07 January, 2021

Party's over...

I wonder how many of the people involved in this are "useful idiots."  That would be where Antifa and BLM come from and they would be following Mao's "Phases of Insurrection."   This is mostly just a note-to-self to follow-up on, about all I have to post at the moment is headlines about the upcoming collapse of society.

Pelosi Calls for Trump to be Impeached or Removed By 25th Amendment as House Democrats Draft Articles of Impeachment to Remove Trump and Ban Him From Second Term
January 7, 2021

The fix is now in.  The Veep certified Biden's election theft.  The media has claimed everyone is turning on Trump, even his cabinet and chief advisers.  Whether or not that's true, we'll probably never know.  Everything's falling apart.

It's coming out that the leftists had infiltrated the rally yesterday.  What I don't get is how this wouldn't have been figured out in advance.

□ [“VIDEO: Capitol Police Removed Barriers and Allowed Protesters to Walk Right Into the Capitol"]
□ [“Another Video Surfaces of Capitol Police Leading Protesters in Washington Into the Capitol"]
□ [“Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to 'Rip Trump from White House'"]

So yes, this was planned.  The Democrats were totally in favor of this.  It's why none of the leftists got together to fight the rally, they would have lost easily.

□ [“AOC’s Comms Director Asks Twitter To Ban Users From Citing AOC’s Support For Violent Riots"]

So this is what they've been doing all along.  Of course they currently pretending that none of the violence they've openly supported actually happened.  And of course Republicans have gone along with it.  I've been trying to find the Saul Alinsky quote about making the enemy follow his principles while those in the revolution don't have any, they just want to win.

How can LTC Miller and the rest not seen this coming?  Are they the ones supporting it?  A small part of me still believes this is part of the plan to lure the left into a trap but obviously that's a delusional part of myself.  This is a total disaster and should never have been allowed to go forward.  At this point I'm trying to figure out where to find people I can stay with and support for the rest of my time because this won't work and the left will accept nothing else.

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