15 May, 2021

Rococo Coffee now comes in Flavor Aid, drink some! You'll like it! You don't have a choice!

Finished formatting all the posts, that's roughly a dozen pages written today.  Obviously editing will cut it down a ways but I'm quite pleased.

May 9, 2021
□ [“Sheffield University tells staff Charles Darwin was 'racist' and used natural selection theory to justify white male superiority in 'decolonising curriculum' lecturing handbook"]

Evolution is racist.  The guy who came up with evolution is racist.  And this is what they tried to use to take down religion.

PageSix: Rumors Swirl That the Gates Marriage Unraveled Because Bill Gates Was Having Sex with a Chinese Translator
May 6, 2021

Gotta admit, since I thought of the Jonestown massacre earlier today, I've been pretty worried that I'm right on the money about that.  Jones was a total leftist, an open communist, and got along very well with other leftists who are still alive and popular.  Willie Brown and Harvey Milk loved him, as did Jerry Brown, Dianne Feinstein, the Carters and Walter Mondale.  I can't find out if Nancy Pelosi knew him back then but it wouldn't surprise me.  Jane Fonda was there.

Basically it doesn't really matter if they were all directly influenced by him or not, they're all headed in the same direction anyway and see their chance to impose their goals on the world right now.  They'll move as quickly as possible.

And America's enemies know it.

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