05 February, 2022

This world sucks, let's throw it away and get a new one.

Ottawa Police Chief Warns Police Officers if They Give Food or Water to Protesting Truckers He Will Investigate and Use “Criminal Code” if Necessary to Go After Them
February 4, 2022

California High School Barricades Maskless Children in Gym, Staffer Turns Down Thermostat to “Freeze Them Out”
February 4, 2022

They're going straight to tyranny.  As always, leftists are totally in favor of the police, they just don't want anyone else to be protected, especially anyone who complains about the government.

How much of this has been planned internationally?  Obviously it doesn't need to be the entire world but the US and Canada, probably Mexico and Europe, if the rulers are together on this, they'd quite possibly be ready to move in.

They might need to be quick about it.  There's a saying, something along the lines of 'when the truck deliveries stop, we run out of supplies in a couple days.'  Well, the trucks in Canada haven't been delivering for a week now.

It's true that the military has many unrealistic problems but that’s natural with human existence. At some level even the highest ranks know that their authority comes from the people they’re in charge of and forcing them to die for this is not a winning position. And even if the highest ranks don’t know that, they’re surrounded by lower ranks who do. It’s a lot easier to betray the senile old man who thinks he’s in charge than to have to order your men to kill themselves just to go along with him.

One thing I learned from my ten years in the Army is that it gets the closest to functional socialism but it does so by strictly imposing a rank structure and by recognizing the individual. Who’s going to call up parents and spouses to say “your loved one is dead because I ordered another booster shot of an untested vaccine for a virus that only kills fat old unhealthy people”?

They still have to prepare for combat and this is an obviously bad way to go about that. Many unrealistic problems, yes, but they’re a lot more willing to recognize reality because that’s the only way to survive.

□ [“Breaking: Florida Governor DeSantis to Launch Investigations into GoFundMe Over Fraudulent Fundraising Practices …Update: Georgia Too! Update: Missouri Too!"]

What the hell were they thinking?  GoFundMe is an internet site to transfer donations of money, they don't get to decide they don't like the receiver and decide who to give the money to.  Don't they have the slightest clue what the people who use GoFundMe would think of or do they just not care enough to think about that?

And they moved in immediately.  No waiting a day or three to see if there was anything going wrong with this particular donation, they just decided the money was theirs and grabbed it.

I definitely think this was planned on both sides because multiple states have already moved in on them.

Worldwide Movement: Massive Freedom Convoy Formed in Helsinki, Finland Against COVID-19 Mandates and High Fuel Taxes – Cops Detain 55 Protesters
February 5, 2022

Biden Regime Continues Its Suicide Mission of the West — Waives Sanctions on Iran’s Civilian Nuclear Program — Releases $29 Billion in Frozen Funds to Radical Islamic Regime
February 5, 2022

Fascism is leftism. Hitler got started with the local communist party and was inspired by Mussolini who was an outright communist for quite a while. Look at all the positive publicity western media gave them until the war started.
Essentially the only difference is that fascists recognize that the nation will continue to exist and communists somehow believe that the leaders in the palace will leave it once the rest of the world obeys.
To this day, Palestinians are still big Hitler fans who openly want to wipe out all the Jews and no liberal ever complains about that.

Fighting Back: 16 States Challenge Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers
February 5, 2022

There seems to be rumors that more evidence of the stolen election is ready to be released and the left/media is desperate to hide it.  We can only hope...

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