26 February, 2022

If you can read this, make me a cheeseburger.

How about that, Russia's ally is showing off its military power to the region and surrounding US allies.  Aren't they worried that Putin will be getting all the attention?  And how can they have military exercise next to Taiwan, the island nation they claim to own?  That just doesn't seem right.

Shouldn't they be asking the US when the best time to do this is?  After all, we've pretended to support Taiwan's independence just like Ukraine.

February 26, 2022

February 26, 2022

Hey, there's several dozen other genders, why don't you order a single one of them to fight for their nation?  Why do the men have to do all the heavy work while every other gender gets to run away like little girls and nobody objects?

This is basically proving what all the people who believe in self-identifying gender are worth, absolutely nothing.  When there's actual trouble, you need real men who are capable of actually fighting for something even at the risk of their own lives.  That's what built the world and that's what the left wants to destroy.

I still can't figure out what this war is over or who's fighting it but I am positive that this is what it's about.  This is the left trying to wipe out anything useful and men are their first targets.

September 23, 2020

February 26, 2022

Another aspect, destroying the banking system.  Banking requires trust between all parties, without that, they can't work.  These banks didn't even try to protect their customers from the government just helping itself.  No bank customer has any incentive to keep using them.

Then there's the companies that also use them, they're not self-existing, business is made up of the individuals who take part in it but the companies do rely in banks for payments and transfers and loans.  So this is the worst of both sides, the individuals know there's no reason to trust banks and the companies are screwed no matter what.  As are the banks.

It's not like there was any serious legal authority to freeze people's accounts, there was only totalitarian motivation.  Reportedly all the bank accounts were reopened after someone realized that they looked too obvious about this.

We keep hearing that the situation is much worse than it seems to be and it looks bad enough right now.  We never get any details on this, just increased speculation of looming disaster.

February 26, 2022

The terms "misinformation" and "disinformation" are just tools leftists give themselves so they have an excuse to avoid thinking.  Notice that they never cite what's incorrect about whatever they'll calling "dis/mis," it's just an excuse to avoid the issue and attack whoever's bringing it up, but none of them ever question this.  I also wonder if a way of projecting their own unwillingness to question, claiming the accused would never be convinced by the truth so they aren't going to bother pointing it out.

I must admit, that is an accomplishment, managing to simplify thought to the point where it isn't required.  Perhaps this has always been done in totalitarian regimes, obviously I wouldn't know, but they sure do like doing it without hesitation.

February 26, 2022

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