14 October, 2020

So what's going on today?

Joe Biden Calls a Lid and Hides in His Basement After Explosive Revelations From Hunter Biden’s Recovered Hard Drive

Obviously that had nothing to do with it, Biden would have taken the day off no matter what.  He just worked for two whole days.  Almost nobody saw him but he did go outside and pretend he was running for POTUS.

I have wondered if the investigation of his son is the only reason he's making the attempt.  Yeah, most politicians who don't have term limits never want to retire - Nancy Pelosi doesn't, Diane Feinstein doesn't, I'm surprised Barbara Boxer did, I think Ted Kennedy only showed up once in Obama's term before dying in August 2009 but no way was he going to let some young person touch his seat [errr, what?] - but Biden finally did have an excuse when he got out of the Senate.  Yet he's still here.

I haven't paid much attention to the revelations on Hunter although I'm sure some have gotten through.  This is definitely one thing Trump hasn't fixed, it's taking forever for these things to go anywhere and there's no reason to expect they'll ever come to an end.  It's come out recently that it was Hillary's idea to pretend Russia was to blame for Trump and everybody just went with it and no one's going to be punished.

It has come out that Facebook and Twitter are blocking anyone's attempt to share this information on Hunter.  What do they think that's going to accomplish?  It's blatant censorship for political reasons and isn't going to work.  I've seen it compared to the Streisand Effect where (too lazy to look up the specifics) Barbara Streisand fought to stop pictures from getting out about her beach property, taken for some environmentalist reason going down the oceanside, and all that did was make people more interested in seeing the pictures which went all over the internet.

This is the sort of thing totalitarians never think about and, for whatever reason, that lines up with where the left is these days.  They can't see any reason why anybody would disagree with them and will punish anyone who does.  Nor does anybody around them have permission to point out reality if it contradicts with what the leftist wants to hear.  If environmentalism means people might be able to see pictures of Barbara Streisand's beach, environmentalism must lose.  Just a brief internet search, but I can't find anyplace where Streisand has made any comments about losing her lawsuit for $50 million against people who wanted to document coastal erosion.  A sensible person would be able to say 'boy, was that a dumb thing to do' but not her.

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