27 February, 2022

What superpowers do you hope to get after the nukes go off?

□ [“Putin Orders Nuclear Deterrent Forces on Highest Alert"]

I suspect it doesn't mean that much, it's probably not uncommon for nuclear powers to raise the alert when they're at war.  The media usually doesn't get told but they're fine with that, they'll take what they get.  And he has to deal with NATO.

I definitely think there's something going on here but I doubt me or anyone else is going to figure out what that is.  I don't expect nukes to get used but it really does seem like we're in the 'last days.'

□ [“The EU Bans Russia Today and Sputnik News Channels — Is Working on More Tools to Ban Toxic ‘Disinformation’"]

This is an excuse for tyranny and censorship.  They get to decide anything they don't like is "dis-mis" and there's nothing anyone can do about it, they're in charge.  This is just another excuse for them to grab more power and shut everything else down, not that they needed one. That's probably a good example of why I think they really are working for Russia, or at least serving the same masters.

□ [“Russia central bank urges calm amid cash run fears"]

A second national run on banks, that must be a good sign, right?  They're trying to rip down finances all over the world now, presumably the final decisions were made at the recent World Economic Forum.  Safe to assume US banks are targeted and will be crashing shortly.

They're going to destroy money, that's basically a given.  I don't know what they think is going to replace it but I assume it won't work.  Whatever fragments of society that remain will work out their own financial system and money will be at the root of it.  The rulers aren't going to keep their mansions because they're special people who get free cooks, maids, gardeners, electricians, etc.

What are they expecting to do with this?  Obviously they intend to see themselves on top but is that it?  Some drug-based religion?  Ok, but what does it do?  I can see that as an aspect but not the actual purpose.  Maybe it's the same reason I'm trying to figure out the basis for leftism, who knows?

□ [“North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Eastward Toward Sea as Vladimir Putin Orders Nuclear Forces on Highest Alert"]

Then there's this guy.  Because not enough has been going on these days and we were all thinking 'I really wish North Korea would get involved.'  Not me though, I'm still waiting for Iran.

What do they think they're going to get from this?  A world they can shape anyway they want without regard to reality?  Ok, that's believable but how do they think they're going to do that?  Make everyone so miserable that they think we'll beg them to rule?

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□ [“Fourth dose of COVID vaccine may not be needed for most people… yet"]

Some of them are still taking this seriously.  You can't really fight a war if you're still obsessed over a fake virus but not everybody understands that.  Now granted, this doesn't seem like a real war either so the enemy does have that going for them, but how do they expect to convince people to obey this?

The convoys are still moving.  Not getting much publicity that I've seen but they're all moving, different groups that presumably will merge at the destination.  I'm still not sure what they're intending to do.

It's several different groups, I get the impression some have already reached Washington.  Dunno what they'll do other than wait for the others.  But there's gotta be something coming out of this, what's the point otherwise?

I'm not even sure what else to say about this, at this point it seems like it's just something to do.  I'm surprised that there aren't more trucks involved, this seems to be a lot smaller than the Canada Convoy and it's been going for a few days by now.  If the truckers are on strike, great, but...?

We really need some heroes at this point.  We can't take this any more.

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