09 March, 2022

Let's just force Russia to be vaccinated, that'll kill them.

□ [“Saudi, UAE Leaders Decline Calls with Joe Biden Amid Ukraine-Russia-Oil Crisis"]

I'd swear one of the final scenes in Atlas Shrugged had the US begging another country for oil and being denied.  Looked through it and couldn't find it.  Ok, I found it, Guatemala and it refused to give steel.

Still, that's pretty similar, isn't it?  This is what they're doing.  Supposedly the immediate reason is Biden is stuck with the female leftists in Congress to not permit any more oil in the US so now the prices are skyrocketing, hence why he's asking America's enemies to fill in.  I don't think that's the complete story but I could believe it.

Well, the attempt to send jets to Poland to send to Ukraine was turned down.  The US said it was Poland's idea but we turned it down because it wasn't clear how NATO could attack Russia.

I'm still trying to work out exactly where the blame for gas prices goes.  It can't just be about the Keystone Pipeline so what else is there?

It's clear that the POTUS deserves the blame, even if it's just the pretend-POTUS, so what else is there that increases prices?  An executive order increasing taxes or cutting tax breaks?  Bureaucrats that just impose new regulations which makes it harder for oil companies to do the same job they've been doing?  Are low prices a result of constantly adding new exploration and drilling and those have been blocked?

Where is the point where someone somewhere has to decide whether to raise gas prices or keep them where they are?

They want to get people's attention away from the virus?  Ok.  I don't want people to think about the virus so I'm going to increase gas prices two cents a gallon.

Wait, they want to increase prices by 2$/gallon?  Ok.  Gas costs $2/gallon.  I don't want people to think about the virus so now gas costs 4$/gallon.  It never cost 2.25$, it never cost 2.50$, it never cost 3$, it never cost 3.50$, it went straight to 4$/gallon because I don't want people to think about the virus.

So where is the person who made that decision and how did they impose their will on everyone else?  Give orders to the gas stations?  Give orders to the oil companies?

Wait, it's about destroying the middle class?  Ok.  So it's corporate greed.  People at the oil companies just woke up one morning and realized they could get more money if they raise prices.  They could have done it five years ago but they didn't think of it back then.  And government has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it.I'm trying to work out the specific reasons the gas prices are going up with no end in sight.  Yes, leftists have always wanted this but they don't drill for oil or drive trucks so how do they impose this on everybody else?  The virus may be an excuse but it's not the cause.  Ending the Keystone pipeline shouldn't be enough to skyrocket them like this and if it is, how does that happen?

I'm definitely from the "Keep It Simple, Stupid" line of thought and obviously this topic gets very complicated very quickly so that's why I'm trying to figure it out.  So a step closer is:

It's blocking the exploration/drilling on federal lands which a court has blocked but Interior Department has gone on with it anyway.  And we'll need to find more specifics, but it's probably also regulations to reduce/end fracking.  Who made those regulations, the Executive Branch?  Losing the Keystone Pipeline hurts but we got by without it for decades so I doubt it's the main cause of price increases.

With the pipeline, I think it's a case of:  If you have two legs your entire life and you lose one, that's a huge problem.  If you have two legs and add a third, then lose the third leg, that's not as big of a problem.  Yes, the government took it away and they're planning to take your other two legs but that's a totally different problem.

There is also the standard desire to reduce oil production to zero but that's always been an excuse longer than I've been alive.  It's another example of a totally different problem, not the last year of price increases.

"I want you to look at my eyes.  I guarantee you.  I guarantee you.  We're going to end fossil fuel."
- Joe Biden, September 6, 2019

□ [“Biden Goes Off Script, Makes Awkward Comment to Texas Reps: ‘Two Look Like They Did Play Ball and the Other One Looks Like He Can Bomb You’"]

You can tell from reading that line which skin colors he was referring to.  But neither of the colored Congressmen complained.  Maybe they're used to it from Democrats, maybe they aren't allowed to speak out against their rightful leader, he can call them whatever he wants.

Biden Official Victoria Nuland Admits to Biological Research Labs in Ukraine Following China and Russia Reports
March 8, 2022

I've been watching the footage of the meeting members of the Convoy had with three Congressmen.  Haven't finished it yet but there is a bit of hope there.  Everybody else is as pissed off as I am and we can't keep going.  This cannot go on.

We don't have a clear end date yet but the mention of $6 gas struck me.  They were clear, if the price gets that high, the truckers will stop and that's that.  How long until it gets that far?  I get the impression the price will start rising a lot faster than it has been so it won't be that long.

