07 October, 2020

Brian May & Friends - Star Fleet Project [Mini LP]

I knew I'd have to listen to this soon, so here we go.  It's an example of why Youtube has done more to ruin modern music than anything else and that takes some doing.  It was included on a bootleg CD I bought years ago so I'd heard it before.  As far as I know, Brian only released it as a Mini LP back in 1983 and included the three songs as b-sides on a couple of his singles in the 90s which I probably would have bought if I didn't already have the songs.  I was still tempted, but anyway...

It's just great playing.  That's really all there is.  "Star Fleet" was a Japanese cartoon and Brian decided to record a cover which is how the project started, ""Let Me Out" was a song he had written long before - it's unclear how long - and obviously Queen never thought it was worth doing.  Then there's "Blues Breaker" which is just a 12-minute jam.  It doesn't go anywhere but it's worth it if you like guitar rock'n'roll.  They dedicated it to Eric Clapton and reportedly he was not pleased by it.  Oh well...

I like the two actual songs the best.  "Let Me Out" is just fun and the title track stays in its lines for the most part, until the second half when they go all-out.  Neither of their bands were known for just playing around even though they were obviously capable of it.

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