24 April, 2021

When the movie's over, turn out the lights... turn out the lights... When the movie is your special friend, dance on fire as it intends...

I finished the next step of the "History project," now everything has an actual date.  Now I'm back to a very long step that's hopefully nowhere near as long as what it took to get to this point.  I have to eliminate duplicates, merge lines that are similar but not duplicates, and now I can start looking for patterns.  This is the last major step, I think, as far as I can tell at the moment, once I get past this my "History project" will work as reference.  I haven't decided if I'll actually publish the results or just keep it for personal use.

God willing, I am reaching the point where I can publish another book.  For reasons I won't get into, I wasn't sure I'd be able to do one in 2021.  I've obviously been writing, I just wasn't sure the publishing would be possible.  But now it looks like it can and will so I'll have to start thinking about editing.  My reading is still below standard, even for my own work, but this is what I do.

□ [“Dungeons And Dragons Introduces New 100-Sided Die For Determining Your Character's Gender"]

This is a joke.  It's from a humor website.  You may not believe me but it really is true, that's where I got it from, it's not a real decision by real people.  I know, there's plenty of other things like that going on, why not one more, but it really is a made-up joke.  Trust me.

□ [“Senate defeats legislation to ban discrimination against Asian-Americans in higher education"]

On the other hand, this is real.  You can tell because Democrats have always enjoyed discrimination based on skin color.  It's what they do.

And oddly enough, that's what they enjoy falsely-accusing others of doing.  Sensible people used the phrase "I'm rubber and you're glue" as children but grew out of it.  Leftists didn't grow up.  You can see this not only in how they judge people on skin color and say others are bad for that, but how their leaders live in mansions and pretend to support equality, how they've always whined about large businesses and claimed to support small businesses and now that they have the chance, use large businesses to destroy small business.  Not to mention attacking people and burning down buildings because they want 'peace.'

□ [“Biden’s Climate Requirements: Cut 90% of Red Meat From Diet; Americans Can Only Eat One Burger Per Month"]

Does this rule apply to women too or is the 'right to choose for their own body' just garbage that leftists use to get power for themselves and no-one else?  They never even notice doing this.

Just a note of something I saw in a Facts of Life episode - yes, I'm still watching those - where a 1984 episode involved Natalie using a computer to access to a competitor's computer and Jo using that to sabotage his recipes.  They're using the internet in 1984.  I know it existed at the time - there was also the movie War Games which I know I saw once upon a time and a tv show I'd never heard of called Whiz Kids that involved the same concepts.  Time Magazine even made computers the Man of the Year in 1982.  They may not have had a clue where it was going, but the elites knew the internet existed.

I was a bit late to the whole concept even though I did have early access.  As a gifted child, there were some years where grade school didn't have anything for me to do so they stuck me on a computer.  No internet there but it wasn't long after the Hollywood productions I just cited.  By the end of the decade, I had known someone with internet access, even if that term didn't exist yet.  Being in our early teens, it was mostly to look up porn but one would think that would inspire a growing boy.

I did take a computer class in high school and regularly accessed the computer lab in early college years.  But it wasn't until the later-90s that I started getting online at all.  I recently found printed copies of emails my Dad had sent me from those years so I was obviously involved then.

So anyway, Hollywood was definitely promoting the internet from the early days - I assume earlier decades had earlier versions as well - and like everybody else, I eventually got involved.  Hollywood has obviously been promoting their desires for decades and I've been wondering what else is part of it.  The last time I saw Avengers 4, I had a vague impression of leftist nonsense they were promoting.  Not enough to bother taking notes but I'm still pondering Hollywood, even without paying much attention to anything they've done (beyond Avengers and Facts of Life.)  It gives me something to think about.

Pixar Animation House Releases Casting Call for ’14-Year-Old Transgender Female’ Cartoon Character
April 24, 2021

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