14 March, 2022

Russia stole a whole hour yesterday!

Brooklyn Transgender Serial Killer Shopped at 99 Cent Store with Murder Victim’s Dismembered Leg
March 13, 2022

Thailand Pays Out $45 Million as Compensation to 15,933 People Following Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Reactions
March 14, 2022

Sign at Virginia Pediatrics Office to Student Athletes: “COVID Vaccination Affects Your Heart – If You Received Doses of Any COVID Shot” We Will Not Clear You “Without Lab Work”
March 14, 2022

Pfizer CEO Says Fourth Covid Jab is “Necessary”
March 14, 2022

Biden Speaks to League of Cities, Leaves His Mask Behind as He Shuffles Off Stage
March 14, 2022

Maduro Regime Tells Beggar Joe Biden to Pound Sand – Psaki: Importing Venezuela Oil “Not an Active Conversation at This Time”
March 14, 2022

□ [“Biden Claims He Discussed Rising Gas Prices as a Kid ‘At the Kitchen Table’ – Gas Prices Were Flat For Biden’s Entire Childhood"]

Horses and buggies didn't use gas, what was he talking about?  Assuming, for the sake of argument, that he wasn't always sitting at the kiddy table anyway, dinner was supposed to be a time of propriety and respect, not full of one's own petty whining and complaints.  So Biden is saying that his parents did not have any dignity and their kids were forced to hear all of it, every single thing.  Dad wants anal tonight, Mom, you better give it up or you know what'll happen next.  He already blames Russia for those gas prices.

Also, according to the Department of Energy "Historical Gasoline Prices, 1929-2011," the price of a gallon of gas ranged from 17-34 cents between 1929-1969 and averaged 25.049 cents for the entire period.  It's compared to 2011 prices but inflation is added so even if the price stayed the same from 1943-1946 (21 cents/gallon) the 2011 price ranges from $2.20-1.90/gallon in comparison.

Don't you wish we had a price like that nowadays?  Well, we did just a couple years ago with Orange Man in charge.

Pelosi Argues Spending Trillions Helps Lower National Debt – ‘Global’ Inflation Is Putin’s Fault
March 14, 2022

□ [“India Turns to Russia – Considers Buying Discounted Russian Oil ‘at Heavy Discount’"]

Well this is a bad sign.  If the choice is going along with the US or getting the benefits of a sensible energy policy, India will choose the latter.  Come on, liberals, you know you want to say how evil and racist India is, you want to thank Russia for helping India out since the US absolutely won't.  And don't forget how evil Russia, anybody who sides with them must be punished.  You're the only ones who've thought this all through so go for it.

Oh, and sanctions, we'll need more sanctions.  Those evil indians!  They even liked dealing with Trump, it was profitable.  Now they have to turn to Russia.

Now Pelosi Claims that She Can End Gerrymandering – Through HR1 which Will Also End Free and Fair Elections Forever
March 14, 2022

□ [“Israel Comes Under Largest-Ever Cyber Attack in History"]

Iran is the most obvious suspect, they even announced on its government website that the Revolutionary Guard is responsible for it but that may possibly be hype.  There are obviously quite a few other suspects, up to and including the US government.  Maybe we just gave Iran the computer access.

□ [“Russia Bombing In Ukraine Near Polish Border Kills Three British Ex-Special Forces Troops"]

This is getting spooky, as if it wasn't already.  There were several dozen killed, this was a training site.  Ukraine sends males there for about there days of training and then puts them on the front lines.  What the hell are former Special Forces doing there?

Well, obviously they're there to conduct training but how the hell do they decide that this is a good idea?  Maybe they just need money and this was the best option, entirely possible, but really?

This training site is just a horrible idea anyway.  Three days isn't enough to be properly trained in firing a weapon, much less medical care, martial arts, tactics and everything else taught in basic training, which is what these soldiers interviewed by the BBC (and presumably other western media) say they were trained in those three days.

That's not even getting into unit cohesion and reacting under fire which are very important in a warzone.  Is the Ukraine's thinking that the warzone comes first, they'll get to training on the other stuff later, if they come back in one piece?

And this is what those British ex-SF teachers are supposed to do something with?  What are they thinking?

NATO Moves Ahead With Military Drills in Norway – Deploys 30,000+ Troops, 50 Warships and 220 Aircraft Near Russia’s Border As Tensions Flare in Ukraine
March 14, 2022

At the moment, I don't have much to say.  I finally got the new booklet approved and ordered printed copies, even putting a new pamphlet on Kindle.  Six pamphlets in less than a month and that month was February, not even a leap year, now I've added my second booklet this year.  I may not have much else to offer but I'm still productive.

I've been rather pleased with some of my essays about where gas prices come from or about history.  I hope I don't try to make a collection of these before I actually put together a book, but whatever will be may actually happen.  My goal is to keep pushing out the writing and publications as soon as possible for as long as I can manage.  I regularly pray for help but I'm not optimistic.

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