20 January, 2021

NOw is the TiMe You PRESent an IDEa for the Next Term.

How do Trump voters know they voted for him?  Did you see your vote after giving it to the vote counters?  Maybe they changed it into a Biden vote.  Maybe they threw it in the trash.  They did that to a lot of others, particularly in the states that held out reporting for so long.  It's not like Biden set any records for voter turn-out except in those same states.

And by an amazing coincidence Democrats and the media have forbidden any questioning of that.  They could have had that reaction for the last four years but "not my President" was popular then, the same four years they spent attacking people and burning down buildings.

Now we're back to a "President" who will start wars, raise taxes, put blacks in jail, create jobs and make us dependent on foreign oil.

It's safe to assume they've been written for quite awhile and it's unlikely Biden has even read them.  I think it's unlikely he's going to last that long anyway, but they're certainly not going to pay attention to any laws.  Congress has never approved the US involvement in the Paris Climate Accords but Congress is completely irrelevant to the leftists in charge.  And to Biden too.

They want terrorists to have free access and Americans to be undefended.  They've already demonstrated that votes are whatever they decide, the voters are unimportant.

January 20, 2021

January 20, 2021

January 19, 2021

January 20, 2021

I posted this on Facebook eight years ago today.  And we're still here.  But not for long if the left has their way.

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