28 February, 2022

Thanks to Biden, Ukrainians will soon be as happy as Afghanis are now.

□ [“House Lifts Mask Mandate Just in Time For Biden’s SOTU Address"]

This is a major problem of dealing with leftists.  They can't seriously believe that people are going to believe that they've magically solved a deadly virus like this, particularly when parts of their own institutions are promoting horrible danger from the virus and other parts of their institutions have pointed out for a long time that it's just a virus like all the other 'national disasters' of the last couple decades, it's not that big a deal.

So are they stupid enough to believe that everyone is going to believe them?  Do they have some smarter plan in mind?  This is where even trying to understand them reaches a halt, how do they even get to this point, much less want to force everyone else to go along with them?

Even scarier, it is looking like their supporters genuinely are that stupid.  But "stupid" isn't the right word, because they're usually not, at least not in any obvious way.

NATO and the EU are promising to help Ukraine, even Switzerland is giving up its neutrality.  Is this the goal, to get everybody into one group so that whoever runs the group rules the world?

Illinois 5-Year-Old Kid Suffers Vaginal Hemorrhage 10 Days After Receiving Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine
February 28, 2022

“I Am Now a Part of the Clinical Trial” – 22-Year-Old Female Marine Develops Pericarditis One Week After Receiving Second Dose of the Moderna Vaccine
February 28, 2022

Putin Said Russia Was Targeting Nazis in Ukraine – The Azov Battalion Is a Nazi Group in Ukraine
February 28, 2022

Ukrainian President Zelensky Signs Letter and Appeals to EU for Immediate Inclusion into the Union
February 28, 2022

California, Washington and Oregon End School Mask Mandates – Just in Time For Biden’s SOTU Address
February 28, 2022

New York City to Lift Vaccine Mandate For Indoor Businesses, Dining and Events
February 28, 2022

Black Man Smears Human Feces on Woman’s Face in NYC Subway Station
February 28, 2022

Biden Mispronounces His Own Supreme Court Nominee’s Name During Black History Month Celebration
February 28, 2022

□ [“Another House Democrat Retirement Spells Trouble For Pelosi – 31st Incumbent Dem Won’t Seek Reelection This Year"]

So will Pelosi be the only old person left?  She was born when FDR was running for re-election and not for his final re-election either.  I know the Republican average-age is much lower than Democrats but aren't there any old people left besides Pelosi?

I keep pointing out that Democrats are just going to steal all elections in the future and dare you to prove me wrong but even so, they've gotta be really worried about this.  There's all the districts Republicans (used to) have a chance of winning in normal circumstances and now they've got a few dozen where people have had to put up with the last two years and want an actual change.  Democrats must be freaking out about this chance.  They'll have to double down on the election theft.

But Pelosi's not quitting.  She knows how to groove with the young cats.

□ [“Federal Government Warns Americans to Mask, Social Distance While Sheltering From Nuclear Explosions"]

This is how government works.  Some parts of it are insisting that this pretend virus is no longer a problem, others are drilled into belief that we're all going to die from the Covid and somehow we have large enough shelters that we can stay six feet apart while fearing the radiation.

And there's no-one in command who can straighten this out.  I think it's one reason for the urge to tyrannical government, just believing that everybody must obey whatever The Leader says, or The Leader's sycophants.  They're all in charge so that's all that's needed.  No, everything was worked out long ago by people in each position who had a clue what they're doing which The Leader is clueless about.

For thousands of years, sensible leaders have known how to let other people do *their jobs* which is what they were hired for.  But that's never the case for leftists which would explain why they always demand more and more power, thinking that will solve everything..

You can see something like that going with all the global media companies and Big Tech that have been banning any right-winger they can, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, etc.  They aren't banning Russia, individuals, companies or government.  Nope, nothing wrong with Russians saying whatever they want.  But support the convoy and you'll get banned.

Massive Explosion in Kiev Following Ukrainian Peace Talks with Russia
February 28, 2022

□ [“Ukrainian Parliament Member Tells Fox News: 'We Not only Fight For Ukraine – We Fight For this New World Order'"]

It really is starting to come off like the Ukraine is a hub for the global corruption and whatever else he is, that Putin's not the villain.  People like Klaus Schwab and George Soros have been using it, the Bidens, the Clintons, etc.  Russia's not just wiping out buildings or populations, there aren't major battles going on in the streets.  The cities still have electricity, water and internet.

Most of Ukraine's army is in the east which is being surrounded by Russian forces who are taking out the fuel and supplies from coming in.  Soon the military will soon be forced to surrender, along with whatever US technology they have access to.  The Russian air force is dominant.

It's not a conquest in any real sense of the word but beyond that we still don't know what's going on, Russia doesn't seem to be prepared to occupy.  But the busty Ukrainian chick who showed off with a rifle a few days ago is saying they're fighting for the "new world order"?

The US convoy, whichever version this is, should be making it to St. Louis tonight.  Almost no press, no attention.  Personally I'm fine with that but then, I have no idea what they're trying to accomplish.

Which isn't that much different than what's going on with Russia and Ukraine now that you mention it.  But since we don't have any idea what the purpose is, we have no clue what's going on or even who's side we should be on.

This is really not the 21st Century we were told to expect.

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