08 February, 2022

I can't remember, did I used to have a memory?

Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes COVID Restrictions Through January 2024 – Will Begin Pulling Drivers Over at Random and Fining Un-Boosted Citizens Next Month
February 7, 2022

Now there's a new form of gonorrhoea discovered in Britain.  What, was the point of the vaccine to mutate other viruses?  That's gotta be impossible but is a fear that probably won't leave my head for a while.

□ [“Democrat Govs. Drop Mask Mandates as Biden Holds Tight to His Science"]

Lemme guess, they're seeing the Convoy and assorted resistance as wiping them out if they don't suddenly act more intelligently.  Colorado, Pennsylvania and New Jersey all suddenly discovered the magical science that makes cloth masks not that big of a deal against a virus.  They're willing to defy their masters who still recite that this will continue for the foreseeable future.

But then the states themselves will have internal conflict.

□ [“California will end mask mandate on Feb. 15, LA County will not align with state's changes"]

Even there, the cities and counties will each have to go in their own way which will cause disagreements with each other.  That's part of individuality and they haven't noticed in all these decades because they demanded unity.

□ [“Yale professor claims Hitler never saw Jews as an 'inferior race'"]

Despite Hitler saying that's what they are?  "According to Hitler, Jews weren’t an inferior race.  Hitler didn’t even regard Jewish people as human persons." So we could say that about blacks and liberals would go along with it?

At the moment, the US Convoy site is up again.  I've just asked "Is anybody keeping actual snapshots or control F of what people are saying just so we can keep a record of that without the porn?"  Obviously I keep a copy of my posts (although I've missed a few that aren't important) but not everyone's.

New American Military News Report Reveals Biden Left and Abandoned 9,000 Americans in Afghanistan in Botched Withdrawal after Taliban Takeover
February 8, 2022

New Zealand Joins Canada and Finland – Convoy Blocks Parliament and Demands to End Vaccine and Mask Mandates
February 8, 2022

□ [“Maricopa County, Arizona – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody"]

Is this all from one county?  If so, it makes every other county suspicious and every other election.  Biden's win was barely 10,000 votes, but 740,000 were messed with?  The people who refuse to find out what the hell happen are supporting the theft.

Trudeau Government Threatens to Criminally Target Americans Who Donated to the Freedom Convoy 2022
February 8, 2022

Canada: Alberta Premier Ends Covid Vaccine Passport System – Effective Tonight at Midnight
February 8, 2022

Gov. Newsom Announces End to Statewide Mask Mandate as Covid Deaths Spike in California - "unvaccinated people will still need to wear masks indoors.”
February 8, 2022

What are they going to do, spy on people?  Well, of course they're going to spy on people.  They've got cameras, they pay secret agents, it's their job to know everything you're saying or doing and they don't need your permission.  That's what this is all about.

□ [“'The Science Has Changed' – Communist Doctor on CNN Explains Why She Now Supports Lifting Pandemic Restrictions and Mask Mandates"]

The cunt didn't say anything about the science itself, only that mask-wearing should be an individual choice and it damages childrens' ability to learn.  We knew that before you imposed these rules.

Still working on the "History project," it seems to be all I do.  Anyway, I'm going through the dawn of humanity.  One thing that struck me was the Battle of Kadesh, circa 1274BC.  It was the largest battle up to that point in history, between Egypt and the Hittites, and lead to the first peace treaty.  That would be a major starting point for nations, the ability to say 'we shall stop fighting' and be expected to keep that promise, a group negotiating with another group.

Egypt had already been around for quite a while and one thing that struck me was how few names are known of anybody involved.  As always, I need to stress that I'm not researching in depth, but it's been rare to see anybody named other than the rulers and even the rulers don't have full names as we know them, and this was the most advanced society on the planet.

But it's understandable, they basically didn't have writing and had even less reading.  There would be little sense of a timeline.  Yeah, you know the people in your vicinity, your neighbors, their parents, their kids, but that's about it.  Grandparents and grandkids are fairly distant and beyond that, there's nothing to base anything on.  Still understandable, but from what I remember of Egyptian mythology, there was a lot of incest going on.  Sex with your son or daughter was totally acceptable and the rulers' religions imposed that belief.  That's how they'd gotten this far, why stop now?

Roughly around that time, Jews were trying to get the hell out of Egypt, what a coincidence.  They had started off with Abel trying to be like mom and pop with his brother and Cain not going with that.  *DON'T DO THAT* is one of the main starting points in God's lesson to the planet and everyone on it, which Jews have done their best to maintain ever since.  And by an amazing coincidence, they're hated.

Also around the same time, there was a war in Turkey.  At this point I basically believe it happened the way it's known, the people involved did live and die there and at least one of them took a long time to get home.  The original bases for them is true, no matter how much they've been modified ever since.  Did the Trojan Horse actually happen?  Probably not the way we know it but probably some sort of infiltration, hiding among the spoils of victory to get inside the city.

It's not like all these events happened at once, as far as we know, but the collective mentality was aware of them and could compare them across however many decades or centuries were actually involved.  For all intents and purposes, these were the first events that started civilization.  And incest/sex with children is still being promoted to this day.

Obviously it didn't get stopped even at the time.  For the Greeks, Zeus was banging his sisters and probably not the only one.  Didn't Hera cheat with one of her brothers to set up a scheme in the Trojan War?  Probably wouldn't be hard to find kings of Jerusalem who got into that although they might be known for being infamous right before the fall.

Also ran into the Battle of Megiddo, the first recorded military battle in history as well as the source of the word "armageddon."  The battle itself took place in Israel.

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