07 April, 2021

Just filling up time...

□ [“Biden Sends US Warships to Disputed South China Sea as Tensions Rise with Communist China"]
□ [“Japan Sends Destroyer after China’s Liaoning Aircraft Carrier and Five Ships Pass Okinawa On the way to Pacific"]

Safe to assume China has already prepared for this.  I don't know what they're going to do, but I'd expect them to win in the short-term and possibly longer.  What's Biden going to do, give back the money from them?  Bring back the Trump tarrifs and tell Democrats they're supporting slavery if they keep getting Chinese slaves to build their cheap trinkets?  Not likely.  This is just for show.

Having suddenly started wondering if 1984 was used as a training manual, it explains a lot, and the start of a pseudo-war would be right in line with that.  There's the blatant doing the opposite of what they claim to want, "War is Peace," then there's their insistence on treating as the most important thing to know about someone while pretending to be against "racism," there's the use of large business to push through their propaganda but claiming to support equality and freedom, not to mention supporting small businesses.

The history project continues, I've made it through World War I.  One thing I'm working on is that I have to think WWI was essentially the template for what has happened since.  The 19th Century built up to this and it's what we've had since, technology, politics, propaganda, all of it.

I'm actually almost entirely through 1922 which surprises me.  Wasn't expecting to be that far.  The events that came before, I still have some dates that need to be checked, but not that many.  Of course there are still the last 100 years to go through and those will be the longest, but I'm probably not too far away from formatting all the dates so it'll be reasonably easy to get through, just long and tedious, much like the last hundred years.  And then I'll have finally finished the "first part" of this "History project."

Hopefully that will be the longest and hardest.  After that, I'll go through and delete duplicate entries, such-and-such born on this day and grew up to be something-or-other, died that year, stuff like that.  It'll be fairly easy, the problem is when there's different entries.  It's one thing when a line just mentions the country the person was born in and otherwise is the same as another line, many aren't duplicates because they describe the person's life differently, some give different years.  Some even give out different days of birth or death, so I'll have to look that up and that'll be tedious.

Well, it's already long and tedious but I've been working on this as much as possible for a year and a half and had started it well before then.

Biden’s Commerce Secretary Admits Trump’s China Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Helped Save Jobs in the US
April 7, 2021

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