01 March, 2022

I'm getting a little worried this isn't some kind of horrible dream

Pfizer Vas of 5-11 Year Olds has Negative Effectiveness After Just Over a Month
March 1, 2022

□ [“Mexico’s President Won’t Impose Economic Sanctions on Russia"]

You can tell the President is tough when he stands up to his neighbor and says he's going to keep working with his neighbor's enemies.  And if you don't like it, he'll just come in through your open border and do whatever the hell he wants.  Sucks to be you.

Biden claims he's going to block Russian aircraft from coming in, they can just go through Mexico, it's not like there's any border security.  Biden's masters wouldn't want border security.

Biden: “You Can’t Build a Wall High Enough to Keep Out a Vaccine”
March 1, 2022

Apparently Biden actually made it through a "State of the Union address."  Obviously I wasn't paying attention that but sooner or later there'll be reports.  So they show his inability to say anything coherently.  "You can't build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine."

But walls can keep out people who are carrying a virus, that's the point.  Wait, I hadn't actually read it, did he say "vaccine"?  [Checks the video]  Yes, he actually said "keep out a vaccine."  Um, a wall can, uh, also keep out people who are carrying a vaccine.  That's, that's what walls are there for.  How have you never given a thought to... that?

The look on Nancy Pelosi's face is very amusing.  She'd like him to get through a coherent sentence too and she can probably see the monitor he's reciting from.  This is what you wanted, lady.

Biden: “Putin May Circle Kiev with Tanks, But He’ll Never Gain the Hearts and Souls of the Iranian People”
March 1, 2022

Putin will "never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people."  Ok, that one's just strange.  He's been reading "Ukrainian" off the monitor several times in the last few seconds, now he all of a sudden goes to Iran?  He doesn't sound horrible like he's having problems coming up with words, he's very straightforward but suddenly switches nations without skipping a beat.  I don't get how one would do that without actually working on it.  Even there, you might mistakenly use the word you just used several times, in this case "Ukraine."

I'd think it would take practice to get that wrong and still sound as close-to-decent as Biden does here.  "We will, we will rock you.  We will, we will rock you.  We will, Oklahoma will rock you."

Biden Announces Plan to Fight Record Inflation, Tells Businesses to “Lower Your Costs Not Your Wages”
March 1, 2022

But “We have a choice, one way to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make Americans poorer. I think I have a better idea to fight inflation, lower your costs not your wages” is coherent, of course.  Someone who has no clue how the economy works but has no problem with the orders he dictates everyone to obey.  You know his people are going to have written orders ready to be released on exactly that.

The people helping themselves to other people's money tell those other people to lower their costs.  This is like the 'description of being in an abusive relationship' that was on the internet a few months ago, they're the ones causing all the suffering and they blame the people they make suffer.

WAR CRY: Biden Blocks US Airspace to Russian Flights – Will Confiscate Yachts, Riches from Russian Oligarchs, Will Provide Arms to Ukraine
March 1, 2022

And he's going to stop Russia like he stopped the virus, he had that plan ready long ago.  Of course it's just replacing the virus with Russia so I wonder what he'll replace Russia with in a few years.

I was kinda hoping that Russia or whoever would hack into his monitors and have him recite total gibberish as seriously as he could manage, just to show the world what a mindless pawn he is.  But apparently he didn't mention "January 6" even once, the event leftists have been obsessed about the last fourteen months.

And just a note, there's a report that the Russian convoy mentioned a day or so ago has stopped.  They ran out of fuel.  Still not clear which side they were trying to support but it does show that logistics needs to operate over a long distance which Russia (or Ukraine) has rarely been good at.

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