12 February, 2022

How many trucks can Trudeau tow if the tow trucks won't tow trucks?

WINDSOR POLICE MOVE IN – Begin Removing Protesters Blocking Ambassador Bridge to US — Snipers on the Roof – City Buses Arrive for Arrests — Media Warned to Move Back
February 12, 2022

Canadian Authorities Now Threaten Freedom Convoy Truckers with $100,000 Fine and Up to Year in Prison for Blocking Windsor Bridge
February 12, 2022

This won't stop it from getting violent.  Still don't know if this is true or not, it's possibly the tyrants trying to lie to the media.  This post just came in on the Freedom Convoy website:

As much as you think your side is tough, just know that you're not the majority. Youre just loud.
And we let you grieve and cry a lot, but when you fuck with us for too long, you'll find out we outnumber you and have no problem showing you how real violence is done.
There's no conversation to be had. We had it for two years. You lost the election and got to cry real loud and be in the papers.
Now go home. Or we make your home where your body falls.

When has that ever worked.  The next step is some "mostly peaceful protests" that liberals love and they claim to have won the election.  All right then.  Right here is support for violence and killing lots of people.

This will not support people to provide the stores with food for people to buy.  What's their solution for that?  Well, they're already eager to kill lots of people, that would up their alley.

No news has been coming out all morning, it's early-mid afternoon now.  Are the truckers arrested, are they standing up, which side are the police on?  By late afternoon, trucks are forming on the US side of the bridge, I'm not optimistic that this will stand for long.

Reportedly there's also some live streams tonight.  Can't find weblink or anything like that but I'll keep looking.

I've been productive today but not as much as usual.  At this point I give up.  Maybe I'll post something later tonight.

Adele Accused of Transphobia For Saying She “Loves Being a Woman” at Brits Awards
February 12, 2022

Biden Promises ‘Widespread Human Suffering’ in Wake of a Russian Invasion
February 12, 2022

Syracuse U. dean apologizes for email calling Tibet a country separate from China
February 11, 2022

Minneapolis and St. Paul Lift Vaccine-or-Test Mandates for Indoor Effective Immediately
February 12, 2022

US Embassy in Kiev is to be EVACUATED as Russia mobilizes for 'invasion of Ukraine on Wednesday': Biden will call Putin from Camp David at 11am in a final bid to dodge war
February 11, 2022

Macron Police Hurl Tear Gas at Customers Inside Paris Cafe — Chase Hundreds of Freedom Protesters Down the Street
February 12, 2022

Obama White House Doctor: “Why Won’t Biden Take A Cognitive Exam Like President Trump Did?”
February 12, 2022

Freedom Trucker Convoy Gathers on US Side of Border Under Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron, Michigan
February 12, 2022

If Ukraine hadn't given up its nukes, there wouldn't be a problem.  But Biden promised if they gave up their nukes, we'd defend them against Russia.  Then the 2014 invasion happened and we did nothing.  Do you really think this will be any different?

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