17 January, 2021

All we are saying is give Rococo Coffee a chance!

□ [“Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City to Be Closed"]

Reportedly we have more National Guard members in Washington DC now than we have in Iraq or Afghanistan.  Apparently there's some "federal emergency" going on.  Can't just send troops from every state according to the governors' orders, they'd have to be federalized to do this.  Who's in charge of the troops when that happens?

Is this this the most complex military operation in history that LTC Miller mentioned?  I doubt it but this is the only hope I have.  There's no reason to have let this gone on for so long or to take so many losses elsewhere.  I can't see any reason to fake this out the way Trump and co. have for months.

They're building a 12-foot fall around the Capitol despite all these years of saying that walls don't protect anybody.

I've been thinking lately about money.  Not for the obvious reasons, but trying to figure out how it was established and eventually becoming capitalism as we know it.  As with "leftism," I'm not a big fan of the term "capitalism" although that's probably also a losing battle to try to change it.  Money is clearly a system for co-existence that maximizes individual rights.  You can spend money on what you choose to spend it on, with exceptions like taxes and Obamacare.

It's a valid question whether it matters where the money comes from and one that I certainly can't answer.  Is government-ordered paper better or worse than using gold and silver?  Are there other options or is this the only way the system works, where people who have more money than most of human existence refuse to give up a penny but demand others give everything?

It's self-evident that without capitalism, we wouldn't have any of the freedom, liberty, technology or anything else we've demonstrated in the last couple centuries which is what the left is trying to destroy.

Joe Biden Holds Inaugural Celebration on YouTube — Only 24K Tune in to His Channel — Trump Holds YouTube Speech at Alamo and Got 804,000 Viewers While He Spoke
January 16, 2021

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Joins NY Gov. Cuomo on “Reopen Economy” Bandwagon
January 16, 2021

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