19 March, 2022

Don't worry if you can't get food today, Joe Biden will save us! Soon we will be producing enough vegetable gruel for everyone!

□ [“Kamala Harris’ Deputy Press Secretary to Leave VP’s Office For Position at Pentagon"]

The 9th high-ranking person to quit dealing with her recently, ok, that makes sense, but is there any actual proof that they just can't put up with her?  Is it possible that they're effectively being promoted?  They had to work with her office to get the next mission in place, now they're on to that.

Tucson, Arizona Will Require 2022 Election Workers to Be Vaccinated
March 18, 2022

What supplies are going to run out first?  What supplies are the most important?  Toilet paper seems the most obvious example, we take it as a given and have completely forgotten that thousands of years went by without it.

Regarding metal, I thought of gold but I don't pretend to know how it works because I'm one of the many people who have none.  Hadn't thought of other metals, just having metal might be a big deal.  Don't pretend to know about metal either but if we have no gas, our cars aren't much good other than non-movable tents.  Refrigerators, ovens, is that metal actually useful for the rich and powerful to trade for, I dunno, food?

Just spitballing, we desperately need thinking people to be on our side.  I'm using "thinking people" in its most basic sense, people who can think.  That is an important skill and one that modern society is blatantly opposed to.

Skills are also important and can be traded for chicken or goatmilk, or a midwife.  I'm trying to figure out the best way to get skillful, thinking people together because that's really our only hope of survival.  [and maybe I can leech off them :)]

Man Suffers Stroke, Brain Damage and Has Been In Coma Right After Being Forced to Take Booster Shot to Enter Botswana
March 19, 2022

Google Sued for ‘Systemic Bias’ Against Black Employees
March 19, 2022

45,500 Rapid COVID Tests Recalled – “High Number Of False Positive Reports”
March 19, 2022

TSA finds loaded firearm in anti-gun California lawmaker’s luggage
March 17, 2022

British Air Travel Goes Maskless While Biden Still Has US in Pandemic Mode
March 17, 2022

It's pretty obvious that the left thinks we're now at war with Russia.  But Congress hasn't declared war and (only when it's convenient) the left has pretended to believe in peace when that hasn't happened.  As I often point out, I deployed four times during my ten years in the army and got 'combat pay' and 'hazardous duty' pay and all that every time except for 'Congress has declared war' pay, but only once had there been protesters demanding peace.

But there's no protesters demanding Congress declare war on Russia.  Do they expect NATO to handle everything?  The US already does most of NATO's work so that's the same thing, just without Congressional approval.  A war would also give the federal government all the excuse it needs to expand its power and silence dissent, no leftists would complain about that.

The upper classes are all in for this, it's not like they'd actually have to fight.  They're such peace-loving individuals, it's just easier for everybody to have the lower-classes do the heavy work.  They'll do the fighting, the people in charge will make all the decisions, fair enough?  Well, the upper classes say it is and they're the only ones who matter.  Because they care so much.

□ [“Biden warns Xi of the 'consequences' if China supports Putin during his 'brutal attacks against Ukrainian cities and civilians' and told him to stay away from Taiwan in two-hour phone call"]

Pretend for the sake of argument that Biden was capable of reading everything he was expected to say for two whole hours.  I wouldn't bet on that but let's just pretend for the time being.

An unnamed Biden administration official says the discussion was substantial and detailed.  This person with no name did not give any details, especially about any possible consequences if China doesn't obey.  Is John Kerry going to have to give up his investments in China?  Will the sports figures have to find another place to manufacture their merchandise for sale to America?  Will Hollywood be forbidden to promote movies there?

China's already got the stronger position, they're already supporting Russia and whoever tells Biden what to say is actively trying to destroy America anyway, so what "consequences" could there possibly be to change China's mind on this?  Are we going to start opposing their use of slaves?

If anything, this is a green light to China, Russia and everybody else to keep going full speed.

NYC Health Commissioner Wants Masks For Kids Under 5 Indefinitely
March 19, 2022

□ [“UPenn Cuts Off Comments on Lia Thomas’s Championship Post – 2nd Place Finisher Flooded with Congratulations 'To the Real Winner' Comments"]

We don't care what you think, you're going to adore the winners we impose on you and ignore the rest.  We make the rules, we get to change them.  Obey!

□ [“Space Foundation Strips Name Of First Man In Space From Fundraiser Because He Was Russian"]

A "non-profit" group that pretends to advocate space industry advocacy and education is erasing the name of someone who died in 1968 because he's of the wrong nationality.  They have no clue what being the FIRST MAN IN SPACE means so that's easy to ignore.  None of them see anything wrong with that.  If they can erase Yuri Gagarin from history, no one else is safe either and that's the way they like it.

Hell, why don't they advocate digging up his corpse and putting it on trial for its evil ways?

Russia Challenges US: If Biolab Documents are Fake Then Ask Head of the DTRA Office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol Why She Signed Off on Them?
March 19, 2022

I've been wondering about Ukraine.  My guess is that it was basically a convenient place to make corrupt deals and store money after the Soviet Union fell.  Hunter Biden was only there for bribes to his father.  I'm sure there is more to it but am not sure how much more that doesn't just qualify as a 'conspiracy theory.'

□ [“The $1.5 Trillion 2,500 Pages in the Spending Bill Are Full of Pork and Waste"]

I think we all expected this, they're just helping themselves to the goods as long as they can.  Do they think they can just print more money and/or seize more wealth?  Do they just never give any of this a thought?  Do they know that time is very short and they're just trying to pig in while they've got the chance?  Some or all of the above?

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