19 April, 2021

What the world needs now is Rococo Coffee, sweet Rococo Coffee...

I did finish the first step of the "History project" after all this time.  Now I need to do some organizing which will take more time, then I'll need to start going through everything that ever happened.  I wonder what will come with that.

□ [“Cuba’s Raúl Castro Retires as Head of Communist Party, Marking an End of an Era"]

He's 89 years old, he took over from his younger brother who had been in charge for decades, he's picked his replacement.  The people don't get any say, they aren't allowed to have guns.  No wonder he's called a communist.

□ [“Lori Lightfoot: Chicago Mayor to Resign After Being Caught Cheating on Wife?"]

No reason to think she'll actually go anywhere.  They'd delight in showing off how horrible they are and she's already gotten away with everything for a long time.  She can tell that bitch to shut up and take it, good and hard.  People in charge of Chicago can have people shot, don't question her.

□ [“CNN Host Chris Cuomo Says White People’s Kids Need to ‘Start Getting Killed’ to Prompt Police Reform"]

How many has he killed?  I mean, he is living up to the standards he demands other people obey, isn't he?  He could easily get a gun, go out and shoot some white kids.  Then he could say he's just setting the example for everyone else to follow.  It's not like he would get punished or anything.

There's some nonsense from that black chick in Congress who's even older than Joe Biden, she's demanding violence which will obviously obey her.  Obviously she won't be punished.

□ [“Senate Advances Bill to Make Calling Covid 'The China Virus' a Federal Hate Crime"]

China imprisons people who speak out, I guess the Senate is certainly infected with a virus.  It's already being reported that China's treating John Kerry badly, screwing him over despite the fact that he just signed a non-Congressionally-voted-on international agreement with them.  I'm sure China's not the only one they're in bed with but it's pretty clear by now that China was largely responsible for the stolen election and whatever else is going on.  They've been working on this for thousands of years...

"Navalny, Burma, Hong Kong, Uygurs, Gain of Function.  Of a sudden we've slipped into some golden age of horror while preoccupied with Climate Change and Critical Race Theory."
 - Wretchedthecat, Twitter

□ [“Biden Demands Gun Control For You, Not Hunter"]

The peons must be disarmed, they may challenge the government.  Biden's drug-using criminal son can lie to buy a gun but that's ok.  This is the way they want it.

Biden Caves to Radicals: Will Increase Refugee Admissions After Saying He Wouldn't
April 17, 2021

Crazy John Kerry Signs Another Garbage International Deal – This Time with China Regarding Climate Change Where He Will Screw Americans and China will Skate
April 18, 2021

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