29 January, 2021

You can't always get what you want, what you need, what you deserve but if you try sometimes, you just might find it gets much worse...

Senate Judiciary Chairman Says Gun Control Is ‘Top Priority’
January 28, 2021

Not sure what I have to say today.  Still working on the "History project," that's about it.  Days just keep going by with no progress or improvement.  I'm sure it's not just me.

Still trying to work out how individuality is basically what the left opposes.  It's freedom from government, not requiring everything to go through the leader's requirements, that much we know.  But is it belief in leadership, identifying as a group, lack of willingness to decide for oneself, some or all or none of these?

I've been sitting here for a couple hours trying to figure out what else to say.  I'll just post it now.

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