26 April, 2021

The golden goose is racist. Kill it.

Working on the book as always.  God willing, I just need to do editing and I'll have another one.  I'd like to do at least one a year and wasn't sure I'd get one in 2021.  I've put it in the usual format and wow, since mid-December, I've written enough for another book.  180 pages but I've done shorter than that.  I'll write more while editing and that's not counting the stuff I wrote prior to last December which might be used.  It's not even counting the stuff I've written in the last few days.

□ [“Ohio Black Lives Matter Militants Threaten Police Assassinations, ‘They Shoot Us, We Shoot Them’"]

You'll shoot people even if they don't shoot you.  That's how black gangs operate.  That's why so many blacks get shot every year.  Of course you don't object to that, you're just obeying your masters who want to use force and fear against the masses.

□ [“Leaked Audio: John Kerry Told Iran’s Foreign Minister About Israel’s Covert Operations in Syria"]

And it's how Muslim countries have been run for centuries.  They go along with the infidel if necessary but eventually the infidel has to go along with them.

□ [“Gravity is Cancelled: Professors at Sheffield University Want Disclaimers on Isaac Newton’s Theories for ‘Eurocentric’ and ‘White Savior’ Science"]

And this is how stupid people go every time they get the chance.  People who are opposed to individuality think that if they go along with their masters, that will be become reality.  It won't but there's no way to get through their heads.  Hence the urge for dictatorship which is always the end goal of leftism.

□ [“Biden Labor Board Invalidates Delaware Workers’ Vote to Reject Union"]

Notice how they take power and immediately stop pretending to have any interest in what people actually want.  The last thing Joe Biden wants is people in Delaware to think differently from him.  And his brain is gone, to the extent it ever existed.

They have to fool everybody to follow them or send men with guns to anyone who disagrees.  Maybe they think China and Iran are going to save everybody.  Wouldn't surprise me if they're that stupid but they haven't paid any attention to the problems going on for decades suffered by the Chinese and Iranian people.  The rulers have only lasted this long because of US support.  There's nobody going to give the US rulers any support.

Los Angeles Hypocrites Remove Homeless Camp and Erect Fence to Protect the Stars at Oscars
April 25, 2021

Baby Murdered After Ultra Liberal San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin Let His Killer Go Free… TWICE
April 26, 2021

NYPD Releases Images of Suspect in East Harlem Who Repeatedly Stomped on 61-year-Old Asian Man’s Head, Who is Now in a Coma Fighting For His Life
April 26, 2021

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