08 January, 2021

They've always wanted it this way, they just stopped pretending otherwise...

□ [“Police Officer Directing “Lethargic” Leader of Small Mob, Dressed In All Black, To Senate Chambers…Why??"]

So they were all working on this for months.  Hence Biden not bothering to campaign, hence the insistence that a victor not be mentioned until enough votes from dead people who only wanted Biden, not even voting for other offices.  Hence him picking a Veep candidate even Democrats didn't vote for and didn't even try to win.  The cities run by Democrats for decades shut down the vote counts, supposedly, kicking out any Republic observers.  And the useful idiots were brought into Congress so that there was the automatic blame which no city run by Democrats and being rioted for several months ever got.

Over 300 people barged into Congress on October 4, 2018.  Of course they were leftists protesting the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation so nobody objected.  Would anybody be surprised if some of those people made their second visit this week?

□ [“BREAKING: General Flynn Has Been Kicked Off Twitter"]

Naturally they're using large business to impose their will.  For all the claims of supporting small business (to the extent the pretend to support any) it's always the huge companies they turn to first when it comes to silencing people.  Trump has been banned from Twitter, I assume Facebook is going with that, they're already banning people who use the "not my President' rhetoric that they had no problem with for the last four years.  There is no "treating people equally," there is only obeying their will.

Nancy is trying to impeach Trump again.  The FBI is reportedly arresting people all over although it's not clear who yet.  The left brought guillotines to leftist riots this summer, now they'll be trying to use them for real.  It's not like they have to bother with actual elections.  Notice how no Democrat thought anything was remotely odd about how the election went, just as they didn't mind Hillary working with Russia to falsify claims against Trump.

Democrats never liked it when the revolutions are against them.  They're going to get a reminder.  This won't be pretty.  At a guess, they'll get China's help.  Slave owners have traits in common and they always voted Democrat.  Now I have to worry if the Civil War 2.0 I've been predicting for sixteen years is about to become World War III.  I even started looking for jobs out of the country which I never thought of doing.

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