Beyond that, I haven't seen any clear benefit of this meeting yet and don't expect to.  That's natural, I'm not a meeting person anyway and this is Washington DC, I wouldn't like it no matter what.  So this isn't a complaint about it.  I would still vote for the truckers to just go on strike and obviously I've been totally outvoted on that, no problem.

Right now my immediate worry is what's going to happen next?  Russia just needs to land agents in Mexico and they'll cross the border, nobody will stop them, and they can do whatever they want.  Or China will do that, Iran, whoever.  Democrats will all support whatever the invaders do, up to and including bringing in nukes.  It's not like they have to be in missile-form.

So my biggest worry is 'what could happen that's even worse than a total truckers strike?'  That's what we have to prepare for.  My biggest question is 'what organization do we have to work with in hopes of surviving?'  That's one of the main reasons I've been supporting these Convoys, because I don't see any other options.

But I will say that the footage of this meeting is positive, it gives at least a hint of the chance that we can get through this.  I just can't believe we've ever gotten this far.  We need to take these motherfuckers down for good, what can I do to help?

□ [“Poland Calls Blinken’s Bluff, Exposes Fracture in NATO Alliance"]

It only took a day or so to show how stupid the Biden administration liars are.  Ukraine's not getting US weapons (that we know of) so Blinken said they were working on it with Poland.  Yes, there had already been meetings but Poland wasn't interested so they said the US could just have the jets.  At the US Air Force base in Ramstein, Germany.  It's all on US, not Poland.

A Pentagon spokesman had already said the deal wasn't tenable and it sounds like they hadn't been involved with whatever meetings there actually were.  They're military, all they do is obey, right?

So now Poland, and Germany for that matter, know that the US will flat-out lie about supporting Ukraine just to put them on the hook.  Obviously I don't see the point of this but obviously the administration wanted to do this to NATO who have a war going on right next to them.

And remember, that's basically what we did to Ukraine in 2014 when they were invaded by I-forget-which-nation.  Whoever was in charge of the US cheered Ukraine on, said we'd support them, do everything we could to fight for freedom and then nothing happened.  Now we want Poland to be in that situation when they have a few years of history with Russia and invasion.  Because that's how much we care.

MSNBC Leftist Hack Joy Reid Claims Americans Only Care About Ukraine Because They’re White and Christian
March 9, 2022

Chinese Hackers Reportedly Identified Hacking Six State Department Entities and European Entities as Well
March 9, 2022

Cardiff Philharmonic removes Tchaikovsky from program in light of Russian invasion of Ukraine
March 9, 2022

U.S. Intelligence Warns of Domestic Threat as Biden Prepares to Sign Iran Nuke Agreement
March 9, 2022

Democrat Party Moral Leader Rashida Tlaib: There is No Inflation, It’s Corporate “Extortion”
March 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

Russia Accuses U.S. of Covering Up 1972 Biological Weapons Convention Violations – Releases List of US-Tested Biological Agents in Ukraine BioLabs, Salmonella, E. Coli, Anthrax and The Plague
March 9, 2022

□ [“Russia Tells the US 'We Have Found Your Biological Weapons'” (VIDEO)]

Oh good, a new development.

In 2005, Obama and Dick Lugar negotiated a deal with Ukraine as Senators to open a "level 3 bio-safety lab."  Yesterday, Biden official Victoria Nuland testified to the Senate that yes, we're doing biological research in Ukraine.  Russia now says we've been making chemical and biological weapons there.  This supposedly violates the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

It gets worse, China just put out that we have 26 of those labs in Ukraine alone and well over 300 in 30 countries around the world.  Are we going to accuse China of lying about us too?

Gotta admit, I can believe it.  I have enough experience to have a (slight) clue what we're capable of and know that we're capable of doing a lot more that I couldn't even conceive of, so hundreds of biological warfare sites all around the world is a pretty obvious tactic.  It doesn't mean Russia and China are telling the truth but...  Our labs were being funded by the Department of Defense, ring any bells?

143 nations signed the Convention but there really wasn't any way to moderate it and make sure everyone obeyed to give up chemical and toxic weapons.  That I can totally believe.  No one ruled the entire world so they couldn't enforce that agreement and everybody would be sensible enough to realize that everyone else might be secretly researching.  No one wanted to come in last in that race.

There may have been a destruction of a lot of files as Russia moved into Ukraine but some of them are still available on the internet at the Wayback Machine.  

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