02 April, 2021

When the world never seems to be living up to your dreams, it's the world's fault. It must be punished.

Am still watching, or at least putting the videos on.  I'm not sure why, I'm not even trying to play every episode.  I'm generally avoiding the later seasons.  The girls have no reason to stay around each other, except when they were highschool being punished, but later there were storylines with their boyfriends, yet the girls all sleep in the same room?

Someone attacked the Capitol again today, ramming it with a car and pulling out a knife to kill at least one guard.  Word's coming out that he's a Nation of Islam supporter so obviously whites will be blamed.  Naturally terrorism doesn't exist unless white people do it, skin color is all you need to know to understand people.  One assumes that, if he's still breathing by then, Biden will celebrate the 9/11 anniversary by saying America deserved it.

□ [“Pete Buttigieg Has Gas-Guzzling Suburban Drop Him Off a Couple Blocks from Work So He Can Ride His Bike in for the Cameras (VIDEO)"]

How did his bodyguards get around?  How did the people filming him get around?  They spent more gas to adore him than they would have used on a normal morning.  That's how you know they're elite.

□ [“‘Fertilizer Taxes’ Will Hurt Farmers and Likely Drive Up Food Prices"]

They're going all in on this right away.  Even I can tell food has started getting more expensive and that takes some doing.  

“It Could Have Been Russian Intelligence” – Hunter Biden Lies About His Lost Laptop with Biden Family Porn On It
April 2, 2021

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