01 February, 2022

Black males who self-identify as female may even be considered for the Supreme Court.

□ [“‘CBS Mornings’ Suggests Joe Rogan is Killing People with His Podcast When Discussing Covid-19"]

This is government media, all being given their same orders to gang up against a peasant who's speaking out.  They actively support censorship.  The networks are all doing this at once and none of them dare to support the right to freedom of speech.  This is how tyranny works.

Commie Pope Says Taxation is important Tool for “Wealth Redistribution”
January 31, 2022

Obviously no way to verify it, but reportedly the Mayor of Ottawa called all the towing companies to start getting rid of those trucks in the street but every company called said they couldn't they had COVID.  Gosh, will we ever get rid of that horrible disease?

THERE’S MORE: Arizona Witness Testified on “Baskets of Faxed Ballots” With No Chain of Custody Were Also Counted as Military Ballots in Pima County
February 1, 2022

The food supply is going to get worse.  Fertilizer, liquid nitrogen and seeds are skyrocketing in prices.  Sounds like the government trying to promote soybeans but those are being hit by shortages.  Did they read Atlas Shrugged and say "let's do this"?  It's not like animals eat soybeans, they eat actual plants.

And the government's response has already been to start telling the grocery stores to tell people to only buy what they need and leave the rest to others.  That's going to drop.  Democrats really do not have a clue where food comes from.

There will be an economic report on Friday.  I don't remotely pretend to understand the specifics but it doesn't sound good.  It's like whatever gains the people who run Biden had been making about economic improvements were just giving money to corporations to keep them from firing people and that's run out.  I'm positive there's another motivation behind the truckers standing out, perhaps that's it.

Is it possible that Trump had installed some practice that worked and Biden's immediate reversal of everything guaranteed a collapse like this?  The national debt just passed $30 trillion dollars.  

Disneyland Moves Forward with Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate to its Employees
February 1, 2022

Outraged Citizens Surround Pfizer Headquarters In Paris: ‘Assassins!’
February 1, 2022

□ [“After Failing To Pass BBB And Voter Reform, Chuck Schumer Moves On To Gun Control"]

Because of course.  We're all negros now, Democrats need to disarm us.  Because it's done so well every other time they tried it.  This is what they've worked for, at least their leaders have.

Looking at the "history project," I noticed that the Battle of the Somme took place just a couple months after the Easter Rising in Ireland.  I haven't looked into the Rising much yet, but it had always struck me as sort of prequel of the hell we've been living in, well, ever since.  All the nonsense about "racism" is just a replay of what the Irish have been complaining about even as part of the greatest civilization up to that point, hating all things English.  And the Irish sure liked using violence to do it.  I assume there may also be a distinction between Catholicism and Protestantism but haven't gotten into that yet.  Just on this, that view can be expanded to all the other skin colors.

They were close to Germany for support and weapons to use against the English, most notably Roger Casement working with Franz von Papen who was just a diplomat to Britannia at the time but would become German Chancellor just before Hitler took over, and then worked for Hitler, no problem.  He would be found non-guilty of some Nazi crimes, for others he was found guilty and mildly punished, before being set free and his fortune given back.  Haven't looked into the details but my impression was that he was being rewarded by the organizations that would grow up to be the European Union.  Was this the plan all along or had they just found their way there through a couple World Wars?

There's more in the background as well.  Roger Casement had also been deeply involved in exposing Belgium's behavior in the Congo.  I don't seriously call anything "racist" but that is mindboggling exploitation that goes far beyond imagination, yet it was quite natural to Belgium.  Who, by the way, founded the European Union by leeching off all their neighbors.  They even helped start the World Wars by getting one of their people on the British Throne to promise defense against any attackers and were quite helpful when the Nazis moved in.

So now I've found connections of the Battle of the Somme to the Easter Rising and now to the "Heart of Darkness," one of the most famous short stories ever written, published in 1899.  I've read it but that was a long time ago and I remember nothing.  What everybody knows from the late 20th century is that it inspired one of the most infamous movies ever, Apocalypse Now.

And it goes further, Richard Casement was on trial for the Easter Rising and the prosecutors tried to show his private journals, now known as "The Black Diaries," which were very detailed in the gay sex he had.  Near as I can tell, it's about his youthful adventures - I'm obviously not going to read it, that's like, too much work, man! - but the intention of the prosecutors was to get him ruled "guilty but insane" so he wouldn't be executed.  Casement didn't want it released, preferring guilty and being executed.

Interestingly, there's still conflict on whether or not those journals were real or not.  I assume the conflict is mostly due to the Catholicism of his supporters but it's entirely possible he was just young and stupid and very drunk, like most Irish.  It's also possible this never happened and the authorities wanted to press their own desires upon him.  It may have been invented to give the gay mafia a dead body to promote as a symbol for generations to come, or it may have been a man making a genuine choice of 'live free or die,' standing up for freedom against... all of this.  It may be some or all of these.

I haven't even looked into other figures with some connection, temporal or political.  U2 built on it as much as it built on punk rock and post-punk.  Then there's W. B. Yates who strikes me as very arrogant, wanting to be the model everybody follows.  He was busy trying to marry the wife of one of the Easter Rising leaders, proposing to her since 1891.  That's not very realistic but it's what he did.  Then there's George Bernard Shaw who was also involved with the leaders just as he was of Mussolini and Stalin.  He even went to Russia and was thrilled by how many people Stalin hadn't killed, yet.

This is what they've always been about and I might have find some links to work with.  Just a very brief glance but I think I'm looking in the right direction.

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