25 May, 2021

Just fill in this space with meaningless nonsense, no-one'll know the difference.

This is a man's world, but it would mean something without a woman or a girl.

That's what James Brown meant.  Why else would he use double negatives?

□ [“First Man to Get Covid-19 Vaccine in UK Dies of ‘Unrelated Illness’"]

So the "vaccine" just promotes anything else wrong with a person?  I'm already far enough into thinking this is a conspiracy, do they really need this now?

On a related note, places are finally starting to permit customers to breath by not forcing them to wear a mask.  We'll see how long this lasts.  Who knows, now people will start dying from a "vaccine" and we'll all be forced to cover our mouths again.

□ [“Biden Admin Ends Program to Arrest Illegal Alien Child Rapists, Attempted Murderers"]

They like childrape.  They want more childcare in the US, no two ways about it.  Without raping children, they'd have nothing.

The New York Times ran a headline, "Attacks on Jews Over Israel Are A Gift To the Right."  After a while, they changed it to "The Crisis of Anti-Semitic Violence."  How do you get from one line to the other?  The latter is generically meaningless, the former has no problems with violence against Jews except insofar as a political gain.  They're the ones projecting political gain on others and saying how bad it is.

There's the old saying from Jim Treacher, "When Republicans screw up, that’s the story. When Democrats screw up, the Republicans’ reaction is the story.”  Notice they didn't change the story, just admitting that they hate Jews and Republicans and are fine with violence against them, or at least against one group.

Shooting Breaks Out at George Floyd Autonomous Zone on One Year Anniversary of His Death
May 25, 2021

I was going to write more stuff, maybe I will later, but right now I have to restart my computer for some stupid reason.

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