13 January, 2021

They don't know any other way and they like it.

□ [“Media Silent: Enraged Black Lives Matter Militants (Biden Supporters) Surround Capitol, Scream at Police"]

So this is what we're in for now.  They'll get away with anything but anyone they falsely accuse of doing what they're doing must be punished.  The real question is still 'who's in charge of this?'  I'm beginning to suspect it's China.  If so, within a year they'll probably be sending troops to California.  To, you know, help.

□ [“Louie Gohmert DUNKS on Pelosi – Quotes Her Support for Black Lives Matter Riots on House Floor– Liberals Freak Out!"]

The rest don't have a clue what they're doing.  They've been told to oppose whatever, so they do, even when their own junior-leaders were applauded for doing the same thing.  The quote was from Nancy on June 14, 2018 saying "I just don’t know why there aren’t more uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be."  And there's been all these violent uprisings with no complaints.  Until now.

There's reportedly an announcement of a right-wing get-together next weekend and it's already being said on the internet 'don't show up, it's a trap.'  Why not do it again?  It worked last time.

I have been wondering why no one has put together a collection of all these quotes from leftists in favor of violence who magically became offended by leftists getting access to Congress last week.

"The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable." - AOC

□ [“Next Target — Freedom of the Press: Ocasio-Cortez Says Congress Will Look into Initiatives to “Rein In Media” and Unapproved Press Reports"]

They aren't in overall control of the entire nation so their own supporters will be the first to feel the tyranny although most of them will continue to support it no matter what.  They really don't pay attention to what they've been doing which is why every year is a "Year Zero."  And this generation is definitely not capable of waiting for anything.  Even my generation had to wait a whole week to see a new tv show.

□ [“Pence Formally Rejects Pelosi’s Attempt to Invoke 25th Amendment"]

They're going to stay going after Trump.  I assume assassins will be there before long if they can't just jail him for whatever made-up reason comes to mind.  They have to keep their leftist audience in thrall or else they might find something else to do with their lives.

I do have to wonder if leftism is fundamental human nature and rightism is the exception.  I don't think so but it's not like that's proof.  But then where does this insanity come from?

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up.  And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out, and you create a crowd.  And you push back on them.  And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.
 - Maxine Waters, 2018

"Before I end, that’s my call to action here.  Please don’t just come here today and then go home.  Go to the Hill today. Get up, and please get up in the face of some congresspeople."
- Cory Booker, 2018

“Fight [Trump] and challenge him in every way that we can in the Congress, in the courts, and in the streets and protests.”
- Joaquin Castro, 2019

“You have to be ready to take a punch, and you have to be ready to throw a punch.”- Nancy Pelosi, 2020

This is real and it's very accurate.  It's how the left wants it.

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