17 February, 2022

Trump didn't freeze the bank accounts of people who disagreed with him, he should be punished for that.

First they went after the Trump supporters and I cheered them on because I enjoy persecuting people...

They're just going all-out on this insanity, it's like they all uniformly moved into this line of "thinking" where they rule and nothing can ever go wrong, at least nothing they're responsible for.  It's always the fault of people they hate.

So now there's a run on Canada's banks.  Whether or not they gave money to the truckers, a loooooot of people are now scared that they're going to have their accounts taken away so they'll grab them in cash right now.  Problem is, banks aren't set up for that.  The money doesn't actually exist, it's almost all on computers and nowhere else.

That's going to cause problems for people who have nothing to do with the Freedom Convoy, who use their bank accounts to pay rent and buy groceries.  Then there's the mistakes that can be made in the process, if they pick the wrong person's name to freeze their accounts, they've just dragged someone else in for persecution for no reason other than they want to persecute people.  They wanted to crush Martin but accidentally typed 'Marvin,' sucks to be Marvin.

It's not going to help companies who are already having enough troubles just getting by.  The police and military use bank accounts too, are they going to be magically protected?  Or can they just take what they want from citizens, following Trudeau's example?

It's the sort of thing that makes me suspect this is part of the plan, to shut down banks so they can create society the way they want instead of a way that actually works for everybody.  It's not going to stay in Canada, that's for damn sure.

They refuse to give the truth because they don't think the people who pay them would react well.  Really.

The people with the most vaccinations are the ones hospitalized and dying, far more than those of us without any.  And that's the truth they don't want people to know.  Ok.

Nope, I'm not saying any way this makes sense as a sensible idea.  But they still want to push their propaganda on the masses and everyone will believe it?  They don't see any way this could go wrong.  That's why they're in charge of everybody and they want it to stay that way.

□ [“Trudeau Regime Will Start Confiscating Pets Belonging to Freedom Convoy Protesters"]

If they can take your children, they can take your pets and yes, euthanizing is probably what they'll do.  At your expense no less.  The dogs too.  It's all government property, they can do whatever they want, they don't need consent.

February 17, 2022

She didn't mind the big lies about the 2016 election, she was the one who started them.

What is she still doing out.  She just looks old and weak.

February 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

I don't have much else to say.  Still working on the "History project," going through the first years of the 4th Century BC.  It's pretty much all about Greece, the only ones who could write things down for future centuries to read.

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