19 January, 2021

Leftists always support people who win elections and then shut down future elections. That's what we're in for...

□ [“Biden Inaugural: Two Thousand National Guard Troops in D.C. Sworn in as Special Deputy U.S. Marshals"]

I've run out of hope, but there seems to be some sort of conflict going on with the National Guard.  At this point it's entirely possible that it's just typical tyrant behavior, going after all possible opposition.  I've noted some leftist propaganda in the last few days about how evil and racist and stuff the NG are because only 25% of them voted for Biden.  How do they even know it was that many?  They don't, they're just making it up but that's what they do.

□ [“Biden to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline on First Day, Putting Immediate Dent in Relations With Canada"]
□ [“"Biden’s Secretary of Defense Nominee Says if Confirmed He will 'Rid Our Ranks of Racists and Extremists'"
□ [“Biden Official Tells Honduran Migrant Caravan Don’t Come Now, Migrants Demand Biden Honor His Commitments"]

Kamala Harris finally got around to quitting her Senate spot yesterday.  I assume she was just taking advantage of getting both positions and probably had to fight to get to choose the replacement.

Obviously they're trying to rewrite history to make sure no one is permitted to speak of the election fraud.  All the states changing their laws right before the election and throwing away the votes immediately afterwards?  Nothing suspicious about that, they just didn't bother to include previous elections which is why those votes are still able to be accessed.  Biden's lack of votes everywhere except the regions which shut down, kicked out any Republican observer and suddenly caught up and past Trump?  How totally normal.  It could have been in reverse and no Democrat would be permitted to challenge the results.  That's equality under the law.

□ [“DC AG Shocked At Comparing Capitol Riot to BLM Riots"]

See?  Robbing and killing blacks is fine when you do it for leftist reasons.  It's when you don't do it that you're bad.  At least that's what leftists say.

Never capable of seeing anything wrong with what they're doing, much less their motivations, they always want to impose tyranny on everyone else, even if they wind up in line for the guillotine as well.

I'm not saying America is over but it's entirely possible and it's definitely close.  It might be better to refer to it in the past-tense, or as an ideal to strive for.

I'm still trying to ponder the purpose of individualism in the world.  I've noticed that Adam Smith's "invisible hand" notion came about at roughly the same time as the US and I definitely think there's something there, the interaction of large numbers of individuals in freedom leads to more progress than any alternative.  Some individuals disagree and they want to rule.

The Barbarian hopes — and that is the mark of him, that he can have his cake and eat it too.  He will consume what civilization has slowly produced after generations of selection and effort, but he will not be at pains to replace such goods, nor indeed has he a comprehension of the virtue that has brought them into being. Discipline seems to him irrational, on which account he is ever marveling that civilization, should have offended him with priests and soldiers.... In a word, the Barbarian is discoverable everywhere in this, that he cannot make: that he can befog and destroy but that he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true.

We sit by and watch the barbarian. We tolerate him in the long stretches of peace, we are not afraid. We are tickled by his irreverence; his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creed refreshes us; we laugh. But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond, and on these faces there are no smiles.
- Hilaire Belloc

Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller Labels Biden Inauguration a “Large Security Event” – Says No Intel of Insider Threat
January 18, 2021

Chinese-American Socialite Who Rubbed Elbows with Hillary Clinton Jumps to Her Death
January 18, 2021

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