider was the writer Terry Southern who went back to Dr. Strangelove which gets into Stanley Kubrick who was probably as insane as Spector but less violent and just as private.

If I could think of a fictional story to tell about this, I'd probably go for it totally because I suspect that, not counting whatever I totally made up, I'd probably be right about a lot of things and this would be the best way of describing them.  This is the sort of stuff I think about.

16 January, 2021

It was a dark and stormy night...

Trump receives Morocco’s highest award, the Order of Muhammad, for Middle East peace
January 16, 2021

Out of curiosity, what skin color are the people of Morocco?  Do they have a skin color liberals pay attention to or do they just know something liberals don't?

Harvard Students Launch Petition to Revoke Degrees of Trump Supporters in Government
January 16, 2021

Biden to Offer Pathway to Citizenship for 11 Million Illegal Aliens in First Few Days in Office
January 16, 2021

Time seems to be moving even more quickly than it did last year, we're already over halfway through January.  However, any time we can expect it to become more like One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

15 January, 2021

A is no longer A. The left demands it.

LTC Miller was there when Iraq needed to see what a real election was like.  The first elections were in January 2005 and didn't go well, the next were in December when LTC Miller was deployed (as was I.)

He had a clue what it takes to beat people like Moqtada al-Sadr and all the foreign intervention.  So what's he doing now?  That's what really worries me, that he's on the other side.

□ [“Democrat Pennsylvania Lt. Gov: You Do Not Have the Right to Say Election Was Rigged, ‘Not Protected Free Speech’"]

Speech itself is an individual human right, he's both opposing free speech and supporting the attack on it against anyone he disagrees with.  Where has he been for the last four years when leftists said exactly that?  He was supporting that.  It's the exact opposite of freedom and rights and either he's too stupid to know that or it's exactly what he's after.

□ [“President Trump Declassifies Russia Collusion Documents"]

I like the way he seems to be still getting stuff done but it may be just a way to fill time.  Could this be an example of the Iraq elections (and a few others, I think, but don't specifically remember which) of showing how the bad guys were when they were in charge.  Was this something we knew had to happen here.  That actually makes sense and would explain why Republicans suddenly went along with this.  But what does that lead to?

There had to be people who saw this coming and would look for the best way to fight back.  But where are they?  I don't see any upside in demoralizing the nation this way.  Human nature says it's impossible that they could all be in on this so what are we missing?

I won't claim to know if we're in the 'latter days' now, but obviously this is a long-brewing struggle.  If it's not for EVERYTHING, close enough for government work.

14 January, 2021

Funny how there's no complaint about Russian influence in the election...

Not sure what I'll say tonight.  I probably have a bunch of headlines and although I'm thinking about stuff, that doesn't really give me anything to write.

Communist China President Xi Jinping Signs ‘War Preparedness’ Order, Calls US An ‘Enemy’
January 14, 2021

President Trump’s Executive Order from Yesterday Directly Impacts the Bidens’ Investments in China
January 14, 2021

Jovan Pulitzer Releases Report — Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In the 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Inserted Into the Election
January 13, 2021

Dr. Fauci Now Warning About ‘Possibility’ the U.S. has Its Own Super-COVID
January 13, 2021

DC Police Reject FOIA Request For Records Related to Their Probe of Siege of Capitol – Insider Leaked Maps, Internal Docs to Help Assist Rioters Navigate Building
January 13, 2021

FLASHBACK: Hundreds Of Violent Left-Wing Rioters Smashed Windows, Set Limousine On Fire In Washington DC During President Trump’s Inauguration In 2017; Government Later Dropped ALL CHARGES Against The Rioters
January 14, 2021

We can basically see that the supposed violence at the Capitol was faked.  For the last few years, the media has been calling all the violent riots by leftists "peaceful" and despite no previous Trump rally having any violence at all and Trump specifically saying to be peaceful, this one is accused of violence.  All those millions of people just hadn't thought of it like the left did?

That's how the left operates.  They're also banning any talk of the election being stolen despite the right to freedom of speech and despite the fact that, according to them, anybody could prove it wasn't by showing that all the voters were alive, legally registered and only voted once each.  Of course they couldn't because they've already destroyed the votes according to brand-new laws which didn't apply to previous elections, but in theory they could do that.

They just see no reason for it and won't.  That's unity.

□ [“GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden on January 21 Over Abuse of Power"]

This won't go anywhere, even as a demonstration much less reality.  The left will now fully ignore the Constitution, except in the rare example of needing a defense.

13 January, 2021

They don't know any other way and they like it.

□ [“Media Silent: Enraged Black Lives Matter Militants (Biden Supporters) Surround Capitol, Scream at Police"]

So this is what we're in for now.  They'll get away with anything but anyone they falsely accuse of doing what they're doing must be punished.  The real question is still 'who's in charge of this?'  I'm beginning to suspect it's China.  If so, within a year they'll probably be sending troops to California.  To, you know, help.

