12 May, 2021

What could have happened to make the world so stupid? I wonder..

Not really happy.  Internet access was "delivered" today but not to me.  It went to people who aren't around if I'm not at work so who nows when I'll be allowed to use the internet access I'm paying for?  And I had to do all the work to find this out, all I had was an email saying it was "delivered."

They aren't going to like it when I finish the next book and order the usual number of copies.  I intend to keep the promise that I won't finish four books this year but that'll be a lot of boxes that I paid for and they accepted delivery of and let me have until some future day when I'm not at work and they're available.

The new book is going well.  Still some difficult spots to get through.  After getting the email, I was hoping to start catching up tonight on the last couple weeks of current events, but that's not allowed.  The only upside is that I'd have to cut about 50 pages anyway, more by the time I finish editing the proof copy, so this is probably a good breaking point.

Oh well, back to editing.

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