02 February, 2022

I put the hogs into the blender, now how do I find out if they have a shadow?

Former UCLA ‘Philosophy of Race’ Lecturer Arrested For Threatening to Commit Mass Shooting Against White Members of Philosophy Department
February 1, 2022

□ [“ABC Suspends Whoopi Goldberg from ‘The View’ for Offensive Holocaust Comments"]

The fat, stupid old bitch claimed the Holocaust was just 'whites against whites,' nothing to care about.  It had nothing to do with race, never mind that the killers specifically said they were removing an inferior race.  Since then she's made false apologies and apparently had never bothered to learn a basic truth of the 20th century in all her many decades on this planet.  It's like blacks killing blacks, nobody cares, that's her opinion.  She's in Hollywood, how is she going to know anybody who could tell her what really happened?

So she's been suspended for two weeks.  Rosanne made a similar comment and got fired from a show she owned but Whoopi just gets a vacation.  The curve will be flattened by the time she gets back and she can return to saying some rape isn't really 'rape-rape.'  But Rosanne just obeyed, reportedly Whoopi is pissed.

She was probably eager to ban Joe Rogan though, something about telling the audience bad things that weren't remotely true.

The jobs report is coming out, instead of the faux-government insisting that we'd grow by 200,000 jobs in January, we lost 300,000.  That's a big difference.  Biden's people even tweeted today that 2021 was the greatest year of jobs growth in US history, letting people go back to the jobs they already had before the government forced them to stop working.

To the extent these numbers are real, the government is just moving them around until they see what they want, regardless of what the truth is.  Where have we seen this before?

□ [“Leaked White House Notes From Situation Room Meeting Day Before Kabul Fell Reveals Biden’s Afghan Failures"]

Oh, right.  They decided that whatever they did would succeed and absolutely refused to listen to anyone who actually knew how things work.  It was literally only a few hours before Kabul fell that they started looking into who had been working for the US all these years and might want to flee the Taliban.  Might want to get started asking people about that, maybe working out how to get them out.

Nah, what's the worst that could happen?  They couldn't do more to prove the truth of Islam if they prayed five times a day and made the pilgrimage to Mecca.  That's what the infidel is for.

In other news, a "Convoy to DC" is getting ready.  If there's any way I can help them, I would totally do that.

How else can we help?  I'm not a trucker, don't have money and don't live close by but I do have free time and a work-ethic that focuses on supply and logistics.  I can fill out forms, I can keep an eye on cameras and contact you if something looks suspicious, stuff like that.  What can I do to help or who can we contact to make the same offer?

□ [“Virginia AG to Intervene in Loudoun County Mask Fight After Assistant Principal Threatens to Charge Maskless Elementary Schoolchildren with 'Trespassing'"]

For the last couple days, I've been seeing if my reading abilities are any better (they're not) by going through the final Preacher collection.  Seeing this article reminds me of the scene where Jesse makes a deal with the Patron Saint of Killers.  Right now I totally agree with that, "Then by God, let's turn you LOOSE."

WTH? Wisconsin Election Commission Enacts Rule that Enables Local Officials to Fill in Missing Info on Ballot Envelopes
February 1, 2022

Jeff Zucker Resigns From CNN – Relationship with Colleague Uncovered – *Network Stunned*
February 2, 2022

CNN anchor Brian Stelter: Chris Cuomo Was ‘Trying to Burn the Place Down’ – Was Going to Reveal ‘Incriminating Information’ About Jeff Zucker
February 2, 2022

He Just Can’t Help It: Biden Leans Forward and Whispers During Remarks on Cancer Research
February 2, 2022

Jill Grabs Feeble Joe’s Hand, Leads Him Off Stage
February 2, 2022

SUNY Prof defends 'adult-child sex,' saying 'I don't think it's blanket wrong at any age' - he literally specifies what ages are included in "any age"
February 2, 2022

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