16 March, 2022

I'm getting worse every day, how about you?

□ [“Biden on Second Gentleman Testing Positive For Covid: 'The First Lady’s Husband Contracted Covid'"

He probably doesn't know the difference.  Or know what Covid is.  Or maybe she's denying him sex as much as his wife does.  Or everybody's agreed that she's been promoted, they just don't want to tell anybody yet.  If ever.

Senate Unanimously Approves Bill to Make Daylight Savings Time Permanent
March 15, 2022

American astronaut will return to Earth on Russian spacecraft despite Ukraine invasion, NASA says
March 14, 2022

Treasonous Couple Who Tried to Sell US Submarine Secrets to Brazil Were BLM Supporters and Trump-Haters
March 15, 2022

□ [“Mitt Romney Is Only Republican to Vote with Democrats to Force Toddlers to Wear Masks"]

I really am coming to the conclusion that most Republicans, at least those of any major name, are basically Democrats.  It's possible that's how they got into politics, it's possible they have maybe a difference view on half a dozen issues.  There's also a chance that they're dupes for Democrats, or flat-out employees, just to get the voters who aren't Democrats only one approved option.

We saw that when Jeb Bush assumed he'd with the 2020 Primaries and then Trump came along.  We saw a similar example on the other side, Hillary took it as a given she'd win the primaries and had to actually fight against Bernie who probably hadn't even expected him to do as well as he did.

It's the sort of thing that makes me think about the conspiracies we don't see, who have been running our political institutions for years, decades, even centuries.

□ [“Biden Administration Blocking July 4th Fireworks At Mount Rushmore For Second Year"]

They have officially shut this country down and they intend to keep it that way.  Do they consciously want to destroy it or are they just easy to manipulate by those who do?

12-Year-Old Girl in Brazil Dies Reportedly Due to Heart Attack While in Her Sleep
March 16, 2022

World’s No. 2 Ranked Golfer and Olympic Gold Medalist Nelly Korda Diagnosed with Blood Clots
March 16, 2022

8-Year-Old Boy in Peru Develops ‘Stevens-Johnson Syndrome’ Following Second Dose of Pfizer Covid-19
March 16, 2022

Canada lifting pre-arrival COVID-19 testing requirement as of April 1
March 16, 2022

House Dems want Biden to declare national 'climate emergency' and ban oil drilling on federal lands
March 15, 2022

RINO Speaker Robin Vos Admits Widespread Fraud Occurred In Wisconsin But Says Legislature Cannot Decertify
March 16, 2022

What are we going to do if Russia invades Alaska?  The people in charge (here, not there) oppose borders and it's not like Russia hasn't maintained a military in that part of the world or that they're not used to the weather there.  They can just take whatever they want from oil, gold and our nuclear defense system.

What's Congress going to do, declare war?  They've had that opportunity for weeks and haven't done a thing.  It's not like there'd be any peace protestors, they ones I saw against the Iraq invasion are all in favor of this.  And everyone else just has to shut up and obey.

□ [“Leftist Reaction to Zelensky’s Speech Is 'Let’s Go to War with Russia!'"]

Will blacks in the military be forced to fight for our evil racist society that you say Russia will destroy?  Or do they just have to obey you?  Has the military seen a sudden increase in enlistment from any skin color?

This looks more and more like Russia's whole plan because your imposed masters would never be capable of thinking of this themselves.  It's been almost three weeks, Russia still has air control, they haven't had to retreat in any major way, far as I know they haven't lost any major battles.  Ukraine doesn't have any of that.  The only reason it's still standing is because Russia hasn't struck harder and faster.

California Democrat Lawmakers Vote Against Ending Governor Newsom’s Covid Emergency Powers
March 16, 2022

The only real problem would be Democrats who want to be in charge themselves and have everybody obey them.  *THAT* might lead to further conflict but there's not a single Democrat who would expect to lose that fight so there's nothing to stop them.

□ [“Germany’s Not Laughing Now – Russia Reverses Gas Flow of Key Pipeline Serving Europe"]

Well had Germany ever made plans in case something went wrong with getting Russian gas?  Or did they just assume it would always work forever and ever?  I think there was news a couple days ago that they were suddenly going to move into nuclear, this is probably why.  Russia invaded Ukraine 8 years ago, that would have been a good time to prepare for doing without Russian energy.

I've seen comparison of this to the World Wars or the US invasion of Iraq.  The Iraq comparison isn't fair, we were the nicest, most polite invaders in history, no small feat considering our military power.  We could have wiped out everything leading to Baghdad in a couple days if that was all we'd been after.  And with Germany, we'd all been in these wars for years, we were all exhausted and every side was fighting as harshly as it could.

Which leads me to wonder what Russia is after.  Obviously they could have done the same thing if taking Ukraine was the goal.  Russia's got enough problems without having to add Ukraine's problems so they're probably not after blatant conquest, so what are they doing?

□ [“After Watching Russia Invade Ukraine, Biden Responds with Weak Deterrent to Potential China Invasion of Taiwan"]

I mean besides working with China and Iran.  Those plans have already been in place for a year or so.  China and Iran I could understand just expanding because it's what they do.  China is the center of everything and Iran needs to spread Islam, not to mention its thousands-of-years-old history as Persia.

Whatever it is they're doing, they're way ahead of the US on this.  Biden was just told to sign paperwork authorizing @2000 troops to go to Australia, just in case.  Now there's a plan.  I assume he obeyed without question.  He probably won't put the transgenders on the front line though, don't want them to get hurt.

World’s No. 1 Ranked Tennis Player Daniil Medvedev Told He Cannot Play Wimbledon Unless he Denounces Putin
March 16, 2022

“We Can Only Hope that Putin and Xi Will Be Removed from Power Before They Can Destroy Our Civilization.“ – George Soros Releases Stunning Message on Ukraine
March 16, 2022

Biden Calls Vladimir Putin a “War Criminal” in Outburst to Reporters
March 16, 2022

Face it, there's no plan except whatever Russia, China and Iran have worked.  We don't have one, Ukraine doesn't have one, Europe...  They expected the US to have plans and we stole the election from a guy who could actually make plans and follow them.  I'm waiting for leftists to realize that the Russia/Ukraine is a perfect excuse to raise gas prices exactly the way the left has always wanted it.

I haven't been writing much lately.  I don't know why, am I just breaking down even more?  Maybe that's happening to everybody, I wouldn't know, but there's no sign of an end to the misery being foisted on all of us.

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