□ [“Louie Gohmert DUNKS on Pelosi – Quotes Her Support for Black Lives Matter Riots on House Floor– Liberals Freak Out!"]

The rest don't have a clue what they're doing.  They've been told to oppose whatever, so they do, even when their own junior-leaders were applauded for doing the same thing.  The quote was from Nancy on June 14, 2018 saying "I just don’t know why there aren’t more uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be."  And there's been all these violent uprisings with no complaints.  Until now.

There's reportedly an announcement of a right-wing get-together next weekend and it's already being said on the internet 'don't show up, it's a trap.'  Why not do it again?  It worked last time.

I have been wondering why no one has put together a collection of all these quotes from leftists in favor of violence who magically became offended by leftists getting access to Congress last week.

"The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable." - AOC

□ [“Next Target — Freedom of the Press: Ocasio-Cortez Says Congress Will Look into Initiatives to “Rein In Media” and Unapproved Press Reports"]

They aren't in overall control of the entire nation so their own supporters will be the first to feel the tyranny although most of them will continue to support it no matter what.  They really don't pay attention to what they've been doing which is why every year is a "Year Zero."  And this generation is definitely not capable of waiting for anything.  Even my generation had to wait a whole week to see a new tv show.

□ [“Pence Formally Rejects Pelosi’s Attempt to Invoke 25th Amendment"]

They're going to stay going after Trump.  I assume assassins will be there before long if they can't just jail him for whatever made-up reason comes to mind.  They have to keep their leftist audience in thrall or else they might find something else to do with their lives.

I do have to wonder if leftism is fundamental human nature and rightism is the exception.  I don't think so but it's not like that's proof.  But then where does this insanity come from?

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up.  And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out, and you create a crowd.  And you push back on them.  And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.
 - Maxine Waters, 2018

"Before I end, that’s my call to action here.  Please don’t just come here today and then go home.  Go to the Hill today. Get up, and please get up in the face of some congresspeople."
- Cory Booker, 2018

“Fight [Trump] and challenge him in every way that we can in the Congress, in the courts, and in the streets and protests.”
- Joaquin Castro, 2019

“You have to be ready to take a punch, and you have to be ready to throw a punch.”- Nancy Pelosi, 2020

This is real and it's very accurate.  It's how the left wants it.

12 January, 2021

Year 0 just keeps getting longer...

These are the show trials they're setting up, they're going straight for Trump and his supporters.

□ [“Hillary Clinton Labels Trump Supporters “Domestic Terrorists” Who Need to be Tracked and Surveilled Following Chaos at US Capitol"]
□ [“DC Attorney General Is Looking at Charging Trump and Others for Inciting Violence"]

All these months of supporting people who burn down black businesses and now Democrats are united in opposing nothing of the kind.  You can even drop bombs on the US Senate and only spend a few years in jail before Bill Clinton pardons you as Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg, who by the way have funded Black Lives Matter.

It's being noticed that they're behaving like fascists as much as communists.  Obviously the two weren't that far apart, which is probably why they hated each other so much.  I've noticed for a while that the anti-nazi propaganda still remains after all these decades and have suspected it came from Russian spies.  WWII possibly wouldn't have started if Russia and Germany hadn't worked together to conquer Poland and not long before that, they'd been ready to go to war against each other.

As it is, communists would be openly ready to destroy Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other big businesses because big business must be destroyed according to communists, but there's nothing like that here.  The leftists in charge of the government will totally work with big business and, coincidentally enough, have been destroying small businesses all over for at least the last year.  That's fascism.

□ [“Freshman GOP Rep. Who Replaced Justin Amash Already Betraying His Voters, Says He’s ‘Strongly Considering’ Voting for Impeachment"]

They're bringing everyone in on this and what's really scary is wondering how many there are and how long they've been hiding until this moment.  I'm not going to start naming any names - other than my fears about LTC Miller - of who's been preparing for this all along but it's looking like they're all in on it.

□ [“Biden’s Choice to Lead DOJ’s Civil Rights Division: 'Melanin Endows Blacks with Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities'"]
□ [“PBS' Counsel Opines That He and His Government Friends Should Use Government Power to Take Republicans' Children Away from Them"]

At this point, the only place I see any hope is in their fundamental insanity.  All the common plans are back, purges, show-trials, detention camps, all intensified by the leftism they've been building up for all these decades.  They've been trying to destroy the family, marriage, parenthood, religion, anything the government fundamentally can't control.

It will fail.  Human individuals are too complicated for any form of this rule in the long run, but it's the short run that will ruin the rest of us.  Democracy is about allowing people the freedom to ruin themselves while no one else is required to take part and that's exactly what the left opposes.  They're not capable of seeing where this is going but they want to force everyone else to obey.  This is what the left has always been about and, as they've embraced fascism, is another reason why I don't like the term "the left."