26 January, 2021

How many Syrians did Biden kill today? How many more can we kill tomorrow?

□ [“Sen. Patrick Leahy, who will preside over Trump impeachment trial, taken to hospital"]

I'm not sure if this is just his age - the guy's 80 years old and has been in the Senate since just after Nixon left office - or if there's more of a conspiracy.  His son followed LTC Miller as my battalion commander.  Just worth noting.

□ [“Democratic Party Of Oregon Refuses To Condemn Antifa Terrorists After They Destroy Party HQ, Try To Blame Republicans Instead"]
□ [“CNN Describes Antifa Violence in Seattle, Portland As 'Protesters' For 'Racial Justice'"]

As with all totalitarian societies, there's no way to know how many people actually believe this and how many are just pretending.  It's long been noted that totalitarians force people to assert things they don't actually believe, as much for its own sake as for anything else and obviously the left needs to insist that burning down black-owned businesses is totally fine with them, but a faked invasion of Congress is horrible and everybody needs to be punished for their allies.

That's what's so mind-boggling about this, how fast we suddenly turned into a society where people are filled with self-doubt, not knowing what they can safely say even when it's the truth.  I think that's keeping a lot of people off-edge.

□ [“Supercut of Democrats Calling For Political Violence"]

The elite get to say what they want, it's everybody else who must be prevented from speaking.  That's why they have men with guns obeying them, they won't let anyone else have that.

About the only thing I can hope is that time moves fast these days that their rule will start falling apart very quickly.  Even then it'll still leave China as the dominant force in the world as they've intended for thousands of years, but it would be something.  Alas, the failure of the left on everyone else is probably something that will stay for a long time and only grow in power.  Why would anything else go right?

After Pledging to Reopen Schools, Joe Biden Endorses Chicago Teachers Union’s Illegal Strike
January 25, 2021

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