21 January, 2021

He's not the great pretender, he's not even mediocre. He's certainly not doing well.

Biden is already into showing how leftists rule.  He's already banned fracking.  I need to remind myself to fill up my car before the prices start skyrocketing.  He's also ordered women with penises to be re-allowed to kick ass against those sissy women with vaginas.  Those inferior women are slow and weak, they need to learn how women are supposed to behave the way God made them.

□ [“Just like that ... The White House website's contact form now asks for your pronouns 🙃"]

He's also issued a law - the POTUS-pretend doesn't need to go through Congress - requiring everyone to wear a mask on federal property and then didn't wear a mask at the Lincoln Monument.  The law doesn't apply to him after all, even if he literally just signed it.

Of course his media person says it's no big deal.  You see, he was "celebrating" so obviously the virus didn't want to bother him.  It's a very friendly virus.  She did not go on to explain if that would apply to anyone else who disobeys but maybe she'll get around to that.

□ [“'Come On! Give Me a Break, Man!' – Biden Struggles Through Covid Presser, Snubs Reporter And Walks Out - It’s Only His First Full Day in Office"]

They know how the media will react, they'll beg for more.  Not like Trump who just stood there and answered question after question all the time, no wonder they didn't like him.  Youtube has already shut down any comments on Biden videos.  The White House Youtube page only had 320,000 views of his inauguration.  Maybe the dead don't get counted since that's where his votes were.

I don't know if it can be called a "surprise" but I honestly hadn't thought it would start right away, the left is immediately continuing the revolution, confident that now even the government will support them even more than it has been, but the War on Terror is getting restarted.

□ [“Seattle: Antifa Terrorists Riot, Target Amazon Store"]
□ [“Portland Antifa Smashes Out Windows of the Headquarters of the Democrat Party of Oregon"]
□ [“Deadly suicide attack rocks central Baghdad, first in 3 years, kills at least 32, wounded at least 110"]

The article suggests it was ISIS, or at least its surviving members.  Whether or not that's true, I think it's safe to assume they had support from Iran.  So we're back on this again.

I have to wonder how people are communicating these days, knowing that the leftist spies will report any dissent to the government.  It's how fascism and tyranny work.  I've thought for years that once the "Greatest Generation" was gone, the world would fall apart.  They'd earned the right to live in freedom for the rest of their lives, it wouldn't go as well for the rest of us.  We're definitely seeing it now.

GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden - It'll go nowhere but it's an attempt
January 21, 2021

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