30 April, 2021

If the police are defunded, how will gun control be enforced?

It's been a long day so far.  Haven't even checked the internet for news.  I won't go into any details, but I will say that if none of a zillion things go wrong, I've accomplished several important things today.

Now I just need to figure out where I put my phone charger.

“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”
 - Humpty Dumpty

Everything is "white supremacy."  Everything is "infrastructure."  How the hell did they get this into program to brainwash their supporters?

□ [“100 Days from America First to America Last: GM Joins Ford and Moves Automotive Plant to Mexico to Escape Biden Taxes"]

They won't have to put up with that nonsense global warming stuff either.  And they can send cars back into the US because there's no border anyway.  Democrats really know how this is working, don't they?  It's similar to Biden stopping the pipeline that brought in oil from Canada.  Now they're just going to take it to the coast and put it on boats to China who will continue killing the planet as liberals have always supported.

□ [Weird Al - submission to next year's Oscars Short Film]

And sometimes we just need a sign of all that is good and true in the world.  That sign is Yankovic.

Fed Chair Powell Trying To Explain How The Fed "Knows" Inflation Will Be "Transitory
April 28, 2021

After Calling Trump a Xenophobe For Travel Ban, Biden to Restrict Most Travel From India to Limit Covid-19 Spread
April 30, 2021

Radical St. Louis Board Approves $4 Million Cuts in Police Funding and Elimination of 98 Jobs after Homicide Rate Hit a 50 Year High
April 30, 2021

Antifa Terrorists Issue Direct Physical Threat To Portland Mayor: Resign Or Else….
April 30, 2021

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